.. highlight:: none CalcTimer.dat ------------- | The name of the calculation process, the process number, and the calculation process time are outputted in order at each line in the CalcTime.dat file. An example of the file format for the TPQ method is as follows. :: All [0000] 12.94052 sz [1000] 0.01795 diagonalcalc [2000] 0.00693 CalcByTPQ [3000] 12.90670 FirstMultiply [3100] 0.08416 rand in FirstMultiply [3101] 0.00172 mltply in FirstMultiply [3102] 0.07707 expec_energy_flct [3200] 9.06255 calc flctuation in expec_energy_flct [3201] 1.67779 mltply in expec_energy_flct [3202] 7.31207 expec_onebody [3300] 0.11640 expec_twobody [3400] 3.28796 Multiply [3500] 0.14840 FileIO [3600] 0.20493 ================================================ All mltply [0001] 7.38883 diagonal [0100] 0.04153 Hubbard [0300] 7.34636 trans in Hubbard [0310] 7.34595 double [0311] 0.00000 single [0312] 0.00000 inner [0313] 7.34299 interall in Hubbard [0320] 0.00008 interPE [0321] 0.00000 inner [0322] 0.00000 pairhopp in Hubbard [0330] 0.00006 interPE [0331] 0.00000 inner [0332] 0.00000 exchange in Hubbard [0340] 0.00004 interPE [0341] 0.00000 inner [0342] 0.00000 ================================================ .. raw:: latex \newpage