odatse.util.neighborlist module
- class odatse.util.neighborlist.Cells(mins: ndarray, maxs: ndarray, cellsize: float)[source]
A class to represent a grid of cells for spatial partitioning.
Initialize the Cells object.
- Parameters:
mins (np.ndarray) – The minimum coordinates of the grid.
maxs (np.ndarray) – The maximum coordinates of the grid.
cellsize (float) – The size of each cell.
- __init__(mins: ndarray, maxs: ndarray, cellsize: float)[source]
Initialize the Cells object.
- Parameters:
mins (np.ndarray) – The minimum coordinates of the grid.
maxs (np.ndarray) – The maximum coordinates of the grid.
cellsize (float) – The size of each cell.
- cellcoord2cellindex(ns: ndarray) int [source]
Convert cell coordinates to a cell index.
- Parameters:
ns (np.ndarray) – The cell coordinates to convert.
- Returns:
The index of the cell.
- Return type:
- cellindex2cellcoord(index: int) ndarray [source]
Convert a cell index to cell coordinates.
- Parameters:
index (int) – The index of the cell.
- Returns:
The cell coordinates.
- Return type:
- coord2cellcoord(x: ndarray) ndarray [source]
Convert coordinates to cell coordinates.
- Parameters:
x (np.ndarray) – The coordinates to convert.
- Returns:
The cell coordinates.
- Return type:
- coord2cellindex(x: ndarray) int [source]
Convert coordinates to a cell index.
- Parameters:
x (np.ndarray) – The coordinates to convert.
- Returns:
The index of the cell.
- Return type:
- odatse.util.neighborlist.load_neighbor_list(filename: PathLike, nnodes: int = None) List[List[int]] [source]
Load a neighbor list from a file.
- Parameters:
filename (PathLike) – The path to the file containing the neighbor list.
nnodes (int, optional) – The number of nodes. If None, it will be determined from the file.
- Returns:
The neighbor list.
- Return type:
- odatse.util.neighborlist.make_neighbor_list(X: ndarray, radius: float, allow_selfloop: bool = False, check_allpairs: bool = False, show_progress: bool = False, comm: Comm = None) List[List[int]] [source]
Create a neighbor list for given points.
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – The coordinates of the points.
radius (float) – The radius within which neighbors are considered.
allow_selfloop (bool) – Whether to allow self-loops in the neighbor list.
check_allpairs (bool) – Whether to use the naive all-pairs approach.
show_progress (bool) – Whether to show a progress bar.
comm (mpi.Comm, optional) – The MPI communicator.
- Returns:
The neighbor list.
- Return type:
- odatse.util.neighborlist.make_neighbor_list_cell(X: ndarray, radius: float, allow_selfloop: bool, show_progress: bool, comm: Comm = None) List[List[int]] [source]
Create a neighbor list using cell-based spatial partitioning.
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – The coordinates of the points.
radius (float) – The radius within which neighbors are considered.
allow_selfloop (bool) – Whether to allow self-loops in the neighbor list.
show_progress (bool) – Whether to show a progress bar.
comm (mpi.Comm, optional) – The MPI communicator.
- Returns:
The neighbor list.
- Return type:
- odatse.util.neighborlist.make_neighbor_list_naive(X: ndarray, radius: float, allow_selfloop: bool, show_progress: bool, comm: Comm = None) List[List[int]] [source]
Create a neighbor list using a naive all-pairs approach.
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray)) – The coordinates of the points.
radius (float) – The radius within which neighbors are considered.
allow_selfloop (bool) – Whether to allow self-loops in the neighbor list.
show_progress (bool) – Whether to show a progress bar.
comm (mpi.Comm, optional) – The MPI communicator.
- Returns:
The neighbor list.
- Return type:
- odatse.util.neighborlist.write_neighbor_list(filename: str, nnlist: List[List[int]], radius: float = None, unit: ndarray = None)[source]
Write the neighbor list to a file.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – The path to the output file.
nnlist (List[List[int]]) – The neighbor list to write.
radius (float, optional) – The neighborhood radius. Defaults to None.
unit (np.ndarray, optional) – The unit for each coordinate. Defaults to None.