# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# ODAT-SE -- an open framework for data analysis
# Copyright (C) 2020- The University of Tokyo
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
# If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
import typing
from typing import TextIO, Union, List, Tuple
import copy
import time
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import odatse
from odatse.util.neighborlist import load_neighbor_list
import odatse.util.graph
import odatse.domain
class AlgorithmBase(odatse.algorithm.AlgorithmBase):
"""Base of Monte Carlo
nwalkers: int
the number of walkers (per one process)
x: np.ndarray
current configurations
(NxD array, N is the number of walkers and D is the dimension)
fx: np.ndarray
current "Energy"s
istep: int
current step (or, the number of calculated energies)
best_x: np.ndarray
best configuration
best_fx: float
best "Energy"
best_istep: int
index of best configuration (step)
best_iwalker: int
index of best configuration (walker)
comm: MPI.comm
MPI communicator
rank: int
MPI rank
Ts: np.ndarray
List of temperatures
Tindex: np.ndarray
Temperature index
nwalkers: int
iscontinuous: bool
# continuous problem
x: np.ndarray
xmin: np.ndarray
xmax: np.ndarray
xstep: np.ndarray
# discrete problem
inode: np.ndarray
nnodes: int
node_coordinates: np.ndarray
neighbor_list: List[List[int]]
ncandidates: np.ndarray # len(neighbor_list[i])-1
numsteps: int
fx: np.ndarray
istep: int
best_x: np.ndarray
best_fx: float
best_istep: int
best_iwalker: int
betas: np.ndarray
input_as_beta: bool
Tindex: np.ndarray
ntrial: int
naccepted: int
def __init__(self, info: odatse.Info,
runner: odatse.Runner = None,
domain = None,
nwalkers: int = 1,
run_mode: str = "initial") -> None:
Initialize the AlgorithmBase class.
info : odatse.Info
Information object containing algorithm parameters.
runner : odatse.Runner, optional
Runner object for executing the algorithm (default is None).
domain : optional
Domain object defining the problem space (default is None).
nwalkers : int, optional
Number of walkers (default is 1).
run_mode : str, optional
Mode of the run, e.g., "initial" (default is "initial").
time_sta = time.perf_counter()
super().__init__(info=info, runner=runner, run_mode=run_mode)
self.nwalkers = nwalkers
if domain:
if isinstance(domain, odatse.domain.MeshGrid):
self.iscontinuous = False
elif isinstance(domain, odatse.domain.Region):
self.iscontinuous = True
raise ValueError("ERROR: unsupoorted domain type {}".format(type(domain)))
self.domain = domain
info_param = info.algorithm["param"]
if "mesh_path" in info_param:
self.iscontinuous = False
self.domain = odatse.domain.MeshGrid(info)
self.iscontinuous = True
self.domain = odatse.domain.Region(info)
if self.iscontinuous:
self.xmin = self.domain.min_list
self.xmax = self.domain.max_list
if "step_list" in info_param:
self.xstep = info_param.get("step_list")
elif "unit_list" in info_param:
# for compatibility, unit_list can also be accepted for step size.
if self.mpirank == 0:
print("WARNING: unit_list is obsolete. use step_list instead")
self.xstep = info_param.get("unit_list")
# neither step_list nor unit_list is specified, report error.
# default value not assumed.
raise ValueError("ERROR: algorithm.param.step_list not specified")
self.node_coordinates = np.array(self.domain.grid)[:, 1:]
self.nnodes = self.node_coordinates.shape[0]
time_end = time.perf_counter()
self.timer["init"]["total"] = time_end - time_sta
self.Tindex = 0
self.input_as_beta = False
def _initialize(self):
Initialize the algorithm state.
This method sets up the initial state of the algorithm, including the
positions and energies of the walkers, and resets the counters for
accepted and trial steps.
if self.iscontinuous:
self.domain.initialize(rng=self.rng, limitation=self.runner.limitation, num_walkers=self.nwalkers)
self.x = self.domain.initial_list
self.inode = None
self.inode = self.rng.randint(self.nnodes, size=self.nwalkers)
self.x = self.node_coordinates[self.inode, :]
self.fx = np.zeros(self.nwalkers)
self.best_fx = 0.0
self.best_istep = 0
self.best_iwalker = 0
self.naccepted = 0
self.ntrial = 0
def _setup_neighbour(self, info_param):
Set up the neighbor list for the discrete problem.
info_param : dict
Dictionary containing algorithm parameters, including the path to the neighbor list file.
