.. highlight:: none .. _sec-expert-format: Input file for ``tenes`` --------------------------------- - File format is `TOML `__ format. - The input file has five sections: ``parameter``, ``tensor``, ``evolution``, ``observable``, ``correlation``. ``parameter`` section ======================== .. include:: ./parameter_section.rst ``tensor`` section ======================== .. include:: ./tensor_section.rst ``observable`` section ========================== .. include:: ./observable_section.rst ``evolution`` section ======================== Specify the imaginary time evolution opetrators used in simple and full updates. One-site and two-sites (nearest neighbor bond) operators can be defined. This section has two subsections: ``simple`` and ``full``. .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Description", "Type" :widths: 15, 30, 20 ``group``, "Group of the evolution operator", Integer (0-) ``site``, "Index of site", Integer (0-) ``source_site``, "Index of source site", Integer (0-) ``source_leg``, "Direction from source site to target site", Integer (0-3) ``dimensions``, "Dimension of a tensor of imaginary time evolution operator", A list of integers ``elements``, "Non-zero elements of a tensor of imaginary time evolution operator", String ``group`` specifies the group of the evolution operator (the default value is 0). It corresponds to the index of ``tau`` and ``num_steps`` in ``parameter.simple_update`` and ``parameter.full_update``. ``site`` is available for one-site operator, and ``source_site`` and ``source_leg`` are for two-site operator. ``source_leg`` is specified as an integer from 0 to 3. Defined as ``0: -x, 1: + y, 2: + x, 3: -y`` in the clockwise order from the -x direction. ``dimensions`` is different from ``dim`` in ``observable`` section, so you need to specify the dimensions of all legs. The order of the legs is ``source_initial, target_initial, source_final, target_final``, just like ``elements``. Example :: [evolution] # One site [[evolution.simple]] site = 0 dimensions = [2, 2] elements = """ 0 0 1.0012507815756226 0.0 1 1 0.9987507809245809 0.0 """ # Two site [[evolution.simple]] source_site = 0 source_leg = 2 dimensions = [2, 2, 2, 2] elements = """ 0 0 0 0 0.9975031223974601 0.0 1 0 1 0 1.0025156589209967 0.0 0 1 1 0 -0.005012536523536871 0.0 1 0 0 1 -0.005012536523536871 0.0 0 1 0 1 1.0025156589209967 0.0 1 1 1 1 0.9975031223974601 0.0 """ ``correlation`` section ========================== .. include:: ./correlation_section.rst ``correlation_length`` section ==================================== .. include:: ./correlation_length_section.rst