Source code for odatse.util.separateT

# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# ODAT-SE -- an open framework for data analysis
# Copyright (C) 2020- The University of Tokyo
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
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from typing import Dict, List, Optional
import pathlib
from os import PathLike
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np

from odatse import mpi

Entry = namedtuple("Entry", ["step", "walker", "fx", "xs"])

[docs] def separateT( Ts: np.ndarray, nwalkers: int, output_dir: PathLike, comm: Optional[mpi.Comm], use_beta: bool, buffer_size: int = 10000, ) -> None: """ Separates and processes temperature data for quantum beam diffraction experiments. Parameters ---------- Ts : np.ndarray Array of temperature values. nwalkers : int Number of walkers. output_dir : PathLike Directory to store the output files. comm : mpi.Comm, optional MPI communicator for parallel processing. use_beta : bool Flag to determine if beta values are used instead of temperature. buffer_size : int, optional Size of the buffer for reading input data. Default is 10000. """ if comm is None: mpisize = 1 mpirank = 0 else: mpisize = comm.size mpirank = comm.rank buffer_size = int(np.ceil(buffer_size / nwalkers)) * nwalkers output_dir = pathlib.Path(output_dir) proc_dir = output_dir / str(mpirank) T2idx = {T: i for i, T in enumerate(Ts)} T2rank = {} results = [] for rank, Ts_local in enumerate(np.array_split(Ts, mpisize)): d: Dict[str, List[Entry]] = {} for T in Ts_local: T2rank[str(T)] = rank d[str(T)] = [] results.append(d) # write file header for T in Ts[mpirank * nwalkers : (mpirank + 1) * nwalkers]: idx = T2idx[T] with open(output_dir / f"result_T{idx}.txt", "w") as f_out: if use_beta: f_out.write(f"# beta = {T}\n") else: f_out.write(f"# T = {T}\n") f_in = open(proc_dir / "result.txt") EOF = False while not EOF: for i in range(len(results)): for key in results[i].keys(): results[i][key] = [] for _ in range(buffer_size): line = f_in.readline() if line == "": EOF = True break line = line.split("#")[0].strip() if len(line) == 0: continue words = line.split() step = int(words[0]) walker = mpirank * nwalkers + int(words[1]) Tstr = words[2] fx = words[3] xs = words[4:] entry = Entry(step=step, walker=walker, fx=fx, xs=xs) rank = T2rank[Tstr] results[rank][Tstr].append(entry) if mpisize > 1: results2 = comm.alltoall(results) else: results2 = results d = results2[0] for i in range(1, len(results2)): for key in d.keys(): d[key].extend(results2[i][key]) for T in Ts[mpirank * nwalkers : (mpirank + 1) * nwalkers]: idx = T2idx[T] d[str(T)].sort(key=lambda e: e.step) with open(output_dir / f"result_T{idx}.txt", "a") as f_out: for e in d[str(T)]: f_out.write(f"{e.step} ") f_out.write(f"{e.walker} ") f_out.write(f"{e.fx} ") for x in e.xs: f_out.write(f"{x} ") f_out.write("\n")