
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from scipy import spatial
import _src
from _src.enhance_gauss import grad_width64

[ドキュメント]class gauss: ''' gaussian kernel ''' def __init__( self, num_dim, width = 3, scale = 1, ard = False, \ max_width = 1e6, min_width = 1e-6, \ max_scale = 1e6, min_scale = 1e-6 ): """ Parameters ---------- num_dim: int width: float scale: float ard: bool flag to use Automatic Relevance Determination (ARD). max_width: float Maximum value of width min_width: float Minimum value of width max_scale: float Maximum value of scale min_scale: float Minimum value of scale """ self.ard = ard self.num_dim = num_dim self.scale = scale self.max_ln_width = np.log(max_width) self.min_ln_width = np.log(min_width) self.max_ln_scale = np.log(max_scale) self.min_ln_scale = np.log(min_scale) if self.ard: # with ARD self.num_params = num_dim + 1 if isinstance( width, np.ndarray ) and len( width ) == self.num_dim: self.width = width else: self.width = width * np.ones(self.num_dim) else: # without ARD self.width = width self.num_params = 2 params = self.cat_params( self.width, self.scale ) self.set_params( params )
[ドキュメント] def print_params( self ): """ show the current kernel parameters """ print ' Parameters of Gaussian kernel \n ' print ' width = ', + self.width print ' scale = ', + self.scale print ' scale2 = ', + self.scale**2 print ' \n'
[ドキュメント] def prepare( self, params = None ): """ Setting parameters Parameters ---------- params: numpy.ndarray parameters Returns ------- params: numpy.ndarray width: int scale: int """ if params is None: params = self.params width = self.width scale = self.scale else: params = self.supp_params( params ) width, scale = self.decomp_params( params ) return params, width, scale
[ドキュメント] def get_grad( self, X, params = None ): """ Getting gradiant values of X Parameters ---------- X: numpy.ndarray N x d dimensional matrix. Each row of X denotes the d-dimensional feature vector of search candidate. params: numpy.ndarray Returns ------- grad: numpy.ndarray """ num_data = X.shape[0] params, width, scale = self.prepare( params ) G = self.get_cov( X, params = params ) grad = np.zeros((self.num_params, num_data, num_data)) if self.ard: grad[0:self.num_params-1,:,:] = grad_width64(X, width, G) else: pairwise_dists = spatial.distance.pdist( X/width, 'euclidean' ) grad[0,:,:] = G * spatial.distance.squareform( pairwise_dists**2 ) grad[-1,:,:] = 2 * G return grad
[ドキュメント] def get_cov( self, X, Z = None, params = None, diag = False ): """ compute the covariant matrix Parameters ---------- X: numpy.ndarray N x d dimensional matrix. Each row of X denotes the d-dimensional feature vector of search candidate. Z: numpy.ndarray N x d dimensional matrix. Each row of Z denotes the d-dimensional feature vector of search candidate. params: numpy.ndarray Parameters diag: bool If X is the diagonalization matrix, true. Returns ------- G: numpy.ndarray covariant matrix """ params, width, scale = self.prepare( params ) scale2 = scale**2 if Z is None: if diag: G = scale2 * np.ones(X.shape[0]) else: pairwise_dists = spatial.distance.squareform( \ spatial.distance.pdist( X/width, 'euclidean' )**2 ) G = np.exp(- 0.5 * pairwise_dists ) * scale2 else: pairwise_dists = spatial.distance.cdist( X/width, Z/width, 'euclidean')**2 G = np.exp(- 0.5 * pairwise_dists ) * scale2 return G
[ドキュメント] def set_params( self, params ): """ set kernel parameters Parameters ---------- params: numpy.ndarray Parameters for optimization. """ params = self.supp_params( params ) self.params = params self.width, self.scale = self.decomp_params( params )
