4.4. Input file generators for DSQSS/DLA

DSQSS/DLA takes several input files; lattice XML file, algorithm XML file, and wavevector XML file, and users can simulate any model on any lattice (graph) by defining these files properly. They are, however, too complicated to be made by hand. To help users, DSQSS/DLA offers utility tools for generating these files for widely used lattices and models such as a hypercubic lattice and the Heisenberg model.

4.4.1. Simple mode tool dla_pre

dla_pre is a utility tool for generating Input files for DSQSS/DLA from Simple mode file std.toml.

$ dla_pre [-p paramfile] <inputfile>

The meanings of the parameters are following.


The name of the parameter file to be generated (default: param.in.)


The name of the input file. For details of the input file, see Simple mode file std.toml .

The names of the XML files such as the lattice XML file are automatically determined from parameters.

4.4.2. Lattice file generator dla_latgen

dla_latgen is a utility tool for generating Lattice datafile or Lattice TOML file lattice.toml from Simple mode file std.toml .

$ dla_latgen [-o datafile] [-t TOML] [-g GNUPLOT] input

The meanings of the parameters are following.


The name of the generated lattice data file (default: lattice.dat .) If empty, dla_latgen never generate any lattice data file.


The name of the generated lattice TOML file (default: empty.) If empty, dla_latgen never generate any lattice TOML file.


The name of the generated lattice Gnuplot file (default: empty.) If empty, dla_latgen never generate any lattice Gnuplot file. Users can see the generated lattice by load the lattice Gnuplot file in gnuplot.


The name of the input file. For details of the input file, see lattice .


# 1d chain with 8 sites
lattice = "hypercubic"
dim = 1
L = 8
# 2d square, 4x4 sites
lattice = "hypercubic"
dim = 2
L = 4
# two leg ladder, 8x2 sites
lattice = "hypercubic"
dim = 2
L = [8,2]
bc = [true, false]

4.4.3. Hamiltonian file generator dla_hamgen

dla_hamgen is a utility tool for generating Hamiltonian TOML file from Simple mode file std.toml

$ dla_hamgen [-o filename] <inputfile>

The meanings of the parameters are following.


The name of the generated Hamiltonian file (default: hamiltonian.toml .)


The name of the input file. For details of the input file, see hamiltonian .


# S=1/2 AF Heisenberg model
model = "spin"
M = 1
Jz = -1.0
Jxy = -1.0
# S=1 J1 AF J2 FM XY model under the field
model = "spin"
M = 2
Jxy = [-1.0, 1.0]
h = 1.0
# hardcore boson
model = "boson"
M = 1
t = 1.0
V = 1.0
# softcore boson (upto N=2)
model = "boson"
M = 2
t = 1.0
U = 1.0
V = 1.0
mu = 1.0

4.4.4. Parameter file generator dla_pgen

dla_pgen is utility tool for generating Parameter file from Simple mode file std.toml .

$ dla_pgen [-o filename] <inputfile>

The meanings of the parameters are following.


The name of the generated parameter file (default: param.in .)


The name of the input file. For details of the input file, see parameter .

4.4.5. Wavevector file generator dla_wvgen

dla_wvgen is a utility tool for generating Wavevector datafile from Simple mode file std.toml .

$ dla_wvgen [-o filename] [-s size] <inputfile>

The meanings of the parameters are following.


The name of the generated wavevector file (default: kpoints.dat .)


Space separated integers denoting the lattice size (e.g., -s "4 4" .) If omitted, it will be detected from the [lattice] table of the input TOML file.


The name of the input file. For details of the input file, see hamiltonian .

4.4.6. Algorithm file generator dla_alg

dla_alg is a utility tool for generating Lattice XML file lattice.xml, Algorithm XML file algorithm.xml, Wavevector XML file wavevector.xml, and Relative coordinate XML file displacement.xml from Lattice datafile, Lattice TOML file lattice.toml, Hamiltonian TOML file, and Wavevector datafile .

$ dla_alg [-l LAT] [-h HAM] [-L LATXML] [-A ALGXML]
          [--without_lattice] [--without_algorithm] [-k KPOINT]
          [--wv WV] [--disp DISP] [--distance-only]
          [--kernel KERNEL]

The meanings of the parameters are following.


The name of the lattice dat/TOML file (default: lattice.dat.) The type whether dat or TOML is automatically detected.


The name of the Hamiltonian TOML file (default: hamiltonian.toml .)


The name of the generated lattice XML file (default: lattice.xml .)


The name of the generated algorithm XML file (default: algorithm.xml .)


If set, dla_alg never generate a lattice XML file. Even in this case, the lattice dat/TOML file is still required.


If set, dla_alg never generate an algorithm XML file.


The name of the wavevector file. If omit, dla_alg never generate a wavevector XML file.


The name of the generated wavevector XML file (default: wavevector.xml .)


The name of the generated relative coordinate XML file. If omit, dla_alg never generate a relative coordinate XML file.


If set, dla_alg groups pairs of sites by absolute distance instead of relative coordinate.


The name of the algorithm for calculating the scattering probability of a worm head at a vertex (default: "suwa todo" .) For details, see algorithm .