Source code for abics.scripts.main

# ab-Initio Configuration Sampling tool kit (abICS)
# Copyright (C) 2019- The University of Tokyo
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see

import copy
import sys

from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as constants

from import CanonicalMonteCarlo
from abics.mc_mpi import RX_MPI_init, TemperatureRX_MPI, RXParams
from abics.applications.latgas_abinitio_interface import default_observer
from abics.applications.latgas_abinitio_interface.model_setup import (
from abics.applications.latgas_abinitio_interface.defect import (
from abics.applications.latgas_abinitio_interface.run_base_mpi import runner, runner_multistep
from abics.applications.latgas_abinitio_interface.vasp import VASPSolver
from abics.applications.latgas_abinitio_interface.qe import QESolver
from abics.applications.latgas_abinitio_interface.aenet import aenetSolver
from abics.applications.latgas_abinitio_interface.openmx import OpenMXSolver
from abics.applications.latgas_abinitio_interface.params import DFTParams

[docs]def main_impl(tomlfile): rxparams = RXParams.from_toml(tomlfile) nreplicas = rxparams.nreplicas nprocs_per_replica = rxparams.nprocs_per_replica kB = constants.value(u"Boltzmann constant in eV/K") comm = RX_MPI_init(rxparams) # RXMC parameters # specify temperatures for each replica, number of steps, etc. kTstart = rxparams.kTstart kTend = rxparams.kTend kTs = kB * np.linspace(kTstart, kTend, nreplicas) # Set Lreload to True when restarting Lreload = rxparams.reload nsteps = rxparams.nsteps RXtrial_frequency = rxparams.RXtrial_frequency sample_frequency = rxparams.sample_frequency print_frequency = rxparams.print_frequency dftparams = DFTParams.from_toml(tomlfile) if dftparams.solver == 'vasp': solver = VASPSolver(dftparams.path) elif dftparams.solver == 'qe': parallel_level ='parallel_level', {}) solver = QESolver(dftparams.path, parallel_level=parallel_level) elif dftparams.solver == 'aenet': solver = aenetSolver(dftparams.path) elif dftparams.solver == 'openmx': solver = OpenMXSolver(dftparams.path) else: print('unknown solver: {}'.format(dftparams.solver)) sys.exit(1) # model setup # we first choose a "model" defining how to perform energy calculations and trial steps # on the "configuration" defined below if len(dftparams.base_input_dir) == 1: energy_calculator = runner( base_input_dir=dftparams.base_input_dir[0], Solver=solver, nprocs_per_solver=nprocs_per_replica, comm=MPI.COMM_SELF, perturb=dftparams.perturb, solver_run_scheme=dftparams.solver_run_scheme ) else: energy_calculator = runner_multistep( base_input_dirs=dftparams.base_input_dir, Solver=solver, runner=runner, nprocs_per_solver=nprocs_per_replica, comm=MPI.COMM_SELF, perturb=dftparams.perturb, solver_run_scheme=dftparams.solver_run_scheme ) model = dft_latgas(energy_calculator, save_history=False) # defect sublattice setup configparams = DFTConfigParams.from_toml(tomlfile) spinel_config = defect_config(configparams) configs = [] for i in range(nreplicas): configs.append(copy.deepcopy(spinel_config)) obsparams = ObserverParams.from_toml(tomlfile) # RXMC calculation RXcalc = TemperatureRX_MPI(comm, CanonicalMonteCarlo, model, configs, kTs) if Lreload: RXcalc.reload() obs = nsteps, RXtrial_frequency, sample_frequency, print_frequency, observer=default_observer(comm, Lreload), subdirs=True, ) if comm.Get_rank() == 0: print(obs)
[docs]def main(): tomlfile = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "input.toml" main_impl(tomlfile)