Source code for odatse.algorithm.pamc

# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# ODAT-SE -- an open framework for data analysis
# Copyright (C) 2020- The University of Tokyo
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from typing import List, Dict, Union

from io import open
import copy
import time
import sys

import numpy as np

import odatse
import odatse.exception
import odatse.algorithm.montecarlo
import odatse.util.separateT
import odatse.util.resampling
from odatse.algorithm.montecarlo import read_Ts

[docs] class Algorithm(odatse.algorithm.montecarlo.AlgorithmBase): """Population annealing Monte Carlo Attributes ========== x: np.ndarray current configuration fx: np.ndarray current "Energy" logweights: np.ndarray current logarithm of weights (Neal-Jarzynski factor) istep: int current step (or, the number of calculated energies) best_x: np.ndarray best configuration best_fx: float best "Energy" best_istep: int index of best configuration comm: MPI.comm MPI communicator nreplica: int The number of replicas (= the number of procs) rank: int MPI rank betas: list List of inverse temperatures Tindex: int Temperature index """ x: np.ndarray xmin: np.ndarray xmax: np.ndarray #xunit: np.ndarray xstep: np.ndarray numsteps: int numsteps_annealing: int logweights: np.ndarray fx: np.ndarray istep: int nreplicas: np.ndarray betas: np.ndarray Tindex: int fx_from_reset: np.ndarray # 0th column: number of accepted MC trials # 1st column: number of total MC trials naccepted_from_reset: np.ndarray resampling_interval: int nset_bootstrap: int walker_ancestors: np.ndarray populations: np.ndarray family_lo: int family_hi: int Fmeans: np.ndarray Ferrs: np.ndarray
[docs] def __init__(self, info: odatse.Info, runner: odatse.Runner = None, run_mode: str = "initial" ) -> None: """ Initialize the Algorithm class. Parameters ---------- info : odatse.Info Information object containing algorithm parameters. runner : odatse.Runner, optional Runner object for executing the algorithm, by default None. run_mode : str, optional Mode in which to run the algorithm, by default "initial". """ time_sta = time.perf_counter() info_pamc = info.algorithm["pamc"] nwalkers = info_pamc.get("nreplica_per_proc", 1) super().__init__(info=info, runner=runner, nwalkers=nwalkers, run_mode=run_mode) self.verbose = True and self.mpirank == 0 numT = self._find_scheduling(info_pamc) self.input_as_beta, self.betas = read_Ts(info_pamc, numT=numT) self.betas.sort() self.fix_nwalkers = info_pamc.get("fix_num_replicas", True) self.resampling_interval = info_pamc.get("resampling_interval", 1) if self.resampling_interval < 1: self.resampling_interval = numT + 1 time_end = time.perf_counter() self.timer["init"]["total"] = time_end - time_sta
[docs] def _initialize(self) -> None: super()._initialize() numT = len(self.betas) self.logZ = 0.0 self.logZs = np.zeros(numT) self.logweights = np.zeros(self.nwalkers) self.Fmeans = np.zeros(numT) self.Ferrs = np.zeros(numT) nreplicas = self.mpisize * self.nwalkers self.nreplicas = np.full(numT, nreplicas) self.populations = np.zeros((numT, self.nwalkers), dtype=int) self.family_lo = self.nwalkers * self.mpirank self.family_hi = self.nwalkers * (self.mpirank + 1) self.walker_ancestors = np.arange(self.family_lo, self.family_hi) self.fx_from_reset = np.zeros((self.resampling_interval, self.nwalkers)) self.naccepted_from_reset = np.zeros((self.resampling_interval, 2), dtype=int) self.acceptance_ratio = np.zeros(numT) self._show_parameters()
