Nelder-Mead method minsearch

When minsearch is selcted, the optimization by the Nelder-Mead method (a.k.a. downhill simplex method) will be done. In the Nelder-Mead method, assuming the dimension of the parameter space is \(D\), the optimal solution is searched by systematically moving pairs of \(D+1\) coordinate points according to the value of the objective function at each point.

An important hyperparameter is the initial value of the coordinates. Although it is more stable than the simple steepest descent method, it still has the problem of being trapped in the local optimum solution, so it is recommended to repeat the calculation with different initial values several times to check the results.

In ODAT-SE, the Scipy’s function scipy.optimize.minimize(method="Nelder-Mead") is used. For details, see the official document .


You will need to install scipy .

$ python3 -m pip install scipy

Input parameters

It has subsections param and minimize.

[param] section

  • initial_list

    Format: List of float. The length should match the value of dimension.

    Description: Initial value of the parameter. If not defined, it will be initialized uniformly and randomly.

  • unit_list

    Format: List of float. The length should match the value of dimension.

    Description: Units for each parameter. In the search algorithm, each parameter is divided by each of these values to perform a simple dimensionless and normalization. If not defined, the value is 1.0 for all dimensions.

  • min_list

    Format: List of float. Length should be equal to dimension.

    Description: Minimum value of each parameter. When a parameter falls below this value during the Nelson-Mead method, the solver is not evaluated and the value is considered infinite.

  • max_list

    Format: List of float. Length should be equal to dimension.

    Description: Maximum value of each parameter. When a parameter exceeds this value during the Nelson-Mead method, the solver is not evaluated and the value is considered infinite.

[minimize] section

Set the hyperparameters for the Nelder-Mead method. See the documentation of scipy.optimize.minimize for details.

  • initial_scale_list

    Format: List of float. The length should match the value of dimension.

    Description: The difference value that is shifted from the initial value in order to create the initial simplex for the Nelder-Mead method. The initial_simplex is given by the sum of initial_list and the dimension of the initial_list plus one component of the initial_scale_list. If not defined, scales at each dimension are set to 0.25.

  • xatol

    Format: Float (default: 1e-4)

    Description: Parameters used to determine convergence of the Nelder-Mead method.

  • fatol

    Format: Float (default: 1e-4)

    Description: Parameters used to determine convergence of the Nelder-Mead method.

  • maxiter

    Format: Integer (default: 10000)

    Description: Maximum number of iterations for the Nelder-Mead method.

  • maxfev

    Format: Integer (default: 100000)

    Description: Maximum number of times to evaluate the objective function.

Output files


Outputs information about the process of finding the minimum value. The first line is a header, the second and subsequent lines are step, the values of variables defined in string_list in the [solver] - [param] sections of the input file, and finally the value of the function.

The following is an example of the output.

#step z1 z2 z3 R-factor
0 5.25 4.25 3.5 0.015199251773721183
1 5.25 4.25 3.5 0.015199251773721183
2 5.229166666666666 4.3125 3.645833333333333 0.013702918021532375
3 5.225694444444445 4.40625 3.5451388888888884 0.012635279378225261
4 5.179976851851851 4.348958333333334 3.5943287037037033 0.006001660077530159
5 5.179976851851851 4.348958333333334 3.5943287037037033 0.006001660077530159


The value of the final objective function and the value of the parameters at that time are described. The objective function is listed first, followed by the values of the variables defined in string_list in the [solver] - [param] sections of the input file, in that order.

The following is an example of the output.

fx = 7.382680568652868e-06
z1 = 5.230524973874179
z2 = 4.370622919269477
z3 = 3.5961444501081647


The restarting is not supported for the optimization by the Nelder-Mead method.