HΦ  3.2.0
StdIntList Struct Reference

#include <StdFace_vals.h>

Data Fields

int NaN_i
 It is used for initializing input parameter. This means that a parameter wich is not specified in input file. Set in StdFace_ResetVals(). More...
double pi
 \(\pi=3.14...\) More...
char lattice [256]
 Name of lattice. Input parameter. More...
double a
 The lattice constant. Input parameter. More...
double length [3]
 Anisotropic lattice constant, input parameter wlength, llength, hlength. More...
int W
 Number of sites along the 1st axis, input parameter. More...
int L
 Number of sites along the 2nd axis, input parameter. More...
int Height
 Number of sites along the 3rd axis, input parameter. More...
double direct [3][3]
 The unit direct lattice vector. Set in StdFace_InitSite(). More...
int box [3][3]
 The shape of the super-cell. Input parameter a0W, a0L, a0H, etc. or defined from StdIntList::W, etc. in StdFace_InitSite(). More...
int rbox [3][3]
 The inversion of StdIntList::box. Set in StdFace_InitSite(). More...
int NCell
 The number of the unit cell in the super-cell (determinant of StdIntList::box). Set in StdFace_InitSite(). More...
int ** Cell
 [StdIntList][3] The cell position in the fractional coordinate. Malloc and Set in StdFace_InitSite(). More...
int NsiteUC
 Number of sites in the unit cell. Defined in the beginning of each lattice function. More...
double ** tau
 Cell-internal site position in the fractional coordinate. Defined in the beginning of each lattice function. More...
char model [256]
 Name of model, input parameter. More...
double mu
 Chemical potential, input parameter. More...
double complex t
 Nearest-neighbor hopping, input parameter. More...
double complex tp
 2nd-nearest hopping, input parameter More...
double complex t0
 Anisotropic hopping (1st), input parameter. More...
double complex t0p
 Anisotropic hopping (2nd), input parameter. More...
double complex t0pp
 Anisotropic hopping (3rd), input parameter. More...
double complex t1
 Anisotropic hopping (1st), input parameter. More...
double complex t1p
 Anisotropic hopping (2nd), input parameter. More...
double complex t1pp
 Anisotropic hopping (3rd), input parameter. More...
double complex t2
 Anisotropic hopping (1st), input parameter. More...
double complex t2p
 Anisotropic hopping (2nd), input parameter. More...
double complex t2pp
 Anisotropic hopping (3rd), input parameter. More...
double complex tpp
 3rd-nearest hopping, input parameter More...
double U
 On-site Coulomb potential, input parameter. More...
double V
 Off-site Coulomb potential (1st), input parameter. More...
double Vp
 Off-site Coulomb potential (2nd), input parameter. More...
double V0
 Anisotropic Coulomb potential (1st), input parameter. More...
double V0p
 Anisotropic Coulomb potential (2nd), input parameter. More...
double V0pp
 Anisotropic Coulomb potential (3rd), input parameter. More...
double V1
 Anisotropic Coulomb potential (1st), input parameter. More...
double V1p
 Anisotropic Coulomb potential (2nd), input parameter. More...
double V1pp
 Anisotropic Coulomb potential (3rd), input parameter. More...
double V2
 Anisotropic Coulomb potential (1st), input parameter. More...
double V2p
 Anisotropic Coulomb potential (2nd), input parameter. More...
double V2pp
 Anisotropic Coulomb potential (3rd), input parameter. More...
double Vpp
 Off-site Coulomb potential (3rd), input parameter. More...
double JAll
 Isotropic, diagonal spin coupling (1st Near.), input parameter J. More...
double JpAll
 Isotropic, diagonal spin coupling (2nd Near), input parameter Jp. More...
double J0All
 Anisotropic, diagonal spin coupling (1st Near), input parameter J0. More...
double J0pAll
 Anisotropic, diagonal spin coupling (2nd Near), input parameter J0'. More...
double J0ppAll
 Anisotropic, diagonal spin coupling (3rd Near), input parameter J0''. More...
double J1All
 Anisotropic, diagonal spin coupling (1st Near), input parameter J1. More...
double J1pAll
 Anisotropic, diagonal spin coupling (2nd Near), input parameter J1'. More...
double J1ppAll
 Anisotropic, diagonal spin coupling (3rd Near), input parameter J1''. More...
double J2All
 Anisotropic, diagonal spin coupling (1st Near), input parameter J2. More...
double J2pAll
 Anisotropic, diagonal spin coupling (2nd Near), input parameter J2'. More...
double J2ppAll
 Anisotropic, diagonal spin coupling (3rd Near), input parameter J2''. More...
double JppAll
 Isotropic, diagonal spin coupling (3rd Near), input parameter J''. More...
double J [3][3]
 Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (1st Near.), input parameter Jx, Jy, Jz, Jxy, etc. More...
double Jp [3][3]
 Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (2nd Near.), input parameter J'x, J'y, J'z, J'xy, etc. More...
double J0 [3][3]
 Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (1st Near.), input parameter J0x, J0y, J0z, J0xy, etc. or set in StdFace_InputSpinNN(). More...
double J0p [3][3]
 Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (2nd Near.), input parameter J0'x, J0'y, J0'z, J0'xy, etc. or set in StdFace_InputSpin(). More...
double J0pp [3][3]
 Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (3rd Near.), input parameter J0''x, J0''y, J0''z, J0''xy, etc. or set in StdFace_InputSpin(). More...
double J1 [3][3]
 Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (1st Near.), input parameter J1x, J1y, J1z, J1xy, etc. or set in StdFace_InputSpinNN(). More...
double J1p [3][3]
 Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (2nd Near.), input parameter J1'x, J1'y, J1'z, J1'xy, etc. or set in StdFace_InputSpin(). More...
double J1pp [3][3]
 Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (3rd Near.), input parameter J1''x, J1''y, J1''z, J1''xy, etc. or set in StdFace_InputSpin(). More...
double J2 [3][3]
 Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (1st Near.), input parameter J2x, J2y, J2z, J2xy, etc. or set in StdFace_InputSpinNN(). More...
double J2p [3][3]
 Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (2nd Near.), input parameter J2'x, J2'y, J2'z, J2'xy, etc. or set in StdFace_InputSpin(). More...
double J2pp [3][3]
 Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (3rd Near.), input parameter J2''x, J2''y, J2''z, J2''xy, etc. or set in StdFace_InputSpin(). More...
double Jpp [3][3]
 Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (3rd Near.), input parameter J''x, J''y, J''z, J''xy, etc. More...
double D [3][3]
 Coefficient for \({\hat S}_{i z} {\hat S}_{i z}\) input parameter D. Only D[2][2] is used. More...
double h
 Longitudinal magnetic field, input parameter. More...
double Gamma
 Transvars magnetic field, input parameter. More...
double K
 4-spin term. Not used. More...
double pi180
 \(\pi/180\), set in StdFace_ResetVals(). More...
double phase [3]
 Boundary phase, input parameter phase0, etc. More...
double complex ExpPhase [3]
 \(\exp(i \pi {\rm phase}/180)\). More...
int AntiPeriod [3]
 If corresponding StdIntList::phase = 180, it becomes 1. More...
int nsite
 Number of sites, set in the each lattice file. More...
int * locspinflag
 [StdIntList::nsite] LocSpin in Expert mode, malloc and set in each lattice file. More...
int ntrans
 Number of transfer, counted in each lattice file. More...
int ** transindx
 [StdIntList::ntrans][4] Site/spin indices of one-body term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_trans(). More...
double complex * trans
 [StdIntList::ntrans] Coefficient of one-body term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_trans(). More...
int nintr
 Number of InterAll, counted in each lattice file. More...
int Lintr
 Print interall.def or not, set in PrintInteractions(). More...
int ** intrindx
 [StdIntList::nintr][8] Site/spin indices of two-body term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr(). More...
double complex * intr
 [StdIntList::nintr] Coefficient of general two-body term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr(). More...
int NCintra
 Number of intra-site Coulomb interaction, counted in each lattice file. More...
int LCintra
 Print coulombintra.def or not, set in PrintInteractions(). More...
int ** CintraIndx
 [StdIntList::NCintra][1] Site indices of intra-site Coulomb term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr(). More...
double * Cintra
 [StdIntList::NCintra] Coefficient of intra-site Coulomb term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr(). More...
int NCinter
 Number of inter-site Coulomb interaction, counted in each lattice file. More...
int LCinter
 Print coulombinter.def or not, set in PrintInteractions(). More...
int ** CinterIndx
 [StdIntList::NCinter][2] Site indices of inter-site Coulomb term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr(). More...
double * Cinter
 [StdIntList::NCinter] Coefficient of inter-site Coulomb term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr(). More...
int NHund
 Number of Hund term, counted in each lattice file. More...
int LHund
 Print hund.def or not, set in PrintInteractions(). More...
int ** HundIndx
 [StdIntList::NHund][2] Site indices of Hund term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr(). More...
double * Hund
 [StdIntList::NHund] Coefficient of Hund term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr(). More...
int NEx
 Number of exchange term, counted in each lattice file. More...
int LEx
 Print exchange.def or not, set in PrintInteractions(). More...
int ** ExIndx
 [StdIntList::NEx][2] Site indices of exchange term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr(). More...
double * Ex
