Error messages ============== * ``ERROR ! Unsupported Keyword !`` The program stops because unsupported keyword is specified. * ``"ERROR ! Keyword`` *keyword* ``is duplicated !`` The program stops because a parameter is specified twice. * ``ERROR ! Unsupported Solver :`` *solver* The program stops because unsupported parameter for ``method`` is specified. * ``ERROR ! Unsupported Model :`` *model* * | ``Sorry, this system is unsupported in the STANDARD MODE...`` | ``Sorry, specified combination,`` | ``MODEL :`` *model* | ``LATTICE :`` *lattice* | ``is unsupported in the STANDARD MODE...`` | ``Please use the EXPART MODE, or write a NEW FUNCTION and post us.`` The program stops because unsupported parameter for ``model`` and/or ``lattice`` is specified. * ``ERROR ! abs(2 * Sz) > nsite in Hubbard model !`` * ``ERROR ! Nelec > 2 * nsite in Hubbard model !`` * ``ERROR ! (nelec + 2 * Sz) % 2 != 0 in Hubbard model !`` * ``ERROR ! nelec <= nsite && 2 * |Sz| > nelec in Hubbard model !`` * ``ERROR ! nelec > nsite && 2 * |Sz| > 2 * nsite - nelec in Hubbard model !`` * ``ERROR ! abs(2 * Sz) > nsite in Spin model !`` * ``ERROR ! (nsite + 2 * Sz) % 2 != 0 in Spin model !`` * ``ERROR ! abs(2 * Sz) > nsite in Hubbard model !`` * ``ERROR ! Nelec_cond / 2 + Nelec_loc > nsite in Kondo model !`` * ``ERROR ! (nelec_cond + nelec_loc + 2 * Sz) % 2 != 0 in Kondo model !`` * ``ERROR ! nelec_cond <= nsite / 2 && 2 * |Sz| > nelec_cond + nelec_loc ...`` * ``ERROR ! nelec_cond > nsite / 2 && abs(Sz2) > nsite / 2 * 3 - nelec...`` In the calculation of the canonical ensemble, there are some irrelevant combinations of the number of electrons, the number of sites, and the total spin moment ( the number of electrons is larger twice than the number of sites); If these situations are detected, the program will stop. * | ``Check !``\ *keyword*\ ``is SPECIFIED but will NOT be USED.`` | ``Please COMMENT-OUT this line`` | ``or check this input is REALLY APPROPRIATE for your purpose !`` Because an unnecessary parameter is specified, the program suggests checking the input file. If that parameter is actually unnecessary, please delete or comment out this line. * ``ERROR !``\ *keyword*\ ``is NOT specified !`` The program stops because a prerequisite keyword is not specified. * *keyword* ``=`` *value* ``###### DEFAULT VALUE IS USED ######`` This is not an error message. The program states that the default value is used because this keyword is not specified.