.. highlight:: none .. _Subsec:eigenvalue: Eigenvalue.dat -------------- | (For the FullDiag method) This file is outputted to show the energies calculated by the FullDiag method. An example of the file format is as follows. :: 0 -4.8141698096 1 -3.7968502453 2 -3.2462822372 ... 397 13.9898305290 398 14.4896221034 399 14.8525199079 .. _file_format_37: File format ~~~~~~~~~~~ * [int01] [double01] .. _parameters_37: Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ * [int01] **Type :** Int **Description :** The index of eigenvalues. The index 0 is for the energy of the ground state and the indexes are labeled in descending order for energies. * [double01] **Type :** Double **Description :** The expected value of the Hamiltonian (energy) :math:`\langle \mathcal H \rangle`. .. raw:: latex \newpage