 [StdIntList::NEx] Coefficient of exchange term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr(). More...
int NPairLift
 Number of pair-lift term, counted in each lattice file. More...
int LPairLift
 Print pairlift.def or not, set in PrintInteractions(). More...
int ** PLIndx
 [StdIntList::NPairLift][2] Site indices of pair-lift term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr(). More...
double * PairLift
 [StdIntList::NPairLift] Coefficient of pair-lift term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr(). More...
int NPairHopp
 Number of pair-hopping term, counted in each lattice file. More...
int LPairHopp
 Print pairhopp.def or not, set in PrintInteractions(). More...
int ** PHIndx
 [StdIntList::NPairLift][2] Site indices of pair-hopping term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr(). More...
double * PairHopp
 [StdIntList::NPairLift] Coefficient of pair-hopping term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr(). More...
int lBoost
int lGC
 Switch for computing Grandcanonical ensemble(== 1). Setted in StdFace_main() after all keywords are read. More...
int nelec
 Number of electrons, input from file. More...
int S2
 Total spin |S| of a local spin, input from file. More...
char outputmode [256]
 Select amount of correlation function, input from file. More...
char CDataFileHead [256]
 Header of the output files. Input from file. More...
int Sz2
 Total Sz, input from file. More...
int ioutputmode
 Switch associated to StdIntList::outputmode. More...
double cutoff_t
 Cutoof for the hopping in wannier90, input from file. More...
double cutoff_u
 Cutoof for the Coulomb in wannier90, input from file. More...
double cutoff_j
 Cutoof for the Hund in wannier90, input from file. More...
double cutoff_length_t
 Cutoof for R in wannier90, input from file. More...
double cutoff_length_U
 Cutoof for R in wannier90, input from file. More...
double cutoff_length_J
 Cutoof for R in wannier90, input from file. More...
int cutoff_tR [3]
int cutoff_UR [3]
int cutoff_JR [3]
char method [256]
 The name of method, input from file. More...
char Restart [256]
 The name of restart mode, input from file. More...
char InitialVecType [256]
 The name of initialguess-type, input from file. More...
char EigenVecIO [256]
 The name of I/O mode for eigenvector, input from file. More...
char HamIO [256]
 The name of I/O mode for Hamiltonian, input from file. More...
int FlgTemp
int Lanczos_max
 The maxixmum number of iterations, input from file. More...
int initial_iv
 the number for generating random number, input from file. More...
int nvec
int exct
 The number of eigenvectors to be computed. input from file. More...
int LanczosEps
 Convergence threshold for the Lanczos method. More...
int LanczosTarget
 Which eigenvector is used for the convergence check. More...
int NumAve
 Number of trials for TPQ calculation. More...
int ExpecInterval
 Interval for the iteration when the expectation value is computed. More...
double LargeValue
 The shift parameter for the TPQ calculation. More...
int *** list_6spin_pair
int ** list_6spin_star
int num_pivot
int ishift_nspin
char CalcSpec [256]
 The name of mode for spectrum, input from file. More...
char SpectrumType [256]
 The type of mode for spectrum, input from file. More...
int Nomega
 Number of frequencies, input from file. More...
double OmegaMax
 Maximum of frequency for spectrum, input from file. More...
double OmegaMin
 Minimum of frequency for spectrum, input from file. More...
double OmegaIm
 Imaginary part of frequency. More...
double SpectrumQ [3]
 wavenumver (q-vector) in fractional coordinate More...
int SpectrumBody
 one- or two-body excitation, defined from StdIntList::SpectrumType More...
char OutputExVec [256]
 The name of output mode for the excited vector, input from file. More...
double dt
 Time step. More...
double tshift
 Shift of time-step of laser. More...
double tdump
 Time scale of dumping. More...
double freq
 Frequency of laser. More...
double Uquench
 Quenched on-site potential. More...
double VecPot [3]
 Vector potential. More...
char PumpType [256]
 The type of pump. More...
int PumpBody
 one- or two-body pumping, defined from StdIntList::PumpType More...
int * npump
 [StdIntList::nt] Number of transfer, counted in each lattice file. More...
int *** pumpindx
 [StdIntList::nt][StdIntList::npump][4] Site/spin indices of one-body term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_trans(). More...
double complex ** pump
 [StdIntList::nt][StdIntList::npump] Coefficient of one-body term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_trans(). More...
double ** At
 [StdIntList::nt][3] Vector potential. More...
int ExpandCoef
 The number of Hamiltonian-vector operation for the time-evolution. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Field Documentation

