.. highlight:: none Parameters for the lattice -------------------------- Chain [ :numref:`fig_chap04_1_lattice` (a)] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``L`` **Type :** Integer **Description :** The length of the chain is specified with this parameter. .. figure:: ../../../../figs/chap04_1_lattice.png :name: fig_chap04_1_lattice :alt: Schematic illustration of (a) one-dimensional chain lattice, (b) two-dimensional square lattice, and (c) two-dimensional triangular lattice. They have :math:`t`, :math:`V`, and :math:`J` as the nearest neighbor hopping, an offsite Coulomb integral, and a spin-coupling constant, respectively (magenta solid lines); they also have :math:`t'`, :math:`V'`, and :math:`J'` as the next nearest neighbor hopping, offsite Coulomb integral, and spin-coupling constant, respectively (green dashed line). Schematic illustration of (a) one-dimensional chain lattice, (b) two-dimensional square lattice, and (c) two-dimensional triangular lattice. They have :math:`t`, :math:`V`, and :math:`J` as the nearest neighbor hopping, an offsite Coulomb integral, and a spin-coupling constant, respectively (magenta solid lines); they also have :math:`t'`, :math:`V'`, and :math:`J'` as the next nearest neighbor hopping, offsite Coulomb integral, and spin-coupling constant, respectively (green dashed line). .. figure:: ../../../../figs/chap04_1_honeycomb.png :name: fig_chap04_1_honeycomb :alt: Schematic illustration of the anisotropic honeycomb lattice. The first/second/third nearest neighbor hopping integral, spin coupling, and offsite Coulomb integral depend on the bond direction. Schematic illustration of the anisotropic honeycomb lattice. The first/second/third nearest neighbor hopping integral, spin coupling, and offsite Coulomb integral depend on the bond direction. .. figure:: ../../../../figs/kagome.png :name: fig_kagome :alt: Schematic illustration of the Kagome lattice. Schematic illustration of the Kagome lattice. .. figure:: ../../../../figs/ladder.png :name: fig_ladder :alt: Schematic illustration of the ladder lattice. Schematic illustration of the ladder lattice. Ladder ( :numref:`fig_ladder` ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``L`` **Type :** Integer **Description :** The length of the ladder is specified with this parameter. * ``W`` **Type :** Integer **Description :** The number of the ladder is specified with this parameter. .. figure:: ../../../../figs/chap04_1_unitlattice.png :name: fig_chap04_1_unitlattice :scale: 100% :alt: Shape of the numerical cell when :math:`{\boldsymbol a}_0 = (6, 2), {\boldsymbol a}_1 = (2, 4)` in the triangular lattice. The region surrounded by :math:`{\boldsymbol a}_0` (magenta dashed arrow) and :math:`{\boldsymbol a}_1` (green dashed arrow) becomes the cell to be calculated (20 sites). Shape of the numerical cell when :math:`{\boldsymbol a}_0 = (6, 2), {\boldsymbol a}_1 = (2, 4)` in the triangular lattice. The region surrounded by :math:`{\boldsymbol a}_0` (magenta dashed arrow) and :math:`{\boldsymbol a}_1` (green dashed arrow) becomes the cell to be calculated (20 sites). **Tetragonal lattice** [ :numref:`fig_chap04_1_lattice` (b)], triangular lattice [ :numref:`fig_chap04_1_lattice` (c)], honeycomb lattice [ :numref:`fig_chap04_1_honeycomb` ], Kagome lattice [ :numref:`fig_kagome` ] In these lattices, we can specify the shape of the numerical cell by using the following two methods. * ``W``, ``L`` **Type :** Integer **Description :** The alignment of the original unit cells (dashed black lines in :numref:`fig_chap04_1_lattice` - :numref:`fig_kagome` ) is specified with this parameter. * ``a0W``, ``a0L``, ``a1W``, ``a1L`` **Type :** Integer **Description :** We can specify two vectors (:math:`{\boldsymbol a}_0, {\boldsymbol a}_1`) that surround the numerical cell (:numref:`fig_chap04_1_unitlattice` ). These vectors should be specified in the fractional coordinate. If we use both these methods, :math:`{\mathcal H}\Phi` stops. When ``model=SpinGCCMA``, we can use only the former. We can check the shape of the numerical cell by using a file ``lattice.gp`` which is written in Standard mode. This file can be read by ``gnuplot`` as follows: :: $ gnuplot lattice.gp .. raw:: latex \newpage