.. highlight:: none .. _sec-simple-format: Input file for ``tenes_simple`` --------------------------------- - File format is `TOML `__ format. - The input file has four sections : ``model``, ``parameter``, ``lattice``, ``correlation`` . - The ``parameter`` section is copied to the standard mode input. ``model`` section ========================== Specify the model to calculate. In this version, spin system (``"spin"``) and bosonic system (``"boson"``) are defined. .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Description", "Type", "Default" :widths: 5, 40, 10, 10 ``type``, Model type ("spin" or "boson"), String, -- The parameter names such as interactions depend on the model type. Spin system: ``"spin"`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hamiltonian is described as .. math :: \mathcal{H} = \sum_{\langle ij \rangle}\left[\sum_\alpha^{x,y,z} J^\alpha_{ij} S^\alpha_i S^\alpha_j + B \left(\vec{S}_i\cdot\vec{S}_j\right)^2 \right] - \sum_i \sum_\alpha^{x,y,z} h^\alpha S^\alpha_i - \sum_i D \left(S^z_i\right)^2 The parameters of the one-body terms are defined as follows. .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Description", "Type", "Default" :widths: 5, 40, 10, 10 ``S``, Magnitude of the local spin, Real (integer or half integer), 0.5 ``hx``, "Magnetic field along :math:`S^x`, :math:`h^x`", Real, 0.0 ``hy``, "Magnetic field along :math:`S^y`, :math:`h^y`", Real, 0.0 ``hz``, "Magnetic field along :math:`S^z`, :math:`h^z`", Real, 0.0 ``D``, "On-site spin anisotropy :math:`D`", Real, 0.0 The exchange interaction :math:`J` can have a bond dependency. .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Description", "Type", "Default" :widths: 5, 40, 10, 10 ``J0``, "Exchange interaction of **0th** direction **nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 ``J1``, "Exchange interaction of **1st** direction **nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 ``J2``, "Exchange interaction of **2nd** direction **nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 ``J0'``, "Exchange interaction of **0th** direction **next nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 ``J1'``, "Exchange interaction of **1st** direction **next nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 ``J2'``, "Exchange interaction of **2nd** direction **next nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 ``J0''``, "Exchange interaction of **0th** direction **third nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 ``J1''``, "Exchange interaction of **1st** direction **third nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 ``J2''``, "Exchange interaction of **2nd** direction **third nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 For the next nearest and third nearest neighbor bond, please surround the keyname with the double-quotation marks, ``"``. The bond direction depends on the lattice defined in the ``lattice`` section. For a square lattice, for example, coupling constants along two bond directions can be defined, x-direction (0) and y-direction (1). By omitting the direction number, you can specify all directions at once. You can also specify Ising-like interaction by adding one character of `xyz` at the end. If the same bond or component is specified twice or more, an error will occur. To summarize, .. image:: ../../img/J.* :width: 400px :align: center The biquadratic interaction :math:`B` can also have a bond dependency like as :math:`J`. .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Description", "Type", "Default" :widths: 5, 40, 10, 10 ``B0``, "Biquadratic interaction of **0th** direction **nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 ``B1``, "Biquadratic interaction of **1st** direction **nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 ``B2``, "Biquadratic interaction of **2nd** direction **nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 ``B0'``, "Biquadratic interaction of **0th** direction **next nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 ``B1'``, "Biquadratic interaction of **1st** direction **next nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 ``B2'``, "Biquadratic interaction of **2nd** direction **next nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 ``B0''``, "Biquadratic interaction of **0th** direction **third nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 ``B1''``, "Biquadratic interaction of **1st** direction **third nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 ``B2''``, "Biquadratic interaction of **2nd** direction **third nearest neighbor** bond", Real, 0.0 One-site operators :math:`S ^ z` and :math:`S ^ x` are automatically defined. If ``parameter.general.is_real = false``, :math:`S ^ y` is also defined. In addition, bond Hamiltonian .. math :: \mathcal{H}_{ij} = \left[\sum_\alpha^{x,y,z} J^\alpha_{ij} S^\alpha_i S^\alpha_j + B \left(\vec{S}_i\cdot\vec{S}_j\right)^2 \right] - \frac{1}{z} \left[ \sum_\alpha^{x,y,z} h^\alpha \left(S^\alpha_i + S^\alpha_j \right) + D \left(\left(S^z_i\right)^2 + \left(S^z_j\right)^2 \right) \right], and spin correlations on nearest neighbor bonds :math:`S^\alpha_iS^\alpha_j` ( :math:`\alpha=x,y,z` ) are automatically defined as two-site operators. In the bond Hamiltonian, one body terms (:math:`h^\alpha` and :math:`D` term) appear only in the nearest neighbor bonds, and :math:`z` is the number of the coordinate number. Bosonic system: ``"boson"`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hamiltonian is described as .. math :: \mathcal{H} = \sum_{i