.. highlight:: none .. _Subsec:eigenvec: eigenvec.dat ------------ When OutputEigenVec=1 in a CalcMod file, the eigenvectors calculated by the Lanczos method are outputted. When InputEigenVec=1 in a CalcMod file, eigenvectors are inputted by this outputted file. The file format is of the binary type. .. _file_name_18: File name ~~~~~~~~~ * ##_eigenvec\_&&\_rank\_$$.dat ## indicates [string02] in a ModPara file, && is the number of eigenvalues, and $$ is a number of rank. .. _file_format_42: File format ~~~~~~~~~~~ | This file is written through the following source code (a little different fron the actual :math:`{\mathcal H}\Phi` source). :: fp = fopen("zvo_eigenvec_0_rank_0.dat", "wb"); fwrite(&number_of_interations, sizeof(int), 1,fp); fwrite(&local_size, sizeof(unsigned long int),1,fp); fwrite(&eigen_vector[0], sizeof(complex double),local_size+1, fp); fclose(fp); where ``number_of_interations`` is the number of iterations, ``local_size`` is the size of eigenvector (if MPI is used, it differs from the dimension of the Hilbert space), ``eigen_vector`` is the (complex) eigenvector. **Note:** The fist component of ``eigen_vector`` (``eigen_vector[0]``) is not used for calculation. .. raw:: latex \newpage