Use eigenvectors ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In this tutorial, we will study how to read the eigenvectors. In the standard mode, setting ``EigenVecIO = "Out"`` makes HPhi write the calculated eigenvectors as ``output/zvo_eigenvec_[index]_rank_[rank].dat``, where ``[index]`` is the index of the states (e.g., the ground state has ``[index] = 0``) and ``[rank]`` is the rank of the process. In the MPI parallelization with :math:`N_{\text{para}}` processes, HPhi splits the whole Hilbert space into the :math:`N_{\text{para}}` blocks and each process treats one of them. The file format is described in the `reference manual `_ . For example, the following python function (``samples/tutorial-1.7/``) reads the vector:: def read_gs(*, index=0, rank=0): import numpy as np from os.path import join from struct import unpack filename = join("output", "zvo_eigenvec_{}_rank_{}.dat".format(index, rank)) with open(filename, "rb") as f: nelems = unpack("L",[0] ret = np.zeros(nelems, dtype=np.complex128) for i in range(nelems): re = unpack("d",[0] im = unpack("d",[0] ret[i] = complex(re, im) return ret Exercise """"""""""" Check the orthogonality of the eigenvectors calculated by the LOBCG method by calculating the norm and the inner product of some of the eigenvectors. *Hint* : In the standard mode, the ``exct`` keyword controls the number of eigenvectors to be calculated. *Solution* : See ``samples/tutorial-1.7/``. This script firstly generates the input file for calculating the ground state and the first excited state of the :math:`L=8` AFH chain with the LOBCG method, next invokes ``HPhi``, then reads the vectors, and finally calculates the norms and the inner product.