HΦ  3.2.0
StdFace Directory Reference


file  ChainLattice.c [code]
 Standard mode for the chain lattice.
file  FCOrtho.c [code]
 Standard mode for the face centered orthorhombic lattice.
file  HoneycombLattice.c [code]
 Standard mode for the honeycomb lattice.
file  Kagome.c [code]
 Standard mode for the kagome lattice.
file  Ladder.c [code]
 Standard mode for the Ladder lattice.
file  Orthorhombic.c [code]
 Standard mode for the orthorhombic lattice.
file  Pyrochlore.c [code]
 Standard mode for the pyrochlore lattice.
file  SquareLattice.c [code]
 Standard mode for the tetragonal lattice.
file  StdFace_main.c [code]
 Read Input file and write files for Expert mode. Initialize variables. Check parameters.
file  StdFace_ModelUtil.c [code]
 Various utility for constructing models.
file  StdFace_vals.h [code]
 Variables used in the Standard mode. These variables are passed as a pointer of the structure(StdIntList).
file  TriangularLattice.c [code]
 Standard mode for the triangular lattice.
file  Wannier90.c [code]
 Standard mode for wannier90.