Source code for abics.applications.latgas_abinitio_interface.model_setup

# ab-Initio Configuration Sampling tool kit (abICS)
# Copyright (C) 2019- The University of Tokyo
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see

from itertools import product
import sys
import os
import copy

import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rand

# from mpi4py import MPI

from pymatgen import Structure
from pymatgen.analysis.structure_matcher import StructureMatcher, FrameworkComparator
import pymatgen.analysis.structure_analyzer as analy

from abics.exception import InputError
from import model
from abics.util import read_vector, read_matrix, read_tensor

[docs]def gauss(x, x0, sigma): """ Gaussian function Parameters ---------- x: float The position x0: float The position of the center of the peak sigma: float The standard deviation Returns ------- value: float """ return ( 1.0 / (np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * sigma) * np.exp(-np.power((x - x0) / sigma, 2.0) / 2.0) )
[docs]def match_id(lst, obj): """ Return the index list of lst which matches obj. Parameters ---------- lst: list obj: object Returns ------- The index list of lst which matches obj. """ mapping = [] for i in range(len(lst)): if lst[i] == obj: mapping.append(i) return mapping
[docs]def nomatch_id(lst, obj): """ Return the index list of lst which does not match obj. Parameters ---------- lst: list obj: object Returns ------- The index list of lst which does not match obj. """ mapping = [] for i in range(len(lst)): if lst[i] != obj: mapping.append(i) return mapping
[docs]def match_latgas_group(latgas_rep, group): """ Return the index list of latgas_rep which matches Parameters ---------- latgas_rep: list group: object Notes: the group must have name Returns ------- The index list of latgas_rep which matches """ mapping = [] for i in range(len(latgas_rep)): if latgas_rep[i][0] == mapping.append(i) return mapping
[docs]def perturb_structure(st: Structure, distance: float) -> None: """ Perform random perturbation of the atomic coordinates. All atoms will be moved at the same distance. Which components will be perturbed is specified by a boolean array stored as st.site_properties["seldyn"]. If not stored, all the components will be perturbed. Argument st will be mutated. Parameters ---------- st: Structure distance: float strength of perturb """ N = st.num_sites seldyn = np.array(st.site_properties.get("seldyn", np.ones((N, 3))), dtype=np.float) assert seldyn.shape == (N, 3) seldyn *= rand.randn(N, 3) for i in range(N): r = seldyn[i, :] norm = np.linalg.norm(r) if norm != 0.0: st.sites[i].coords += seldyn[i, :] / norm * distance
[docs]class dft_latgas(model): """ This class defines the DFT lattice gas mapping model """ model_name = "dft_latgas"
[docs] def __init__( self, abinitio_run, save_history=True, l_update_basestruct=False, check_ion_move=False, ion_move_tol=0.7, ): """ Parameters ---------- abinitio_run: runner object Runner (manager) of external solver program save_history: boolean l_update_basestruct: boolean check_ion_move: boolean ion_move_tol: float """ self.matcher = StructureMatcher(primitive_cell=False, allow_subset=False) self.abinitio_run = abinitio_run self.save_history = save_history self.l_update_basestruct = l_update_basestruct self.check_ion_move = check_ion_move self.ion_move_tol = ion_move_tol
[docs] def energy(self, config): """ Calculate total energy Parameters ---------- config: config object Configurations Returns ------- energy: float """ config.structure.sort(key=lambda site: site.species_string) structure = config.structure if self.save_history: calc_history = config.calc_history # Try to avoid doing dft calculation for the same structure. # Assuming that calc_history is a list of ComputedStructureEntries for i in range(len(calc_history)): if, calc_history[i][1]): print("match found in history") sys.stdout.flush() config.structure = calc_history[i][2] return calc_history[i][0] structure0 = structure energy, structure = self.abinitio_run.submit( structure, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "output") ) if self.check_ion_move: relax_analy = analy.RelaxationAnalyzer(structure0, structure) data = relax_analy.get_percentage_bond_dist_changes() breakflag = False for ion in self.check_ion_move: if breakflag: break for index in structure0.indices_from_symbol(ion): if breakflag: break for i in data[index].keys(): if data[index][i] > self.ion_move_tol: energy = float("inf") print("ion relaxed out of initial site") sys.stdout.flush() breakflag = True break if self.save_history: config.calc_history.append((energy, structure0.copy(), structure.copy())) if len(config.calc_history) == 25: del config.calc_history[0:5] config.structure = structure return np.float64(energy)
