.. highlight:: none .. _sec-std-format: Input file for ``tenes_std`` --------------------------------- - File format: `TOML `__ format - This file has 5 sections: ``parameter``, ``tensor``, ``hamiltonian``, ``observable``, ``correlation`` ``parameter`` section =========================== .. include:: ./parameter_section.rst ``tensor`` section =========================== .. include:: ./tensor_section.rst ``observable`` section ============================= .. include:: ./observable_section.rst ``hamiltonian`` section ============================== Let the whole Hamiltonian be the sum of the site Hamiltonian (one-site Hamiltonian) and bond Hamiltonian (two-site Hamiltonian). .. math:: \mathcal{H} = \sum_i \mathcal{H}_i + \sum_{i,j} \mathcal{H}_{ij} In ``hamiltonian`` section, each local Hamiltonian is defined. The format is similar to that of the one-site and two-site operator specified in ``observable.onesite`` and ``observable.twosite``. .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Description", "Type" :widths: 15, 30, 20 ``dim``, "Dimension of an operator", A list of integers ``sites``, "Site", A list of integers ``bonds``, "Bond", String ``elements``, "Non-zero elements of an operator", String ``dim`` specifies a dimension of an operator. In other words, the number of possible states of the site where the operator acts on. In the case of interaction between two :math:`S=1/2` spin, for example, ``dim = [2,2]`` . ``tenes_std`` judges whether a local Hamiltonian is site one or bond one from the number of integers in ``dims``; if one, a site Hamiltonian is defined and otherwise a bond one. ``sites``, a list of integers, specifies a set of sites where the site operator acts. An empty list (``[]``) means all the sites. ``bonds`` specifies a string representing the set of site pairs on which the operator acts. One line consisting of three integers means one site pair. - The first integer is the number of the source site. - The last two integers are the coordinates (dx, dy) of the destination site (target) from the source site. ``elements`` is a string specifying the non-zero element of an operator. One element consists of one line consisting of two (site) or four (bond) integers and two floating-point numbers separated by spaces. - For site Hamiltonian * The first integer is the index of the state of the site **before** the operator acts on. * The next one shows the index of the state of the site **after** the operator acts on. * The last two indicate the real and imaginary parts of the elements of the operator. - For bond Hamiltonian * The first two integers are the indices of the states of the source site and target site **before** the operator acts on. * The next two show the indices of the states of the source site and target site **after** the operator acts on. * The last two indicate the real and imaginary parts of the elements of the operator. ``correlation`` section =========================== .. include:: ./correlation_section.rst ``correlation_length`` section ================================== .. include:: ./correlation_length_section.rst