Source code for odatse.domain.meshgrid

# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# ODAT-SE -- an open framework for data analysis
# Copyright (C) 2020- The University of Tokyo
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
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from typing import List, Dict, Union, Any

from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np

import odatse
from ._domain import DomainBase

[docs] class MeshGrid(DomainBase): """ MeshGrid class for handling grid data for quantum beam diffraction experiments. """ grid: List[Union[int, float]] = [] grid_local: List[Union[int, float]] = [] candicates: int
[docs] def __init__(self, info: odatse.Info = None, *, param: Dict[str, Any] = None): """ Initialize the MeshGrid object. Parameters ---------- info : Info, optional Information object containing algorithm parameters. param : dict, optional Dictionary containing parameters for setting up the grid. """ super().__init__(info) if info: if "param" in info.algorithm: self._setup(info.algorithm["param"]) else: raise ValueError("ERROR: algorithm.param not defined") elif param: self._setup(param) else: pass
[docs] def do_split(self): """ Split the grid data among MPI processes. """ if self.mpisize > 1: index = [idx for idx, *v in self.grid] index_local = np.array_split(index, self.mpisize)[self.mpirank] self.grid_local = [[idx, *v] for idx, *v in self.grid if idx in index_local] else: self.grid_local = self.grid
[docs] def _setup(self, info_param): """ Setup the grid based on provided parameters. Parameters ---------- info_param Dictionary containing parameters for setting up the grid. """ if "mesh_path" in info_param: self._setup_from_file(info_param) else: self._setup_grid(info_param) self.ncandicates = len(self.grid)
[docs] def _setup_from_file(self, info_param): """ Setup the grid from a file. Parameters ---------- info_param Dictionary containing parameters for setting up the grid. """ if "mesh_path" not in info_param: raise ValueError("ERROR: mesh_path not defined") mesh_path = self.root_dir / Path(info_param["mesh_path"]).expanduser() if not mesh_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError("mesh_path not found: {}".format(mesh_path)) comments = info_param.get("comments", "#") delimiter = info_param.get("delimiter", None) skiprows = info_param.get("skiprows", 0) if self.mpirank == 0: data = np.loadtxt(mesh_path, comments=comments, delimiter=delimiter, skiprows=skiprows) if data.ndim == 1: data = data.reshape(1, -1) # old format: index x1 x2 ... -> omit index data = data[:, 1:] else: data = None if self.mpisize > 1: data = odatse.mpi.comm().bcast(data, root=0) self.grid = [[idx, *v] for idx, v in enumerate(data)]
[docs] def _setup_grid(self, info_param): """ Setup the grid based on min, max, and num lists. Parameters ---------- info_param Dictionary containing parameters for setting up the grid. """ if "min_list" not in info_param: raise ValueError("ERROR: algorithm.param.min_list is not defined in the input") min_list = np.array(info_param["min_list"], dtype=float) if "max_list" not in info_param: raise ValueError("ERROR: algorithm.param.max_list is not defined in the input") max_list = np.array(info_param["max_list"], dtype=float) if "num_list" not in info_param: raise ValueError("ERROR: algorithm.param.num_list is not defined in the input") num_list = np.array(info_param["num_list"], dtype=int) if len(min_list) != len(max_list) or len(min_list) != len(num_list): raise ValueError("ERROR: lengths of min_list, max_list, num_list do not match") xs = [ np.linspace(mn, mx, num=nm) for mn, mx, nm in zip(min_list, max_list, num_list) ] self.grid = [ [idx, *v] for idx, v in enumerate( np.array( np.meshgrid(*xs, indexing='xy') ).reshape(len(xs), -1).transpose() ) ]
[docs] def store_file(self, store_path, *, header=""): """ Store the grid data to a file. Parameters ---------- store_path Path to the file where the grid data will be stored. header Header to be included in the file. """ if self.mpirank == 0: np.savetxt(store_path, [[*v] for idx, *v in self.grid], header=header)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, mesh_path): """ Create a MeshGrid object from a file. Parameters ---------- mesh_path Path to the file containing the grid data. Returns ------- MeshGrid a MeshGrid object. """ return cls(param={"mesh_path": mesh_path})
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, param): """ Create a MeshGrid object from a dictionary of parameters. Parameters ---------- param Dictionary containing parameters for setting up the grid. Returns ------- MeshGrid a MeshGrid object. """ return cls(param=param)
if __name__ == "__main__": ms = MeshGrid.from_dict({ 'min_list': [0,0,0], 'max_list': [1,1,1], 'num_list': [5,5,5], }) ms.store_file("meshfile.dat", header="sample mesh data") ms2 = MeshGrid.from_file("meshfile.dat") ms2.do_split() if odatse.mpi.rank() == 0: print(ms2.grid) print(odatse.mpi.rank(), ms2.grid_local) ms2.store_file("meshfile2.dat", header="store again")