[docs] def _find_scheduling(self, info_pamc) -> int: """ Determine the scheduling for the algorithm based on the provided parameters. Parameters ---------- info_pamc : dict Dictionary containing the parameters for the PAMC algorithm. Returns ------- int The number of temperature steps (numT) determined from the input parameters. """ numsteps = info_pamc.get("numsteps", 0) numsteps_annealing = info_pamc.get("numsteps_annealing", 0) numT = info_pamc.get("Tnum", 0) oks = np.array([numsteps, numsteps_annealing, numT]) > 0 if np.count_nonzero(oks) != 2: msg = "ERROR: Two of 'numsteps', 'numsteps_annealing', " msg += "and 'Tnum' should be positive in the input file\n" msg += f" numsteps = {numsteps}\n" msg += f" numsteps_annealing = {numsteps_annealing}\n" msg += f" Tnum = {numT}\n" raise odatse.exception.InputError(msg) if numsteps <= 0: self.numsteps_for_T = np.full(numT, numsteps_annealing) elif numsteps_annealing <= 0: nr = numsteps // numT self.numsteps_for_T = np.full(numT, nr) rem = numsteps - nr * numT if rem > 0: self.numsteps_for_T[0 : (rem - 1)] += 1 else: ss: List[int] = [] while numsteps > 0: if numsteps > numsteps_annealing: ss.append(numsteps_annealing) numsteps -= numsteps_annealing else: ss.append(numsteps) numsteps = 0 self.numsteps_for_T = np.array(ss) numT = len(ss) return numT
[docs] def _run(self) -> None: if self.mode is None: raise RuntimeError("mode unset") restore_rng = not self.mode.endswith("-resetrand") if self.mode.startswith("init"): self._initialize() self.Tindex = 0 self.index_from_reset = 0 self.istep = 0 beta = self.betas[self.Tindex] self._evaluate() file_trial = open("trial_T0.txt", "w") self._write_result_header(file_trial, ["weight", "ancestor"]) self._write_result(file_trial, [np.exp(self.logweights), self.walker_ancestors]) file_trial.close() file_result = open("result_T0.txt", "w") self._write_result_header(file_result, ["weight", "ancestor"]) self._write_result(file_result, [np.exp(self.logweights), self.walker_ancestors]) file_result.close() self.istep += 1 minidx = np.argmin(self.fx) self.best_x = copy.copy(self.x[minidx, :]) self.best_fx = np.min(self.fx[minidx]) self.best_istep = 0 self.best_iwalker = 0 elif self.mode.startswith("resume"): self._load_state(self.checkpoint_file, mode="resume", restore_rng=restore_rng) elif self.mode.startswith("continue"): self._load_state(self.checkpoint_file, mode="continue", restore_rng=restore_rng) Tindex = self.Tindex dbeta = self.betas[Tindex + 1] - self.betas[Tindex] self.logweights += -dbeta * self.fx if self.index_from_reset == self.resampling_interval: time_sta = time.perf_counter() self._resample() time_end = time.perf_counter() self.timer["run"]["resampling"] += time_end - time_sta self.index_from_reset = 0 self.Tindex += 1 else: raise RuntimeError("unknown mode {}".format(self.mode)) next_checkpoint_step = self.istep + self.checkpoint_steps next_checkpoint_time = time.time() + self.checkpoint_interval if self.verbose: print("\u03b2 mean[f] Err[f] nreplica log(Z/Z0) acceptance_ratio") numT = len(self.betas) while self.Tindex < numT: # print(">>> Tindex = {}".format(self.Tindex)) Tindex = self.Tindex beta = self.betas[self.Tindex] if Tindex == 0: file_trial = open(f"trial_T{Tindex}.txt", "a") file_result = open(f"result_T{Tindex}.txt", "a") else: # Tindex=1,2,... file_trial = open(f"trial_T{Tindex}.txt", "w") self._write_result_header(file_trial, ["weight", "ancestor"]) file_result = open(f"result_T{Tindex}.txt", "w") self._write_result_header(file_result, ["weight", "ancestor"]) if self.nwalkers != 0: for _ in range(self.numsteps_for_T[Tindex]): self.local_update( beta, file_trial, file_result, extra_info_to_write=[ np.exp(self.logweights), self.walker_ancestors, ], ) self.istep += 1 else : #self.nwalkers == 0 pass file_trial.close() file_result.close() # print(">>> istep={}".format(self.istep)) self.fx_from_reset[self.index_from_reset, :] = self.fx[:] self.naccepted_from_reset[self.index_from_reset, 0] = self.naccepted self.naccepted_from_reset[self.index_from_reset, 