Overview ================= TeNeS (**Te** nsor **Ne** twork **S** olver) is an open-source program package for calculation of two-dimensional many-body quantum states based on the tensor network method. This package calculates ground-state wavefunctions for user-defined Hamiltonian, and evaluates user-defined physical quantities such as magnetization and correlation functions. TeNeS can calculate finite temperature quantity and real-time evolution as well as the ground-state quantity. For predefined models and lattices, there is a tool that makes it easy for users to generate input files. TeNeS uses an OpenMP/MPI hybrid parallelized tensor operation library and thus can deal with large-scale calculation by using massively parallel machines. Developers ================== TeNeS is developed by the following members. - Tsuyoshi Okubo (Graduate School of Science, Univ. of Tokyo) - Satoshi Morita (Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University) - Yuichi Motoyama (Institute for Solid State Physics, Univ. of Tokyo) - Kazuyoshi Yoshimi (Institute for Solid State Physics, Univ. of Tokyo) - Takeo Kato (Institute for Solid State Physics, Univ. of Tokyo) - Naoki Kawashima (Institute for Solid State Physics, Univ. of Tokyo) Version information ====================== - ver. 2.1.0: released on 2024-02-28. - ver. 2.0.0: released on 2023-11-17. - ver. 2.0-beta: released on 2023-10-25. - ver. 1.3.4: released on 2023-09-13. - ver. 1.3.3: released on 2023-07-14. - ver. 1.3.2: released on 2023-06-08. - ver. 1.3.1: released on 2022-10-21. - ver. 1.3.0: released on 2022-10-20. - ver. 1.2.0: released on 2021-12-13. - ver. 1.1.1: released on 2020-11-09. - ver. 1.1.0: released on 2020-07-09. - ver. 1.0.0: released on 2020-04-17. - ver. 1.0-beta: released on 2020-03-30. - ver. 0.1: released on 2019-12-04. License ================== This package is distributed under GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL v3) or later. Papers ======== When you publish the results by using TeNeS, we would appreciate if you cite the following paper: `Y. Motoyama, Tsuyoshi Okubo, Kazuyoshi Yoshimi, Satoshi Morita, Takeo Kato, and Naoki Kawashima, "TeNeS: Tensor Network Solver for Quantum Lattice Systems", Comput. Phys. Commun. 279, 108437 (2022) `_ Copyright ================== © *2019- The University of Tokyo. All rights reserved.* This software was developed with the support of \"*Project for advancement of software usability in materials science*\" of The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo.