.. highlight:: none [log] section ------------- This section specifies the log file name and the log level. Input Format ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Keywords and their values are specified by a keyword and its value in the form ``keyword = value``. Comments can also be entered by adding # (Subsequent characters are ignored). Keywords ^^^^^^^^^^ - ``level`` **Format :** str **Description :** Logging level. The following levels are available. - ``debug`` - ``info`` - ``warning`` - ``error`` - ``console`` **Format :** str **Description :** console output mode. - ``default`` will examine if MPI environment is available or not. - ``mpi`` for parallel environment in which rank numbers are shown in error log. - ``serial`` for serial environment. - ``none`` suppresses console output. - ``console_level`` **Format :** str **Description :** Logging level for console output. - ``logfile_path`` **Format :** str **Description :** Path to the log file. If not specified, logs will be send only to console. The parent directories will be automatically created if they are not present. - ``logfile_mode`` **Format :** str **Description :** MPI log type. - ``master`` will output logs to fiile only from rank=0. - ``collect`` will write messages from all ranks to one file. - ``workers`` will open one log file for each process designated by its rank. - ``serial`` will not consider parallel environment. - ``logfile_level`` **Format :** str **Description :** Logging level for log file output. - ``logfile_rank`` **Format :** int or list of int **Description :** MPI ranks from which logs are written to file. If not specified, all ranks are taken account of.