.. highlight:: none Parameters for the type of calculation -------------------------------------- * ``model`` **Type :** String (choose from ``"Fermion Hubbard"``, ``"Spin"``, ``"Kondo Lattice"``, ``"Fermion HubbardGC"``, ``"SpinGC"``, ``"Kondo LatticeGC"``, ``"SpinGCCMA"``) [#]_ **Description :** The target model is specified with this parameter; the expressions above denote the canonical ensemble of the Fermion in the Hubbard model .. math:: :label: fml4_1_hubbard \mathcal H = -\mu \sum_{i \sigma} c^\dagger_{i \sigma} c_{i \sigma} - \sum_{i \neq j, \sigma} t_{i j} c^\dagger_{i \sigma} c_{j \sigma} + \sum_{i} U n_{i \uparrow} n_{i \downarrow} + \sum_{i \neq j} V_{i j} n_{i} n_{j}, the canonical ensemble in the Spin model(\ :math:`\{\alpha, \beta\}=\{x, y, z\}`) .. math:: :label: fml4_1_spin \mathcal H &= -h \sum_{i} S^z_{i} - \Gamma \sum_{i} S^x_{i} + D \sum_{i} S^z_{i} S^z_{i} \nonumber \\ &+ \sum_{i j, \alpha}J_{i j \alpha} S^\alpha_{i} S^\alpha_{j}+ \sum_{i j, \alpha \neq \beta} J_{i j \alpha \beta} S_{i}^\alpha S_{j}^\beta, the canonical ensemble in the Kondo lattice model .. math:: :label: fml4_1_kondo \mathcal H = - \mu \sum_{i \sigma} c^\dagger_{i \sigma} c_{i \sigma} - t \sum_{\langle i j \rangle \sigma} c^\dagger_{i \sigma} c_{j \sigma} + \frac{J}{2} \sum_{i} \left\{ S_{i}^{+} c_{i \downarrow}^\dagger c_{i \uparrow} + S_{i}^{-} c_{i \uparrow}^\dagger c_{i \downarrow} + S_{i}^z (n_{i \uparrow} - n_{i \downarrow}) \right\}, the grand canonical ensemble of the Fermion in the Hubbard model [Eqn. :eq:`fml4_1_hubbard` ], the grand canonical ensemble in the Spin model [Eqn. :eq:`fml4_1_spin` ], and the grand canonical ensemble in the Kondo lattice model [Eqn. :eq:`fml4_1_kondo` ], respectively. When ``model="SpinGCCMA"``, by using a more efficient algorithm [#]_, :math:`{\mathcal H}\Phi` calculates a system that is the same as ``"SpinGC"``. However, supported models and MPI processes are highly limited. See ``"Lattice"`` section. - ``method`` **Type :** String (choose from ``"Lanczos"``, ``"TPQ"``, ``"Full Diag"``, ``"CG"``, ``"Time Evolution"``) **Description :** The calculation type is specified with this parameter; the above expressions above denote the single eigenstate calculation by using the Lanczos method, at the finite-temperature by using the thermally pure quantum state, the full diagonalization method, the multiple eigenstates calculation by using the LOBCG method [#]_ [#]_ , and the simulation of real-time evolution, respectively. The scheme employed for the spectrum calculation is also specified with this parameter. If ``"CG"`` is chosen, the shifted bi-conjugate gradient method [#]_ together with the seed-switch technique [#]_ is employed with the help of the :math:`K\omega` library [#]_ . * ``lattice`` **Type :** String (choose from ``"Chain Lattice"``, ``"Square Lattice"``, ``"Triangular Lattice"``, ``"Honeycomb Lattice"``, ``"Kagome"``, ``"Ladder"``) **Description :** The lattice shape is specified with this parameter; the expressions above denote the one-dimensional chain lattice ( :numref:`fig_chap04_1_lattice` (a)), the two-dimensional square lattice ( :numref:`fig_chap04_1_lattice` (b)), the two-dimensional triangular lattice ( :numref:`fig_chap04_1_lattice` (c)), the two-dimensional anisotropic honeycomb lattice ( :numref:`fig_chap04_1_honeycomb` ), the Kagome Lattice( :numref:`fig_kagome` ), and the ladder lattice ( :numref:`fig_ladder` ) respectively. In ``method="SpinGCCMA"``, only ``"Chain Lattice"``, ``"Honeycomb Lattice"``, ``"Kagome"``, and ``"Ladder"`` are supported. The limits of :math:`L`, :math:`W`, and the number of MPI processes (:math:`N_{\rm proc}`) are as follows: * ``"Chain Lattice"`` :math:`L = 8n` (where :math:`n` is an integer number under the condition :math:`n\geq1`), :math:`N_{\rm proc} \leq 2(L=8)`, :math:`N_{\rm proc} \leq 2^{L/2-2}(L>8)`. * ``"Honeycomb Lattice"`` :math:`W=3, L \geq 2`, :math:`N_{\rm proc} \leq 2(L=2)`, :math:`N_{\rm proc} \leq 64(L>2)`. * ``"Kagome"`` :math:`W=3, L \geq 2`, :math:`N_{\rm proc} \leq 1(L=2)`, :math:`N_{\rm proc} \leq 512(L>2)`. * ``"Ladder"`` :math:`W=2, L = 2n` (where :math:`n` is an integer number under the condition :math:`n\geq4`), :math:`N_{\rm proc} \leq 2^{L-4}`. .. [#] \GC=Grand Canonical .. [#] \Y. Yamaji *et. al.*, manuscript in preparation. .. [#] A.V.Knyazev, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing **23**, 517 (2001). .. [#] S.Yamada, T.Imamura, M.Machida, The Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science **2006**, 20060027 (2006). .. [#] A.Frommer, Computing **70**, 87-109 (2003). .. [#] S.Yamamoto, T. Sogabe, T. Hoshi, S.-L. Zhang, T. Fujiwara, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan **77**, 114713 (2008). .. [#] https://github.com/issp-center-dev/Komega. .. raw:: latex \newpage