odatse._info module
- class odatse._info.Info(d: MutableMapping | None = None)[source]
A class to represent the information structure for the data-analysis software.
Initialize the Info object.
- Parameters:
d (MutableMapping (optional)) – A dictionary to initialize the Info object.
- __init__(d: MutableMapping | None = None)[source]
Initialize the Info object.
- Parameters:
d (MutableMapping (optional)) – A dictionary to initialize the Info object.
- from_dict(d: MutableMapping) None [source]
Initialize the Info object from a dictionary.
- Parameters:
d (MutableMapping) – A dictionary containing the information to initialize the Info object.
- Raises:
exception.InputError – If any required section is missing in the input dictionary.
- classmethod from_file(file_name, fmt='', **kwargs)[source]
Create an Info object from a file.
- Parameters:
file_name (str) – The name of the file to load the information from.
fmt (str) – The format of the file (default is “”).
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments.
- Returns:
An Info object initialized with the data from the file.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If the file format is unsupported.