leed solver

leed is a Solver made by M.A. Van Hove, which calculates the Rocking curve from atomic positions etc., using SATLEED, and returns the error from the experimental Rocking curve as \(f(x)\). For more information on SATLEED, see [SATLEED].


M.A. Van Hove, W. Moritz, H. Over, P.J. Rous, A. Wander, A. Barbieri, N. Materer, U. Starke, G.A. Somorjai, Automated determination of complex surface structures by LEED, Surface Science Reports, Volume 19, 191-229 (1993). https://doi.org/10.1016/0167-5729(93)90011-D


First, install SATLEED . Access to the following URL http://www.icts.hkbu.edu.hk/VanHove_files/leed/leedsatl.zip and download a zip file. Depending on the details of the system you want to calculate, it is necessary to change the parameters in the source code for SATLEED. After changing parameters, compile programs to generate the executable files such as stal1.exe, satl2.exe .

For trying the example at sample/py2dmat/leed, a utility script file setup.sh for downloading SATLEED, rewriting source codes, and compiling the program is available.:

$ cd sample/py2dmat/leed
$ sh ./setup.sh

After running setup.sh, executable files satl1.exe and satl2.exe are generated in leedsatl directory.

Note that it is assumed that you have already executed satl1.exe before using py2dmat . Therefore, the following files must be generated.

  • Input files of satl1.exe : exp.d, rfac.d, tleed4.i, tleed5.i

  • Output files of satl1.exe : tleed.o , short.t

py2dmat will run satl2.exe based on the above files.

Input parameters

Input parameters are specified in subsections in the solver section (config and reference).

[config] section

  • path_to_solver

    Format: string

    Description: Path to the solver satl2.exe .

[reference] section

  • path_to_base_dir

    Format: string

    Description: Path to the directory which stores exp.d, rfac.d, tleed4.i, tleed5.i , tleed.o , short.t .

Reference file for Solver

Target reference file

The file containing the data to be targeted to fit. Edit tleed4.i in path_to_base_dir in the [reference] section. Add the number you want to optimize to optxxx (where xxx is a three-digit number in the format 000, 001, 002, …). (where xxx is a three-digit integer in the form 000, 001, 002, …). Note that the number of xxx must match the order and number of variables in the list of py2dmat variables to be optimized. Note that if IFLAG and LSFLAG are not set to 0, the satleed side is also optimized.

An example file is shown below.

1  0  0                          IPR ISTART LRFLAG
1 10  0.02  0.2                  NSYM  NSYMS ASTEP VSTEP
5  1  2  2                       NT0  NSET LSMAX LLCUT
5                                NINSET
1.0000 0.0000                  1      PQEX
1.0000 2.0000                  2      PQEX
1.0000 1.0000                  3      PQEX
2.0000 2.0000                  4      PQEX
2.0000 0.0000                  5      PQEX
3                                 NDIM
opt000 0.0000 0.0000  0           DISP(1,j)  j=1,3
0.0000 opt001 0.0000  0           DISP(2,j)  j=1,3
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000  1           DISP(3,j)  j=1,3
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000  0           DISP(4,j)  j=1,3
0.0000  0                         DVOPT  LSFLAG
3  0  0                           MFLAG NGRID NIV

Output file

In leed, the output files are stored in the folder with the rank number.