[docs] def trialstep(self, config, energy_now): """ Parameters ---------- config: config object Configurations energy_now: float Present energy Returns ------- dconfig: float Difference of configurations dE : float Difference of energies """ e0 = energy_now # Back up structure and defect_sublattices structure0 = copy.deepcopy(config.structure) defect_sublattices0 = copy.deepcopy(config.defect_sublattices) # for defect_sublattice in [rand.choice(config.defect_sublattices)]: #config.defect_sublattices: defect_sublattice = rand.choice(config.defect_sublattices) latgas_rep = defect_sublattice.latgas_rep # print(latgas_rep) # If there is more than one group on the defect_sublattice, # we either change orientation of one group, or exchange groups between sites if len(defect_sublattice.groups) > 1: random_divide = 0.5 else: random_divide = 2.0 if defect_sublattice.groups_orr and rand.rand() < random_divide: # Change orientation of one group with orientation attributes # Let's first locate sites that have such groups rot_ids = [] for group in defect_sublattice.groups_orr: rot_ids += match_latgas_group(latgas_rep, group) # Choose the site to rotate and rotate rot_id = rand.choice(rot_ids) rot_group = defect_sublattice.group_dict[latgas_rep[rot_id][0]] rot_group_orr = latgas_rep[rot_id][1] # Remove the current orientation from the list of possible orientations or_choices = [ orx for orx in range(rot_group.orientations) if orx != rot_group_orr ] latgas_rep[rot_id] = [, rand.choice(or_choices)] else: # Exchange different groups between sites ex1_group, ex2_group = rand.choice(defect_sublattice.groups, 2, replace=False) ex1_id = rand.choice(match_latgas_group(latgas_rep, ex1_group)) ex2_id = rand.choice(match_latgas_group(latgas_rep, ex2_group)) latgas_rep[ex1_id], latgas_rep[ex2_id] = ( latgas_rep[ex2_id], latgas_rep[ex1_id], ) # print(latgas_rep) config.set_latgas() # do vasp calculation on structure e1 = # return old structure structure = config.structure config.structure = structure0 defect_sublattices = config.defect_sublattices config.defect_sublattices = defect_sublattices0 # Simply pass new structure and latgas_rep in dconfig to be used by newconfig(): dconfig = structure, defect_sublattices if e0 == float("inf"): dE = e1 else: dE = e1 - e0 return dconfig, dE
[docs] def newconfig(self, config, dconfig): """ Update config by the trial step, dconfig Parameters ---------- config: config object Configuration dconfig: config object Difference of configuration Returns ------- config: config object New configuration """ config.structure, config.defect_sublattices = dconfig if self.l_update_basestruct: self.update_basestruct(config) return config
[docs]class energy_lst(dft_latgas):
[docs] def __init__( self, calcode, vasp_run, base_vaspinput, matcher_base, # matcher, matcher_site, queen, reps, energy_lst, matcher=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- calcode: vasp_run: runner object Runner (manager) of external solver program base_vaspinput: matcher_base: queen: reps: energy_lst: list Energy list matcher: """ super().__init__( calcode, vasp_run, base_vaspinput, matcher_base, # matcher, matcher_site, queen, matcher=None, ) self.reps = reps self.energy_list = energy_lst
[docs] def energy(self, config, save_history=False): """ Parameters ---------- config: config object Configuration save_history: boolean Returns ------- energy: float """ rep_id = self.reps.index(tuple(config.latgas_rep)) return np.float64(self.energy_list[rep_id])
[docs]class group(object):
[docs] def __init__( self, name, species, *, coords=None, relaxations=None, magnetizations=None ): """ Parameters ---------- name: str The name of atomic group species: str The atomic species belonging to the atom group coords: numpy array The coordinates of each atom in the atom group. relaxations: numpy array Whether to perform structure optimization or not magnetization: numpy array Magnetizations (inbalance of up/down spins) """ = name self.species = species self.coords = np.array(coords) if coords is not None else np.zeros((1, 3)) self.relaxations = ( np.array(relaxations) if relaxations is not None else np.ones((1, 3), dtype=bool) ) self.magnetizations = ( np.array(magnetizations) if magnetizations is not None else np.zeros(1) ) self.orientations = len(coords) if self.orientations == 0: self.orientations = 1 self.natoms = len(species)
