.. highlight:: none .. _Subsec:residual: residual.dat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This file is outputted to show the calculation process information for the dynamical Green's function by using the LOBCG method (\ ``CalcType``\ =3 in ``CalcMod``\ file). An example of the file format is as follows. File name ^^^^^^^^^^ - residual.dat File format ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Lines 1-\ ``NOmega``\ :\ :math:`[`\ int01\ :math:`]` :math:`[`\ double01\ :math:`]` :math:`[`\ double02\ :math:`]` :math:`[`\ double03\ :math:`]` :math:`[`\ double04\ :math:`]` - Line \ ``NOmega``\ +1 :empty - Repeat Lines 1-\ ``NOmega``\ +1. Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ - :math:`[`\ int01\ :math:`]` **Type :** Int **Description :** Number of Iteration Steps. Only multiples of 10 are printed. - :math:`[`\ double01\ :math:`]` **Type :** Double **Description :** The value of frequencies. - :math:`[`\ double02\ :math:`]`, :math:`[`\ double03\ :math:`]` **Type :** Double | **Description :** The value of dynamical Green’s functions :math:`G(z)` at \ :math:`[`\ int01\ :math:`]`\ iteration step. | [double02] and [double03] are a real and an imaginary part of :math:`G(z)`, respectively. - :math:`[`\ double04\ :math:`]` **Type :** Double | **Description :** The norm of the residual vector at \ :math:`[`\ int01\ :math:`]`\ iteration step. .. raw:: latex \newpage