18 #include "mltplyCommon.h" 20 #include "PairExHubbard.h" 21 #include "PairExSpin.h" 49 double complex *tmp_v0,
50 double complex *tmp_v1
54 long unsigned int irght,ilft,ihfbit;
struct DefineList Def
Definision of system (Hamiltonian) etc.
int GetPairExcitedStateHubbardGC(struct BindStruct *X, double complex *tmp_v0, double complex *tmp_v1)
int GetSplitBitForGeneralSpin(const int Nsite, long unsigned int *ihfbit, const long int *SiteToBit)
function of getting right, left and half bits corresponding to a original space.
long unsigned int ihfbit
Used for Ogata-Lin ???
struct LargeList Large
Variables for Matrix-Vector product.
int GetPairExcitedStateSpinGC(struct BindStruct *X, double complex *tmp_v0, double complex *tmp_v1)
Calculation of pair excited state for Spin Grand canonical system.
int mode
multiply or expectation value.
int GetPairExcitedState(struct BindStruct *X, double complex *tmp_v0, double complex *tmp_v1)
Calculating the pair excited state by the pair operator; , where indicates a creation (anti-creat...
unsigned long int idim_maxOrg
The local Hilbert-space dimention of original state for the spectrum.
unsigned int Nsite
Number of sites in the INTRA process region.
int GetPairExcitedStateSpin(struct BindStruct *X, double complex *tmp_v0, double complex *tmp_v1)
long unsigned int ilft
Used for Ogata-Lin ???
int GetSplitBitByModel(const int Nsite, const int iCalcModel, long unsigned int *irght, long unsigned int *ilft, long unsigned int *ihfbit)
function of splitting original bit into right and left spaces.
long int i_max
Length of eigenvector.
int iFlgGeneralSpin
Flag for the general (Sz/=1/2) spin.
long int * SiteToBit
[DefineList::NsiteMPI] Similar to DefineList::Tpow. For general spin.
int GetPairExcitedStateHubbard(struct BindStruct *X, double complex *tmp_v0, double complex *tmp_v1)
long unsigned int irght
Used for Ogata-Lin ???
int iCalcModel
Switch for model. 0:Hubbard, 1:Spin, 2:Kondo, 3:HubbardGC, 4:SpinGC, 5:KondoGC, 6:HubbardNConserved.
struct CheckList Check
Size of the Hilbert space.