[docs]class defect_sublattice(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, site_centers, groups): """ Parameters ---------- site_centers: list Center coordinates at each groups groups: list List of groups """ self.site_centers = np.array(site_centers) self.groups = groups self.groups_orr = [] self.group_dict = {} for group in groups: if group.orientations > 1: self.groups_orr.append(group) self.group_dict[] = group
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """ Parameters ---------- d: dict Returns ------- site_centers: list Center coordinates at each groups groups: list List of groups """ site_centers = read_matrix(d["coords"]) groups = [] for g in d["groups"]: name = g["name"] species = g.get("species", [name]) n = len(species) coords = read_tensor(g.get("coords", [[[0, 0, 0]]]), rank=3) m = coords.shape[1] if n != 0 and m != n: raise InputError( 'number of atoms mismatch in group [{}]: "species"={}, "coords"={}'.format( name, n, m ) ) relaxation = read_matrix(g.get("relaxation", np.ones((n, 3))), dtype=bool) m = relaxation.shape[0] if n != 0 and m != n: raise InputError( 'number of atoms mismatch in group [{}]: "species"={}, "relaxation"={}'.format( name, n, m ) ) mag = read_vector(g.get("magnetization", np.zeros(n))) m = len(mag) if n != 0 and m != n: raise InputError( 'number of atoms mismatch in group [{}]: "species"={}, "magnetization"={}'.format( name, n, m ) ) groups.append( group( name, species, coords=coords, relaxations=relaxation, magnetizations=mag, ) ) return cls(site_centers, groups)
[docs]def base_structure(lat, dict_str): """ Parameters ---------- lat: pymatgen.Lattice dict_str: dict Dictionary of base structure Returns ------- st: pymatgen.Structure """ if len(dict_str) == 1 and not dict_str[0]: return Structure( lattice=lat, species=[], coords=[], site_properties={ "seldyn": np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=bool), "magnetization": np.zeros(0), }, ) elems = [] coords = [] relaxations = [] magnetizations = [] for tc in dict_str: if "type" not in tc: raise InputError('"type" is not found in "base_structure"') sp = tc["type"] crds = read_matrix(tc["coords"]) n = crds.shape[0] if "relaxation" in tc: relax = read_matrix(tc["relaxation"], dtype=bool) m = relax.shape[0] if m != n: raise InputError( 'number of base atoms mismatch: "coords"={}, "relaxation"={}'.format( n, m ) ) else: relax = np.ones((n, 3), dtype=bool) # all True if "magnetization" in tc: mag = tc["magnetization"] if not isinstance(mag, list): raise InputError('"magnetization" should be a list of floats') try: mag = [float(x) for x in mag] except ValueError: raise InputError('"magnetization" should be a list of floats') m = len(mag) if m != n: raise InputError( 'number of base atoms mismatch: "coords"={}, "magnetization"={}'.format( n, m ) ) else: mag = np.zeros(n) elems.append([sp] * n) coords.append(crds) relaxations.append(relax) magnetizations.append(mag) elems = sum(elems, []) coords = np.concatenate(coords, axis=0) relaxations = np.concatenate(relaxations, axis=0) magnetizations = np.concatenate(magnetizations, axis=0) return Structure( lattice=lat, species=elems, coords=coords, site_properties={"seldyn": relaxations, "magnetization": magnetizations}, )
[docs]class config: """This class defines the config with lattice gas mapping"""
[docs] def __init__( self, base_structure, defect_sublattices, num_defects, cellsize=[1, 1, 1], perfect_structure=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- base_structure : pymatgen.Structure Structure of base sites (unsampled sites) defect_sublattices : defect_sublattice Structure of defects (sampled sites) num_defects : dict {group name: number of defects} cellsize : list, optional Cell size, by default [1, 1, 1] perfect_structure : pymatgen.Structure, optional Strucure of all sites (union of base and defect), by default None """ try: num_defect_sublat = len(defect_sublattices) except TypeError: num_defect_sublat = 1 defect_sublattices = [defect_sublattices] num_defects = [num_defects] self.matcher_base = StructureMatcher(primitive_cell=False, allow_subset=True) self.matcher_frame = StructureMatcher( stol=0.4, primitive_cell=False, allow_subset=True, comparator=FrameworkComparator(), ) self.calc_history = [] self.cellsize = cellsize self.base_structure = base_structure if self.base_structure.num_sites == 0: # we need at least one site for make_supercell