1] = self.ntrial self.naccepted = 0 self.ntrial = 0 self.index_from_reset += 1 if Tindex == numT - 1: break dbeta = self.betas[Tindex + 1] - self.betas[Tindex] self.logweights += -dbeta * self.fx if self.index_from_reset == self.resampling_interval: time_sta = time.perf_counter() self._resample() time_end = time.perf_counter() self.timer["run"]["resampling"] += time_end - time_sta self.index_from_reset = 0 self.Tindex += 1 if self.checkpoint: time_now = time.time() if self.istep >= next_checkpoint_step or time_now >= next_checkpoint_time: print(">>> checkpoint") self._save_state(self.checkpoint_file) next_checkpoint_step = self.istep + self.checkpoint_steps next_checkpoint_time = time_now + self.checkpoint_interval # store final state for continuation if self.checkpoint: print(">>> store final state") self._save_state(self.checkpoint_file) if self.index_from_reset > 0: res = self._gather_information(self.index_from_reset) self._save_stats(res) file_result.close() file_trial.close() if self.mpisize > 1: self.mpicomm.barrier() print("complete main process : rank {:08d}/{:08d}".format(self.mpirank, self.mpisize))
[docs] def _gather_information(self, numT: int = None) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """ Gather status information of each process Parameters --------- numT : int size of dataset Returns ------- res : Dict[str, np.ndarray] key-value corresponding is the following - fxs - objective function of each walker over all processes - logweights - log of weights - ns - number of walkers in each process - ancestors - ancestor (origin) of each walker - acceptance ratio - acceptance_ratio for each temperature """ if numT is None: numT = self.resampling_interval res = {} if self.mpisize > 1: fxs_list = self.mpicomm.allgather(self.fx_from_reset[0:numT, :]) fxs = np.block(fxs_list) res["fxs"] = fxs ns = np.array([fs.shape[1] for fs in fxs_list], dtype=int) res["ns"] = ns ancestors_list = self.mpicomm.allgather(self.walker_ancestors) res["ancestors"] = np.block(ancestors_list) naccepted = self.mpicomm.allreduce(self.naccepted_from_reset[0:numT, :]) res["acceptance ratio"] = naccepted[:, 0] / naccepted[:, 1] else: res["fxs"] = self.fx_from_reset[0:numT, :] res["ns"] = np.array([self.nwalkers], dtype=int) res["ancestors"] = self.walker_ancestors res["acceptance ratio"] = ( self.naccepted_from_reset[:, 0] / self.naccepted_from_reset[:, 1] ) fxs = res["fxs"] numT, nreplicas = fxs.shape endTindex = self.Tindex + 1 startTindex = endTindex - numT logweights = np.zeros((numT, nreplicas)) for iT in range(1, numT): dbeta = self.betas[startTindex + iT] - self.betas[startTindex + iT - 1] logweights[iT, :] = logweights[iT - 1, :] - dbeta * fxs[iT - 1, :] res["logweights"] = logweights return res
[docs] def _save_stats(self, info: Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> None: """ Save statistical information from the algorithm run. Parameters ---------- info : Dict[str, np.ndarray] Dictionary containing the following keys: - fxs: Objective function of each walker over all processes. - logweights: Logarithm of weights. - ns: Number of walkers in each process. - ancestors: Ancestor (origin) of each walker. - acceptance ratio: Acceptance ratio for each temperature. """ fxs = info["fxs"] numT, nreplicas = fxs.shape endTindex = self.Tindex + 1 startTindex = endTindex - numT logweights = info["logweights"] weights = np.exp( logweights - logweights.max(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) ) # to avoid overflow # Bias-corrected jackknife resampling method fs = np.zeros((numT, nreplicas)) fw_sum = (fxs * weights).sum(axis=1) w_sum = weights.sum(axis=1) for i in range(nreplicas): F = fw_sum - fxs[:, i] * weights[:, i] W = w_sum - weights[:, i] fs[:, i] = F / W N = fs.shape[1] fm = N * (fw_sum / w_sum) - (N - 1) * fs.mean(axis=1) ferr = np.sqrt((N - 1) * fs.var(axis=1)) self.Fmeans[startTindex:endTindex] = fm self.Ferrs[startTindex:endTindex] = ferr self.nreplicas[startTindex:endTindex] = nreplicas self.acceptance_ratio[startTindex:endTindex] = info["acceptance ratio"][0:numT] weights = np.exp(logweights) logz = np.log(np.mean(weights, axis=1)) self.logZs[startTindex:endTindex] = self.logZ + logz if endTindex < len(self.betas): # Calculate the next weight before reset and evaluate dF bdiff = self.betas[endTindex] - self.betas[endTindex - 1] w = np.exp(logweights[-1, :] - bdiff * fxs[-1, :]) self.logZ = self.logZs[startTindex] + np.log(w.mean()) if self.verbose: for iT in range(startTindex, endTindex): print(" ".join(map(str, [ self.betas[iT], self.Fmeans[iT], self.Ferrs[iT], self.nreplicas[iT], self.logZs[iT], self.acceptance_ratio[iT], ])))
[docs] def _resample(self) -> None: """ Perform the resampling of walkers. This method gathers information, saves statistical data, and performs resampling using either fixed or varied weights. The method ensures that the algorithm maintains a balanced set of walkers across different temperature steps. """ res = self._gather_information() self._save_stats(res) # weights for resampling dbeta = self.betas[self.Tindex + 1] - self.betas[self.Tindex] logweights = res["logweights"][-1, :] - dbeta * res["fxs"][-1, :] weights = np.exp(logweights - logweights.max()) # to avoid overflow if self.fix_nwalkers: self._resample_fixed(weights) self.logweights[:] = 0.0 else: ns = res["ns"] offsets = ns.cumsum() offset = offsets[self.mpirank - 1] if self.mpirank > 0 else 0 self._resample_varied(weights, offset) self.fx_from_reset = np.zeros((self.resampling_interval, self.nwalkers)) self.logweights = np.zeros(self.nwalkers)
[docs] def _resample_varied(self, weights: np.ndarray, offset: int) -> None: """ Perform resampling with varied weights. This method resamples the walkers based on the provided weights and updates the state of the algorithm accordingly. Parameters ---------- weights : np.ndarray Array of weights for resampling. offset : int Offset for the weights array. """ weights_sum = np.sum(weights) expected_numbers = (self.nreplicas[0] / weights_sum) * weights[ offset : offset + self.nwalkers ] next_numbers = self.rng.poisson(expected_numbers) if self.iscontinuous: new_x = [] new_fx = [] new_ancestors = [] for iwalker in range(self.nwalkers): for _ in range(next_numbers[iwalker]): new_x.append(self.x[iwalker, :]) new_fx.append(self.fx[iwalker]) new_ancestors.append(self.walker_ancestors[iwalker]) self.x = np.array(new_x) self.fx = np.array(new_fx) self.walker_ancestors = np.array(new_ancestors) else: new_inodes = [] new_fx = [] new_ancestors = [] for iwalker in range(self.nwalkers): for _ in range(next_numbers[iwalker]): new_inodes.append(self.inodes[iwalker]) new_fx.append(self.fx[iwalker]) new_ancestors.append(self.walker_ancestors[iwalker]) self.inode = np.array(new_inodes) self.fx = np.array(new_fx) self.walker_ancestors = np.array(new_ancestors) self.x = self.node_coordinates[self.inode, :] self.nwalkers = np.sum(next_numbers)
[docs] def _resample_fixed(self, weights: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Perform resampling with fixed weights. This method resamples the walkers based on the provided weights and updates the state of the algorithm accordingly. Parameters ---------- weights : np.ndarray Array of weights for resampling. """ resampler = odatse.util.resampling.WalkerTable(weights) new_index = resampler.sample(self.rng, self.nwalkers) if self.iscontinuous: if self.mpisize > 1: xs = np.zeros((self.mpisize, self.nwalkers, self.dimension)) self.mpicomm.Allgather(self.x, xs) xs = xs.reshape(self.nreplicas[self.Tindex], self.dimension) ancestors = np.array( self.mpicomm.allgather(self.walker_ancestors) ).flatten() fxs = np.array(self.mpicomm.allgather(self.fx)).flatten() else: xs = self.x ancestors = self.walker_ancestors fxs = self.fx self.x = xs[new_index, :] self.walker_ancestors = ancestors[new_index] self.fx = fxs[new_index] else: if self.mpisize > 1: inodes = np.array(self.mpicomm.allgather(self.inode)).flatten() ancestors = np.array( self.mpicomm.allgather(self.walker_ancestors) ).flatten() fxs = np.array(self.mpicomm.allgather(self.fx)).flatten() else: inodes = self.inode ancestors = self.walker_ancestors fxs = self.fx self.inode = inodes[new_index] self.walker_ancestors = ancestors[new_index] self.x = self.node_coordinates[self.inode, :] self.fx = fxs[new_index]
[docs] def _prepare(self) -> None: """ Prepare the algorithm for execution. This method initializes the timers for the 'submit' and 'resampling' phases of the algorithm run. """ self.timer["run"]["submit"] = 0.0 self.timer["run"]["resampling"] = 0.0
[docs] def _post(self) -> None: """ Post-processing after the algorithm execution. This method consolidates the results from different temperature steps into single files for 'result' and 'trial'. It also gathers the best results from all processes and writes them to 'best_result.txt'. """ for name in ("result", "trial"): with open(self.proc_dir / f"{name}.txt", "w") as fout: self._write_result_header(fout, ["weight", "ancestor"]) for Tindex in range(len(self.betas)): with open(self.proc_dir / f"{name}_T{Tindex}.txt") as fin: for line in fin: if line.startswith("#"): continue fout.write(line) if self.mpisize > 1: # NOTE: # ``gather`` seems not to work with many processes (say, 32) in some MPI implementation. # ``Gather`` and ``allgather`` seem to work fine. # Since the performance is not so important here, we use ``allgather`` for simplicity. best_fx = self.mpicomm.allgather(self.best_fx) best_x = self.mpicomm.allgather(self.best_x) best_istep = self.mpicomm.allgather(self.best_istep) best_iwalker = self.mpicomm.allgather(self.best_iwalker) else: best_fx = [self.best_fx] best_x = [self.best_x] best_istep = [self.best_istep] best_iwalker = [self.best_iwalker] best_rank = np.argmin(best_fx) if self.mpirank == 0: with open("best_result.txt", "w") as f: f.write(f"nprocs = {self.mpisize}\n") f.write(f"rank = {best_rank}\n") f.write(f"step = {best_istep[best_rank]}\n") f.write(f"walker = {best_iwalker[best_rank]}\n") f.write(f"fx = {best_fx[best_rank]}\n") for label, x in zip(self.label_list, best_x[best_rank]): f.write(f"{label} = {x}\n") print("Best Result:") print(f" rank = {best_rank}") print(f" step = {best_istep[best_rank]}") print(f" walker = {best_iwalker[best_rank]}") print(f" fx = {best_fx[best_rank]}") for label, x in zip(self.label_list, best_x[best_rank]): print(f" {label} = {x}") with open("fx.txt", "w") as f: f.write("# $1: 1/T\n") f.write("# $2: mean of f(x)\n") f.write("# $3: standard error of f(x)\n") f.write("# $4: number of replicas\n") f.write("# $5: log(Z/Z0)\n") f.write("# $6: acceptance ratio\n") for i in range(len(self.betas)): f.write(f"{self.betas[i]}") f.write(f" {self.Fmeans[i]} {self.Ferrs[i]}") f.write(f" {self.nreplicas[i]}") f.write(f" {self.logZs[i]}") f.write(f" {self.acceptance_ratio[i]}") f.write("\n") return { "x": best_x[best_rank], "fx": best_fx[best_rank], "nprocs": self.mpisize, "rank": best_rank, "step": best_istep[best_rank], "walker": best_iwalker[best_rank], }