If the neighbor list path is not specified in the parameters.
If the transition graph made from the neighbor list is not connected or not bidirectional.
if "neighborlist_path" in info_param:
nn_path = self.root_dir / Path(info_param["neighborlist_path"]).expanduser()
self.neighbor_list = load_neighbor_list(nn_path, nnodes=self.nnodes)
# checks
if not odatse.util.graph.is_connected(self.neighbor_list):
raise RuntimeError(
"ERROR: The transition graph made from neighbor list is not connected."
"\nHINT: Increase neighborhood radius."
if not odatse.util.graph.is_bidirectional(self.neighbor_list):
raise RuntimeError(
"ERROR: The transition graph made from neighbor list is not bidirectional."
self.ncandidates = np.array([len(ns) - 1 for ns in self.neighbor_list], dtype=np.int64)
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: Parameter algorithm.param.neighborlist_path does not exist."
# otherwise find neighbourlist
def _evaluate(self, in_range: np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray:
Evaluate the current "Energy"s.
This method overwrites `self.fx` with the result.
in_range : np.ndarray, optional
Array indicating whether each walker is within the valid range (default is None).
Array of evaluated energies for the current configurations.
# print(">>> _evaluate")
for iwalker in range(self.nwalkers):
x = self.x[iwalker, :]
if in_range is None or in_range[iwalker]:
args = (self.istep, iwalker)
time_sta = time.perf_counter()
self.fx[iwalker] = self.runner.submit(x, args)
time_end = time.perf_counter()
self.timer["run"]["submit"] += time_end - time_sta
self.fx[iwalker] = np.inf
return self.fx
def propose(self, current: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Propose the next candidate positions for the walkers.
current : np.ndarray
Current positions of the walkers.
proposed : np.ndarray
Proposed new positions for the walkers.
if self.iscontinuous:
dx = self.rng.normal(size=(self.nwalkers, self.dimension)) * self.xstep
proposed = current + dx
proposed_list = [self.rng.choice(self.neighbor_list[i]) for i in current]
proposed = np.array(proposed_list, dtype=np.int64)
return proposed
def local_update(
beta: Union[float, np.ndarray],
file_trial: TextIO,
file_result: TextIO,
extra_info_to_write: Union[List, Tuple] = None,
one step of Monte Carlo
beta: np.ndarray
inverse temperature for each walker
file_trial: TextIO
log file for all trial points
file_result: TextIO
log file for all generated samples
extra_info_to_write: List of np.ndarray or tuple of np.ndarray
extra information to write
# make candidate
x_old = copy.copy(self.x)
if self.iscontinuous:
self.x = self.propose(x_old)
#judgement of "in_range"
in_range_xmin = self.xmin <= self.x
in_range_xmax = self.x <= self.xmax
in_range_limitation = np.full(self.nwalkers, False)
for index_walker in range(self.nwalkers):
in_range_limitation[index_walker] = self.runner.limitation.judge(
in_range = (in_range_xmin & in_range_xmax).all(axis=1) \
i_old = copy.copy(self.inode)
self.inode = self.propose(self.inode)
self.x = self.node_coordinates[self.inode, :]
in_range = np.ones(self.nwalkers, dtype=bool)
# evaluate "Energy"s
fx_old = self.fx.copy()
self._write_result(file_trial, extra_info_to_write=extra_info_to_write)
fdiff = self.fx - fx_old
# Ignore an overflow warning in np.exp(x) for x >~ 710
# and an invalid operation warning in exp(nan) (nan came from 0 * inf)
# Note: fdiff (fx) becomes inf when x is out of range
# old_setting = np.seterr(over="ignore")
old_setting = np.seterr(all="ignore")
probs = np.exp(-beta * fdiff)
#probs[np.isnan(probs)] = 0.0
if not self.iscontinuous:
probs *= self.ncandidates[i_old] / self.ncandidates[self.inode]
tocheck = in_range & (probs < 1.0)
num_check = np.count_nonzero(tocheck)
accepted = in_range.copy()
accepted[tocheck] = self.rng.rand(num_check) < probs[tocheck]
rejected = ~accepted
self.naccepted += accepted.sum()
self.ntrial += accepted.size
# revert rejected steps
self.x[rejected, :] = x_old[rejected, :]
self.fx[rejected] = fx_old[rejected]
if not self.iscontinuous:
self.inode[rejected] = i_old[rejected]
minidx = np.argmin(self.fx)
if self.fx[minidx] < self.best_fx:
np.copyto(self.best_x, self.x[minidx, :])
self.best_fx = self.fx[minidx]
self.best_istep = self.istep
self.best_iwalker = typing.cast(int, minidx)
self._write_result(file_result, extra_info_to_write=extra_info_to_write)
def _write_result(self, fp, extra_info_to_write: Union[List, Tuple] = None) -> None:
Write the result of the current step to the file.