[ドキュメント] def supp_params( self, params ): """ Set maximum (minimum) values for parameters when the parameter is greater(less) than this value. Parameters ---------- params: numpy.ndarray Parameters for optimization. Array of real elements of size (n,), where ‘n’ is the number of independent variables. Returns ------- params: numpy.ndarray """ index = np.where( params[0:-1] > self.max_ln_width) params[ index[0] ] = self.max_ln_width index = np.where( params[0:-1] < self.min_ln_width) params[ index[0] ] = self.min_ln_width if params[-1] > self.max_ln_scale: params[-1] = self.max_ln_scale if params[-1] < self.min_ln_scale: params[-1] = self.min_ln_scale return params
[ドキュメント] def decomp_params( self, params ): """ decompose the parameters defined on the log region into width and scale parameters Parameters ---------- params: numpy.ndarray parameters Returns ------- width: float scale: float """ width = np.exp( params[0:-1] ) scale = np.exp( params[-1] ) return width, scale
[ドキュメント] def save( self, file_name ): """ save the gaussian kernel Parameters ---------- file_name: str file name to save the information of the kernel """ kwarg = {'name':'gauss', \ 'params':self.params, \ 'ard':self.ard, \ 'num_dim': self.num_dim, \ 'max_ln_scale': self.max_ln_scale, \ 'min_ln_scale': self.min_ln_scale, \ 'max_ln_width': self.max_ln_width, \ 'min_ln_width': self.min_ln_width, \ 'num_params': self.num_params } with open(file_name,'wb') as f: np.savez(f, **kwarg)
[ドキュメント] def load( self, file_name): """ Recovering the Gaussian kernel from file Parameters ---------- file_name: str file name to load the information of the kernel """ temp = np.load( file_name ) self.num_dim = temp['num_dim'] self.ard = temp['ard'] self.max_ln_scale = temp['max_ln_scale'] self.min_ln_scale = temp['min_ln_scale'] self.max_ln_width = temp['max_ln_width'] self.min_ln_width = temp['min_ln_width'] params = temp['params'] self.set_params( params )
[ドキュメント] def get_params_bound( self ): """ Getting boundary array. Returns ------- bound: list A num_params-dimensional array with the tuple (min_params, max_params). """ if self.ard: bound = [ ( self.min_ln_width, self.max_ln_width ) for i in range(0, self.num_dim) ] else: bound = [ ( self.min_ln_width, self.max_ln_width ) ] bound.append( ( self.min_ln_scale, self.max_ln_scale ) ) return bound
[ドキュメント] def cat_params( self, width, scale): """ Taking the logarithm of width and scale parameters and concatinate them into one ndarray Parameters ---------- width: int scale: int Returns ------- params: numpy.ndarray Parameters """ params = np.zeros( self.num_params ) params[0:-1] = np.log( width ) params[-1] = np.log( scale ) return params
[ドキュメント] def rand_expans( self, num_basis, params = None ): """ Kernel Expansion Parameters ---------- num_basis: int total number of basis params: numpy.ndarray Parameters Returns ------- tupple (W, b, amp) """ params, width, scale = self.prepare( params ) scale2 = scale**2 amp = np.sqrt( ( 2 * scale2 )/num_basis ) W = np.random.randn( num_basis, self.num_dim )/width b = np.random.rand( num_basis ) * 2 * np.pi return ( W, b, amp )
[ドキュメント] def get_cand_params( self, X, t ): """ Getting candidate parameters. Parameters ---------- X: numpy.ndarray N x d dimensional matrix. Each row of X denotes the d-dimensional feature vector of search candidate. t: numpy.ndarray N dimensional array. The negative energy of each search candidate (value of the objective function to be optimized). Returns ------- params: numpy.ndarray """ if self.ard: # with ARD width = np.zeros( self.num_dim ) scale = np.std( t ) u = np.random.uniform( 0.4, 0.8 ) width = u * ( np.max( X, 0 ) - np.min( X, 0 ) ) * np.sqrt( self.num_dim ) index = np.where( np.abs( width ) < 1e-6 ) width[index[0]] = 1e-6 params = np.append( np.log( width ), np.log( scale ) ) else: # without ARD num_data = X.shape[0] M = max( 2000, int( np.floor( num_data / 5 )) ) dist = np.zeros( M ) for m in xrange( M ): a = np.random.randint( 0, X.shape[0], 2 ) dist[m] = np.linalg.norm( X[a[0],:] - X[a[1],:] ) dist = np.sort( dist ) tmp = int( np.floor( M / 10 ) ) n = np.random.randint(0,5) width = dist[ (2*n+ 1)*tmp ] scale = np.std(t) params = np.append( np.log(width + 1e-8), np.log(scale) ) return params