[docs] def _save_state(self, filename) -> None: """ Save the current state of the algorithm to a file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file where the state will be saved. """ data = { #-- _algorithm "mpisize": self.mpisize, "mpirank": self.mpirank, "rng": self.rng.get_state(), "timer": self.timer, "info":, #-- montecarlo "x": self.x, "fx": self.fx, "inode": self.inode, "istep": self.istep, "best_x": self.best_x, "best_fx": self.best_fx, "best_istep": self.best_istep, "best_iwalker": self.best_iwalker, "naccepted": self.naccepted, "ntrial": self.ntrial, #-- pamc "betas": self.betas, "input_as_beta": self.input_as_beta, "numsteps_for_T": self.numsteps_for_T, "Tindex": self.Tindex, "index_from_reset": self.index_from_reset, "logZ": self.logZ, "logZs": self.logZs, "logweights": self.logweights, "Fmeans": self.Fmeans, "Ferrs": self.Ferrs, "nreplicas": self.nreplicas, "populations": self.populations, "family_lo": self.family_lo, "family_hi": self.family_hi, "walker_ancestors": self.walker_ancestors, "fx_from_reset": self.fx_from_reset, "naccepted_from_reset": self.naccepted_from_reset, "acceptance_ratio": self.acceptance_ratio, } self._save_data(data, filename)
[docs] def _load_state(self, filename, mode="resume", restore_rng=True): """ Load the saved state of the algorithm from a file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file from which the state will be loaded. mode : str, optional The mode in which to load the state. Can be "resume" or "continue", by default "resume". restore_rng : bool, optional Whether to restore the random number generator state, by default True. """ data = self._load_data(filename) if not data: print("ERROR: Load status file failed") sys.exit(1) #-- _algorithm assert self.mpisize == data["mpisize"] assert self.mpirank == data["mpirank"] if restore_rng: self.rng = np.random.RandomState() self.rng.set_state(data["rng"]) self.timer = data["timer"] info = data["info"] self._check_parameters(info) #-- montecarlo self.x = data["x"] self.fx = data["fx"] self.inode = data["inode"] self.istep = data["istep"] self.best_x = data["best_x"] self.best_fx = data["best_fx"] self.best_istep = data["best_istep"] self.best_iwalker = data["best_iwalker"] self.naccepted = data["naccepted"] self.ntrial = data["ntrial"] #-- pamc self.Tindex = data["Tindex"] self.index_from_reset = data["index_from_reset"] if mode == "resume": # check if scheduling is as stored betas = data["betas"] input_as_beta = data["input_as_beta"] numsteps_for_T = data["numsteps_for_T"] assert np.all(betas == self.betas) assert input_as_beta == self.input_as_beta assert np.all(numsteps_for_T == self.numsteps_for_T) assert self.Tindex < len(self.betas) elif mode == "continue": # check if scheduling is continuous betas = data["betas"] input_as_beta = data["input_as_beta"] numsteps_for_T = data["numsteps_for_T"] assert input_as_beta == self.input_as_beta if not betas[-1] == self.betas[0]: print("ERROR: temperator is not continuous") sys.exit(1) self.betas = np.concatenate([betas, self.betas[1:]]) self.numsteps_for_T = np.concatenate([numsteps_for_T, self.numsteps_for_T[1:]]) else: pass numT = len(self.betas) nreplicas = self.mpisize * self.nwalkers self.logZs = np.zeros(numT) self.Fmeans = np.zeros(numT) self.Ferrs = np.zeros(numT) self.nreplicas = np.full(numT, nreplicas) self.populations = np.zeros((numT, self.nwalkers), dtype=int) self.acceptance_ratio = np.zeros(numT) self.logZ = data["logZ"] self.logZs[0:len(data["logZs"])] = data["logZs"] self.logweights = data["logweights"] self.Fmeans[0:len(data["Fmeans"])] = data["Fmeans"] self.Ferrs[0:len(data["Ferrs"])] = data["Ferrs"] self.nreplicas[0:len(data["nreplicas"])] = data["nreplicas"] self.populations[0:len(data["populations"])] = data["populations"] self.family_lo = data["family_lo"] self.family_hi = data["family_hi"] self.fx_from_reset = data["fx_from_reset"] self.walker_ancestors = data["walker_ancestors"] self.naccepted_from_reset = data["naccepted_from_reset"] self.acceptance_ratio[0:len(data["acceptance_ratio"])] = data["acceptance_ratio"]