.. highlight:: none Parameters for the numerical condition ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``2S`` **Type :** Positive integer (``1`` as a default) **Description :** The :math:`2 S` at each site in the localized spin system is specified. (E.g. ``1`` for the :math:`1/2` system) * ``Restart`` **Type :** String (choose from ``"None"``, ``"Restart_out"``, ``"Restart_in"``, ``"Restart"``. ``"None"`` as a default) **Description :** The condition of the restart is specified. ``"None"`` for omitting file IOs for the restart, ``"Restart_out"`` for starting calculation from scratch and generating a restart-file after the calculation finishes, ``"Restart_in"`` for starting calculation with the restart-file generated in the previous run, ``"Restart"`` for ``"Restart_out"`` + ``"Restart_in"``. * ``Lanczos_max`` **Type :** Positive integer (default value: ``2000``) **Description :** The upper limit of the Lanczos/LOBCG/BiCG step and the number of steps for TPQ/Time=evolution are specified with this parameter. * ``initial_iv`` **Type :** Integer (default value: ``-1``) **Description :** An initial vector is specified with this parameter. * Lanczos method * For the canonical ensemble and ``initial_iv`` :math:`\geq 0` The non-zero components of an initial vector are specified with this parameter. * For the grand canonical ensemble or ``initial_iv`` :math:`< 0` The seed of the random generator is given by this parameter and the random vector is used as the initial vector. * TPQ method The seed of the random generator is given by this parameter and the random vector is used as the initial vector. See :ref:`Ch:Algorithm` for details of setting an initial vector. * ``exct`` **Type :** Positive integer (default value: ``1``) | **Description :** The number of eigenvectors obtained from the ground energy by the Lanczos method are specified. | When exct=2, the eigenvector of the first-excited state is obtained. When ``method="CG"``, the number of states to be calculated is specified. **Note**: The condition ``nvec`` :math:`>=` ``exct`` must be satisfied. * ``LanczosEps`` **Type :** Positive integer (default value: ``14``) **Description :** The convergence criterion for the Lanczos method is specified with this parameter. If the difference between the old and the new target eigenvalue falls below :math:`10^{- {\tt LanczosEps}}`, the Lanczos step will finish. For ``method="CG"``, we assume the calculation is converged when the 2-norm of the residual vector becomes smaller than :math:`10^{-{\tt LanczosEps}/2}`. * ``LanczosTarget`` **Type :** Positive integer (default value: ``2``) **Description :** The target eigenenergy for the convergence criterion is specified. If it is set to ``1``, the target eigenenergy becomes the ground state. * ``LargeValue`` **Type :** Double (the default value is provided below) **Description :** (Only for TPQ) :math:`l` as :math:`(l-{\mathcal H}/N_{s})` is used in the mTPQ calculation. Usually, the largest eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian is used as :math:`l`. Thus, the default value of :math:`l` is taken as the summation of the absolute values of each coefficient in the Hamiltonian divided by the number of sites. In the cTPQ calculation, ``LargeValue`` is used as :math:`\Delta\tau=1/LargeValue`. The definition of :math:`\Delta\tau` is explained in :ref:`Ch:algorithm`. * ``NumAve`` **Type :** Positive integer (default value: ``5``) **Description :** (Only for TPQ) The number of independent runs for the TPQ method is specified with this parameter. * ``ExpecInterval`` **Type :** Positive integer (default value: ``20``) | **Description :** (Only for TPQ) The interval of calculating correlation functions in the TPQ iteration is specified. | **Note:** A small interval increases the time cost of calculations. * ``OutputMode`` **Type :** Choose from ``"none"``, ``"correlation"``, and ``"full"`` (``correlation`` as default) **Description :** Indices of correlation functions are specified with this keyword. ``"none"`` indicates correlation functions will not be calculated. When ``outputmode="correlation"``, the correlation function supported by the utility ``fourier`` is computed. For more details, see the document in ``doc/fourier/``. If ``"full"`` is selected, :math:`\langle c_{i \sigma}^{\dagger}c_{j \sigma'} \rangle` is computed at all :math:`i, j, \sigma, \sigma'`, and :math:`\langle c_{i_1 \sigma_1}^{\dagger}c_{i_2 \sigma_2} c_{i_3 \sigma_3}^{\dagger}c_{i_4 \sigma_4} \rangle` is computed at all :math:`i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, \sigma_1, \sigma_2, \sigma_3, \sigma_4`. In a spin system, the indices are specified as those of the Bogoliubov representation (see :ref:`Sec:sec_bogoliubov_rep` ). * ``InitialVecType`` **Type :** Character (choose from ``"C"``, ``"R"``. ``"C"`` as a default) **Description :** The type of the initial eigenvector is specified. ``C`` for the complex number, and ``R`` for the real number. * ``EigenVecIO`` **Type :** String (choose from ``"None"``, ``"Out"``, ``"In"``. ``"None"`` as a default) **Description :** The I/O of the eigenvector is specified. ``"None"`` for omitting the IO of the eigenvector, ``"Out"`` for writing the eigenvector to a file, ``"In"`` for reading the eigenvector from a file and using it in the subsequent calculation (such as the Green’s function). * ``HamIO`` **Type :** String (choose from ``"None"``, ``"Out"``, ``"In"``. ``"None"`` as a default) | **Description :** (Only used in Full Diag mode) | The I/O of the Hamiltonian is specified. | ``None``: not output Hamiltonian. | ``Out``: output Hamiltonian. | ``Iut``: Input Hamiltonian. * ``OutputExcitedVec`` **Type :** String (choose from ``"None"`` or ``"Out"``. ``"None"`` as a default) | **Description :** (Only used in the mode to calculate dynamical green's functions) | The mode to output the excited vector is specified. | ``None``: not output the excited vector. | ``Out``: output the excited vector. .. raw:: latex \newpage