*********************************** Basic usage *********************************** - Prerequisite H-wave requires the following programs and libraries: - python 3.x - numpy module - scipy module - requests module - tomli module Note that `numpy.fft `_ is used for FFT calculations in H-wave UHFk and rpa modes. - Official Page - `GitHub repository `_ - `Sample/Tutorial `_ - Installation - From PyPI: H-wave is available from PyPI package repository as follows: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install hwave - From source: H-wave source archive can be obtained from the release site: https://github.com/issp-center-dev/H-wave/releases The latest version is available from the development site using git: .. code-block:: bash $ git clone https://github.com/issp-center-dev/H-wave.git Once the source files are obtained, you can install H-wave by running the following command. The required libraries will also be installed at the same time. .. code-block:: bash $ cd ./H-wave $ pip install . - Directory structure :: . |-- LICENSE |-- README.md |-- pyproject.toml |-- docs/ | |-- en/ | |-- ja/ | |-- tutorial/ | |-- src/ | |-- qlms.py | |-- hwave/ | |-- __init__.py | |-- qlms.py | |-- qlmsio/ | | |-- __init__.py | | |-- read_input.py | | |-- read_input_k.py | | |-- wan90.py | |-- solver/ | |-- __init__.py | |-- base.py | |-- uhfr.py | |-- uhfk.py | |-- rpa.py | |-- perf.py |-- tests/ - Basic usage #. Prepare input files First, you need to create input files for H-wave that are an input file that specify calculation conditions, and the definition files for the Hamiltonian. To generate the definition files, it will be convenient to use `StdFace library `_. A brief description of these files is given in Tutorial section. You may consult File format sections for the details. #. Run Run the H-wave program by typing the following command in the directory where the input files are placed, and the calculation will be launched. .. code-block:: bash $ hwave input.toml or .. code-block:: bash $ python3 path_to_H-wave/qlms.py input.toml When the calculation is completed, the results will be written in the output directory. See File format sections for the details of the output files.