How to use Expert mode ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you prepare input files, you can perform calculations for arbitrary Hamiltonians with any one-body potentials and the two-body interactions. By taking spin 1/2 system as an example, we explain how to prepare input files. For spin 1/2 system, we prepare simple python scripts (``samples/tutorial_1.6/``) that can generate the input files for general Hamiltonians, which are defined as .. math:: {\mathcal H}=\sum_{i,j} J_{i,j}^{\alpha,\beta} {\bf S}_{i}^{\alpha} {\bf S}_{j}^{\beta}. Note tat ``samples/tutorial_1.6/`` and ``samples/tutorial_1.6/`` are necessary for ****. To use **, it is necessary to prepare two input files, **input.txt** and **pair.txt** (examples of them are available in ``samples/tutorial_1.6`` ). In **input.txt**, two parameters **Ns** (number of sites) and **exct** (number of excited states) are specified. Below is an example of **input.txt** for 2 site Heisenberg model :: Ns 2 exct 2 In **pair.txt**, one specify the interaction terms in the form .. math:: i~~~~~j~~~~~\alpha~~~~~\beta~~~~~J_{i,j}^{\alpha,\beta} For diagonal interactions (:math:`\alpha=\beta`), :math:`J_{i,j}^{\alpha,\alpha} {\bf S}_{i}^{\alpha} {\bf S}_{j}^{\alpha}` is added, and :math:`J_{i,j}^{\alpha,\beta} [{\bf S}_{i}^{\alpha} {\bf S}_{j}^{\beta}+{\bf S}_{j}^{\alpha} {\bf S}_{i}^{\beta} ]` is added for off-diagonal interactions (:math:`\alpha\neq\beta`), Below is an example of **pair.txt** for 2 site Heisenberg model :: 0 1 x x 0.5 0 1 y y 0.5 0 1 z z 0.5 One can also specify the off-diagonal interaction as :: 0 1 x x 0.5 0 1 y y 0.5 0 1 z z 0.5 0 1 x y 0.5 0 1 x z 0.5 0 1 y z 0.5 Note that interaction :math:`(\alpha,\beta)` and :math:`(\beta,\alpha)` generate the same interaction since we assume :math:`J_{i,j}^{\alpha,\beta}` is real. .. Note that interaction terms must be specified for **(x,y), (x,z), (y,z)** and **(y,x), (z,x), (z,y) cannot be used**. Exercise """"""""""" As a simple exercise, for small system sizes (e.g. 2-site system), please try to confirm that :math:`H_{xy} = \sum_{i,j} J_{i,j}^{x,y} [{\bf S}_{i}^{x} {\bf S}_{j}^{y}+{\bf S}_{j}^{x} {\bf S}_{i}^{y} ]`, :math:`H_{yz} = \sum_{i,j} J_{i,j}^{y,z} [{\bf S}_{i}^{y} {\bf S}_{j}^{z}+{\bf S}_{j}^{y} {\bf S}_{i}^{z} ]`, and :math:`H_{zx} = \sum_{i,j} J_{i,j}^{z,x} [{\bf S}_{i}^{z} {\bf S}_{j}^{x}+{\bf S}_{j}^{z} {\bf S}_{i}^{x} ]` are equivalent by calculating the ground-state energy and the excited-state energies. As an advanced exercise, please try to make input files for the **Kitaev model** on the honeycomb lattice by changing **pair.txt** and **input.txt**. Since the **Kitaev model** can also be treated in Standard mode, please confirm the results by Expert mode are consistent with those by Standard mode. Another example is the **XY model** on the one-dimensional chain. Although Standard mode only supports the Heisenberg model, it is easy to treat **XY model** by omitting "CoulombInter coulombinter.def" and "Hund hund.def" in namelist.def generated for the Heisenberg model. Please confirm the results by Expert mode are consistent with those by Standard mode.