self.base_structure.append("H", np.array([0, 0, 0])) self.base_structure.make_supercell([cellsize[0], cellsize[1], cellsize[2]]) self.base_structure.remove_sites(range(self.base_structure.num_sites)) else: self.base_structure.make_supercell([cellsize[0], cellsize[1], cellsize[2]]) if perfect_structure: self.perfect_structure = perfect_structure self.perfect_structure.make_supercell( [cellsize[0], cellsize[1], cellsize[2]] ) self.supercell = self.base_structure.lattice.matrix self.n_sublat = num_defect_sublat invSuper = np.linalg.inv(self.supercell) # add supercell information to defect_sites num_sites = 0 ntot_defects = 0 sublat_id = 0 for defect_sublattice in defect_sublattices: site_centers = defect_sublattice.site_centers defect_sublattice.site_centers_sc = np.zeros( ( * site_centers.shape[0], 3), dtype=float ) idx = 0 for (idx, (i, j, k, l)) in enumerate( product( range(cellsize[0]), range(cellsize[1]), range(cellsize[2]), range(site_centers.shape[0]), ) ): defect_sublattice.site_centers_sc[idx] = site_centers[l] + np.array( [i, j, k] ) idx += 1 defect_sublattice.site_centers_sc /= np.array(cellsize) num_sites += len(defect_sublattice.site_centers_sc) # change cartesian coordinates to fractional for group in defect_sublattice.groups: for i in range(group.orientations): for j in range(group.natoms): group.coords[i][j] =[i][j], invSuper) # fill the lattice gas representation list latgas_rep = [] for group in num_defects[sublat_id].keys(): latgas_rep.extend( [[group, 0] for i in range(num_defects[sublat_id][group])] ) ntot_defects += num_defects[sublat_id][group] defect_sublattice.latgas_rep = latgas_rep sublat_id += 1 self.defect_sublattices = defect_sublattices assert num_sites == ntot_defects self.set_latgas()
[docs] def set_latgas(self, defect_sublattices=False): """ Parameters ---------- defect_sublattices: pymatgen.Structure """ if defect_sublattices: self.defect_sublattices = defect_sublattices assert len(self.defect_sublattices) == self.n_sublat self.structure = copy.deepcopy(self.base_structure) for defect_sublattice in self.defect_sublattices: latgas_rep = defect_sublattice.latgas_rep assert len(latgas_rep) == len(defect_sublattice.site_centers_sc) for isite in range(len(latgas_rep)): grp_name = latgas_rep[isite][0] orr = latgas_rep[isite][1] group = defect_sublattice.group_dict[grp_name] for j in range(group.natoms): self.structure.append( group.species[j], group.coords[orr][j] + defect_sublattice.site_centers_sc[isite], properties={ "seldyn": group.relaxations[j, :], "magnetization": group.magnetizations[j], }, )
[docs] def shuffle(self): for defect_sublattice in self.defect_sublattices: latgas_rep = defect_sublattice.latgas_rep rand.shuffle(latgas_rep) for site in latgas_rep: group = defect_sublattice.group_dict[site[0]] norr = group.orientations site[1] = rand.randint(norr) self.set_latgas()
[docs] def count(self, group_name, orientation): """ Parameters ---------- group_name: str The name of the group orientation: Returns ------- """ num_grp = [] for defect_sublattice in self.defect_sublattices: num_grp.append( defect_sublattice.latgas_rep.count([group_name, orientation]) ) return num_grp
[docs] def update_basestruct(self): basesites = self.matcher_base.get_mapping(self.structure, self.base_structure) idx = 0 for i in basesites: self.base_structure[idx] = self.structure[i] idx += 1
[docs] def defect_sublattice_structure(self, sublat_id): """ Parameters ---------- sublat_id: int index of sublattice Returns ------- sublattice_structure: pymatgen.Structure sublattice structure object """ assert sublat_id < self.n_sublat sublattice_structure = self.structure.copy() base_sites = self.matcher_base.get_mapping(self.structure, self.base_structure) sublattice_structure.remove_sites(base_sites) return sublattice_structure
@property def vacancy_structure(self): filledsites = self.matcher_frame.get_mapping( self.perfect_structure, self.structure ) vac_structure = self.perfect_structure.copy() vac_structure.remove_sites(filledsites) return vac_structure
[docs]class ObserverParams: def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """ Parameters ---------- d: dict Dictionary Returns ------- oparams: ObserverParams self """ if "observer" in d: d = d["observer"] params = cls() # params.ignored_species = d["ignored_species"] return params
[docs] @classmethod def from_toml(cls, f): """ Parameters ---------- f: str Name of input toml File Returns ------- oparams : ObserverParams self """ import toml return cls.from_dict(toml.load(f))