Source code for abics.applications.latgas_abinitio_interface.aenet

# ab-Initio Configuration Sampling tool kit (abICS)
# Copyright (C) 2019- The University of Tokyo
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see

from .base_solver import SolverBase
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
from pymatgen import Structure
import os
import sys,shutil,io

[docs]class aenetSolver(SolverBase): """ This class defines the aenet solver. """
[docs] def __init__(self, path_to_solver): """ Initialize the solver. Parameters ---------- path_to_solver : str Path to the solver. """ super(aenetSolver, self).__init__(path_to_solver) self.path_to_solver = path_to_solver self.input = aenetSolver.Input() self.output = aenetSolver.Output()
[docs] def name(self): return "aenet"
[docs] class Input(object): def __init__(self): self.base_info = None self.pos_info = None
[docs] def from_directory(self, base_input_dir): """ Initialize information from files in base_input_dir. Parameters ---------- base_input_dir : str Path to the directory including base input files. """ # set information of base_input and pos_info from files in base_input_dir self.base_info = os.path.abspath(base_input_dir) self.pos_info = open('{}/structure.xsf'.format(base_input_dir), 'r').read()
[docs] def update_info_by_structure(self, structure): """ Update information by atomic structure. Parameters ---------- structure : pymatgen.Structure Atomic structure """ self.pos_info ='XSF')
[docs] def update_info_from_files(self, output_dir, rerun): """ Do nothing. """ print('rerun not implemented. Something has gone wrong') sys.exit(1)
[docs] def write_input(self, output_dir): """ Generate input files of the solver program. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str Path to working directory. """ # Write input files if self.base_info is None: raise AttributeError("Fail to set base_info.") os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) for fname in os.listdir(self.base_info): shutil.copy('{}/{}'.format(self.base_info, fname), output_dir) with open('{}/structure.xsf'.format(output_dir), 'w') as f: f.write(self.pos_info)
[docs] def cl_args(self, nprocs, nthreads, output_dir): """ Generate command line arguments of the solver program. Parameters ---------- nprocs : int The number of processes. nthreads : int The number of threads. output_dir : str Path to the working directory. Returns ------- args : list[str] Arguments of command """ # Specify command line arguments return ['{}/'.format(output_dir),]
[docs] class Output(object):
[docs] def get_results(self, output_dir): """ Get energy and structure obtained by the solver program. Parameters ---------- output_dir: str Path to the working directory. Returns ------- phys : named_tuple("energy", "structure") Total energy and atomic structure. The energy is measured in the units of eV and coordinates is measured in the units of Angstrom. """ # Read results from files in output_dir and calculate values Phys = namedtuple("PhysVaules", ("energy", "structure")) structure = Structure.from_file('{}/structure.xsf'.format(output_dir)) with open('{}/stdout'.format(output_dir)) as f: lines = fi_io = io.StringIO(lines) line = fi_io.readline() if 'optimized' in lines: while 'optimized' not in line: line = fi_io.readline() for i in range(4): fi_io.readline() for i in range(len(structure)): xyz = [float(x) for x in fi_io.readline().split()[1:4]] structure.replace(i, structure[i].species, coords = xyz, coords_are_cartesian = True) while 'Total energy' not in line: line = fi_io.readline() energy = line.split()[-2] return Phys(np.float64(energy), structure)
[docs] def solver_run_schemes(self): return ('subprocess')