3. Tutorial of DSQSS/DLA
3.1. What’s DSQSS/DLA?
3.2. Energy calculation of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg dimer by DSQSS/DLA
3.2.1. Prepare the input files
3.2.2. Perform QMC calculation
3.2.3. Analyze the result
3.3. Magnetic Susceptibility of antiferromagnetic spin chains
3.4. Number density of the hardcore Bosons on a square lattice
1. About DSQSS
2. How to install
3. Tutorial of DSQSS/DLA
3.1. What’s DSQSS/DLA?
3.2. Energy calculation of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg dimer by DSQSS/DLA
3.3. Magnetic Susceptibility of antiferromagnetic spin chains
3.4. Number density of the hardcore Bosons on a square lattice
4. User’s manual of DSQSS/DLA
5. Tutorial of DSQSS/PMWA
6. User’s manual for DSQSS/PMWA
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Documentation overview
2. How to install
3.1. What’s DSQSS/DLA?
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