◆ a

◆ AntiPeriod

int StdIntList::AntiPeriod[3]

If corresponding StdIntList::phase = 180, it becomes 1.

Definition at line 156 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckModPara(), PrintPump(), StdFace_InitSite(), and StdFace_MallocInteractions().

◆ At

double** StdIntList::At

[StdIntList::nt][3] Vector potential.

Definition at line 314 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Hopping(), and VectorPotential().

◆ box

int StdIntList::box[3][3]

◆ CalcSpec

char StdIntList::CalcSpec[256]

The name of mode for spectrum, input from file.

Definition at line 285 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintCalcMod(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ CDataFileHead

char StdIntList::CDataFileHead[256]

Header of the output files. Input from file.

Definition at line 239 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by geometry_W90(), PrintModPara(), PrintNamelist(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ Cell

◆ Cinter

double* StdIntList::Cinter

[StdIntList::NCinter] Coefficient of inter-site Coulomb term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr().

Definition at line 194 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_Coulomb(), StdFace_GeneralJ(), StdFace_LargeValue(), and StdFace_MallocInteractions().

◆ CinterIndx

int** StdIntList::CinterIndx

[StdIntList::NCinter][2] Site indices of inter-site Coulomb term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr().

Definition at line 191 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_Coulomb(), StdFace_GeneralJ(), and StdFace_MallocInteractions().

◆ Cintra

double* StdIntList::Cintra

[StdIntList::NCintra] Coefficient of intra-site Coulomb term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr().

Definition at line 185 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_HubbardLocal(), StdFace_LargeValue(), StdFace_MallocInteractions(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ CintraIndx

int** StdIntList::CintraIndx

[StdIntList::NCintra][1] Site indices of intra-site Coulomb term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr().

Definition at line 182 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_HubbardLocal(), StdFace_MallocInteractions(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ cutoff_j

double StdIntList::cutoff_j

Cutoof for the Hund in wannier90, input from file.

Definition at line 248 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ cutoff_JR

int StdIntList::cutoff_JR[3]

Definition at line 254 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ cutoff_length_J

double StdIntList::cutoff_length_J

Cutoof for R in wannier90, input from file.

Definition at line 251 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ cutoff_length_t

double StdIntList::cutoff_length_t

Cutoof for R in wannier90, input from file.

Definition at line 249 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ cutoff_length_U

double StdIntList::cutoff_length_U

Cutoof for R in wannier90, input from file.

Definition at line 250 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ cutoff_t

double StdIntList::cutoff_t

Cutoof for the hopping in wannier90, input from file.

Definition at line 246 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ cutoff_tR

int StdIntList::cutoff_tR[3]

Definition at line 252 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ cutoff_u

double StdIntList::cutoff_u

Cutoof for the Coulomb in wannier90, input from file.

Definition at line 247 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ cutoff_UR

int StdIntList::cutoff_UR[3]

Definition at line 253 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ D

double StdIntList::D[3][3]

Coefficient for \({\hat S}_{i z} {\hat S}_{i z}\) input parameter D. Only D[2][2] is used.

Definition at line 145 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Chain(), StdFace_FCOrtho(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_Kagome(), StdFace_Ladder(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_Orthorhombic(), StdFace_Pyrochlore(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ direct

◆ dt

double StdIntList::dt

Time step.

Definition at line 298 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintPump(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and VectorPotential().

◆ EigenVecIO

char StdIntList::EigenVecIO[256]

The name of I/O mode for eigenvector, input from file.

Definition at line 262 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintCalcMod(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ Ex

double* StdIntList::Ex

◆ exct

int StdIntList::exct

The number of eigenvectors to be computed. input from file.

Definition at line 268 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckModPara(), PrintModPara(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ ExIndx

int** StdIntList::ExIndx

[StdIntList::NEx][2] Site indices of exchange term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr().

Definition at line 207 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_GeneralJ(), StdFace_MallocInteractions(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ ExpandCoef

int StdIntList::ExpandCoef

The number of Hamiltonian-vector operation for the time-evolution.

Definition at line 315 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintModPara(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and VectorPotential().

◆ ExpecInterval

int StdIntList::ExpecInterval

Interval for the iteration when the expectation value is computed.

Definition at line 272 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckModPara(), PrintModPara(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ ExpPhase

double complex StdIntList::ExpPhase[3]

\(\exp(i \pi {\rm phase}/180)\).

