.. highlight:: none *************************** Output Files Format *************************** The calculation results are output below each replica directory. ``structure.XXX.vasp`` ========================= The atomic position for each step in the POSCAR file format of VASP is saved. ``XXX`` in the filename means the index of the step. Example:: Mg8 Al16 O32 1.0 8.113600 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 8.113600 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 8.113600 Al Mg O 16 8 32 direct 0.011208 0.995214 0.998158 Al 0.758187 0.240787 0.499981 Al ... skipped ... 0.746308 0.744706 0.233021 O 0.257199 0.255424 0.771040 O ``minE.vasp`` ==================== The atomic position minimizing the total energy in the POSCAR file format of VASP is saved. ``obs.dat`` =================== The temperature and the total energy for each step in units of eV is saved. Example:: 0 0.1034076 -41690.28269769395 1 0.1034076 -41692.06763035158 2 0.1034076 -41692.06763035158 3 0.1034076 -41691.98205990787 4 0.1034076 -41692.74143710456 ``obs_save.npy`` ================== The total energy for each step in units of eV in the Numpy binary format is saved. Users can load it as ``darray`` by using ``numpy.load('obs_save.npy')``. Example:: $ python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.load('obs_save.npy'))" [[-41690.28269769] [-41692.06763035] [-41692.06763035] [-41691.98205991] [-41692.7414371 ]] ``kT_hist.npy`` ================== The temperature for each step in units of eV in the Numpy binary format is saved. Users can load it as ``darray`` by using ``numpy.load('kT_hist.npy')``. Example:: $ python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.load('kT_hist.npy'))" [0.1034076 0.1034076 0.1034076 0.1034076 0.1034076] ``Trank_hist.npy`` ================== The rank (index) of the temperature for each step in the Numpy binary format is saved. Users can load it as ``darray`` by using ``numpy.load('Trank_hist.npy')``. Example:: $ python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.load('Trank_hist.npy'))" [1 1 1 1 1]