fp : TextIO
File pointer to the result file.
extra_info_to_write : Union[List, Tuple], optional
Additional information to write for each walker (default is None).
for iwalker in range(self.nwalkers):
if isinstance(self.Tindex, int):
beta = self.betas[self.Tindex]
beta = self.betas[self.Tindex[iwalker]]
fp.write(f" {iwalker}")
if self.input_as_beta:
fp.write(f" {beta}")
fp.write(f" {1.0/beta}")
fp.write(f" {self.fx[iwalker]}")
for x in self.x[iwalker, :]:
fp.write(f" {x}")
if extra_info_to_write is not None:
for ex in extra_info_to_write:
fp.write(f" {ex[iwalker]}")
def read_Ts(info: dict, numT: int = None) -> Tuple[bool, np.ndarray]:
Read temperature or inverse-temperature values from the provided info dictionary.
info : dict
Dictionary containing temperature or inverse-temperature parameters.
numT : int, optional
Number of temperature or inverse-temperature values to generate (default is None).
as_beta : bool
True if using inverse-temperature, False if using temperature.
betas : np.ndarray
Sequence of inverse-temperature values.
If numT is not specified, or if both Tmin/Tmax and bmin/bmax are defined, or if neither are defined,
or if bmin/bmax or Tmin/Tmax values are invalid.
If the mode is unknown (neither set_T nor set_b).
if numT is None:
raise ValueError("read_Ts: numT is not specified")
Tmin = info.get("Tmin", None)
Tmax = info.get("Tmax", None)
bmin = info.get("bmin", None)
bmax = info.get("bmax", None)
logscale = info.get("Tlogspace", True)
if "Tinvspace" in info:
raise ValueError("Tinvspace is deprecated. Use bmax/bmin instead.")
set_b = (bmin is not None or bmax is not None)
set_T = (Tmin is not None or Tmax is not None)
if set_b and set_T:
raise ValueError("both Tmin/Tmax and bmin/bmax are defined")
if (not set_b) and (not set_T):
raise ValueError("neither Tmin/Tmax nor bmin/bmax are defined")
if set_b:
if bmin is None or bmax is None:
raise ValueError("bmin and bmax must be set")
input_as_beta = True
if not np.isreal(bmin) or bmin < 0.0:
raise ValueError("bmin must be zero or a positive real number")
if not np.isreal(bmax) or bmax < 0.0:
raise ValueError("bmin must be zero or a positive real number")
if bmin > bmax:
raise ValueError("bmin must be smaller than or equal to bmax")
if logscale:
if bmin == 0.0:
raise ValueError("bmin must be greater than 0.0 when Tlogspace is True")
betas = np.logspace(start=np.log10(bmin), stop=np.log10(bmax), num=numT)
betas = np.linspace(start=bmin, stop=bmax, num=numT)
elif set_T:
if Tmin is None or Tmax is None:
raise ValueError("Tmin and Tmax must be set")
input_as_beta = False
if not np.isreal(Tmin) or Tmin <= 0.0:
raise ValueError("Tmin must be a positive real number")
if not np.isreal(Tmax) or Tmax <= 0.0:
raise ValueError("Tmax must be a positive real number")
if Tmin > Tmax:
raise ValueError("Tmin must be smaller than or equal to Tmax")
if logscale:
Ts = np.logspace(start=np.log10(Tmin), stop=np.log10(Tmax), num=numT)
Ts = np.linspace(start=Tmin, stop=Tmax, num=numT)
betas = 1.0 / Ts
raise RuntimeError("read_Ts: unknown mode: not set_T nor set_b")
return input_as_beta, betas