.. highlight:: none CoulombInter file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This file determines the values of off-site interactions :math:`V_{ij}` (for :math:`S=1/2` system), .. math:: \mathcal{H}+=\sum_{i,j}V_{ij} n_ {i}n_{j}. An example of the file format is as follows. :: ====================== NCoulombInter 6 ====================== ========CoulombInter ====== ====================== 0 1 1.0000 1 2 1.0000 2 3 1.0000 3 4 1.0000 4 5 1.0000 5 0 1.0000 File format ^^^^^^^^^^^ - Line 1: Header - Line 2: [string01] [int01] - Lines 3-5: Header - Lines 6-: [int02] [int03] [double01]. Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ - :math:`[`\ string01\ :math:`]` **Type :** String (a blank parameter is not allowed) **Description :** A keyword for the total number of off-site interactions. You can freely give a name to the keyword. - :math:`[`\ int01\ :math:`]` **Type :** Int (a blank parameter is not allowed) **Description :** An integer giving the total number of off-site interactions. - :math:`[`\ int02\ :math:`]`, :math:`[`\ int03\ :math:`]` **Type :** Int (a blank parameter is not allowed) **Description :** An integer giving a site index (:math:`0<= [`\ int02\ :math:`], [`\ int03\ :math:`]<` ``Nsite``). - :math:`[`\ double01\ :math:`]` **Type :** Double (a blank parameter is not allowed) **Description :** A value for :math:`V_{ij}`. Use rules ^^^^^^^^^ - Headers cannot be omitted. - A program is terminated when the components of off-site interactions are double counted. - A program is terminated when :math:`[`\ int01\ :math:`]` is different from the total number of off-site interactions defined in this file. - A program is terminated when either :math:`[`\ int02\ :math:`]` or :math:`[`\ int03\ :math:`]` is outside the range of the defined values. .. raw:: latex \newpage