Definition at line 155 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_FindSite(), and StdFace_InitSite().

◆ FlgTemp

int StdIntList::FlgTemp

Definition at line 264 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ freq

double StdIntList::freq

Frequency of laser.

Definition at line 301 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and VectorPotential().

◆ Gamma

◆ h

◆ HamIO

char StdIntList::HamIO[256]

The name of I/O mode for Hamiltonian, input from file.

Definition at line 263 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintCalcMod(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ Height

int StdIntList::Height

Number of sites along the 3rd axis, input parameter.

Definition at line 41 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_InitSite(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ Hund

double* StdIntList::Hund

◆ HundIndx

int** StdIntList::HundIndx

[StdIntList::NHund][2] Site indices of Hund term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr().

Definition at line 199 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_GeneralJ(), StdFace_MallocInteractions(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ initial_iv

int StdIntList::initial_iv

the number for generating random number, input from file.

Definition at line 266 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckModPara(), PrintModPara(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ InitialVecType

char StdIntList::InitialVecType[256]

The name of initialguess-type, input from file.

Definition at line 261 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintCalcMod(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ intr

double complex* StdIntList::intr

[StdIntList::nintr] Coefficient of general two-body term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr().

Definition at line 176 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_intr(), StdFace_LargeValue(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_MallocInteractions().

◆ intrindx

int** StdIntList::intrindx

[StdIntList::nintr][8] Site/spin indices of two-body term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr().

Definition at line 173 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_intr(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_MallocInteractions().

◆ ioutputmode

int StdIntList::ioutputmode

Switch associated to StdIntList::outputmode.

Definition at line 242 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckOutputMode(), Print1Green(), Print2Green(), and PrintNamelist().

◆ ishift_nspin

int StdIntList::ishift_nspin

◆ J

double StdIntList::J[3][3]

Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (1st Near.), input parameter Jx, Jy, Jz, Jxy, etc.

Definition at line 112 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Chain(), StdFace_FCOrtho(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_Kagome(), StdFace_Ladder(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_Orthorhombic(), StdFace_Pyrochlore(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ J0

double StdIntList::J0[3][3]

◆ J0All

double StdIntList::J0All

◆ J0p

double StdIntList::J0p[3][3]

Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (2nd Near.), input parameter J0'x, J0'y, J0'z, J0'xy, etc. or set in StdFace_InputSpin().

Definition at line 119 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Chain(), StdFace_FCOrtho(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_Kagome(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_Orthorhombic(), StdFace_Pyrochlore(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ J0pAll

double StdIntList::J0pAll

Anisotropic, diagonal spin coupling (2nd Near), input parameter J0'.

Definition at line 94 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Chain(), StdFace_FCOrtho(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_Kagome(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_Orthorhombic(), StdFace_Pyrochlore(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ J0pp

double StdIntList::J0pp[3][3]

Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (3rd Near.), input parameter J0''x, J0''y, J0''z, J0''xy, etc. or set in StdFace_InputSpin().

Definition at line 122 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Chain(), StdFace_FCOrtho(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_Orthorhombic(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ J0ppAll

double StdIntList::J0ppAll

Anisotropic, diagonal spin coupling (3rd Near), input parameter J0''.

Definition at line 96 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Chain(), StdFace_FCOrtho(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_Orthorhombic(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ J1

double StdIntList::J1[3][3]

◆ J1All

double StdIntList::J1All

◆ J1p

double StdIntList::J1p[3][3]

Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (2nd Near.), input parameter J1'x, J1'y, J1'z, J1'xy, etc. or set in StdFace_InputSpin().

Definition at line 128 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Chain(), StdFace_FCOrtho(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_Kagome(), StdFace_Ladder(), StdFace_Ladder_Boost(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_Orthorhombic(), StdFace_Pyrochlore(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ J1pAll

double StdIntList::J1pAll

◆ J1pp

double StdIntList::J1pp[3][3]

Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (3rd Near.), input parameter J1''x, J1''y, J1''z, J1''xy, etc. or set in StdFace_InputSpin().

Definition at line 131 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_FCOrtho(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_Orthorhombic(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ J1ppAll

double StdIntList::J1ppAll

Anisotropic, diagonal spin coupling (3rd Near), input parameter J1''.

Definition at line 102 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_FCOrtho(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_Orthorhombic(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ J2

double StdIntList::J2[3][3]

◆ J2All

double StdIntList::J2All

◆ J2p

double StdIntList::J2p[3][3]

Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (2nd Near.), input parameter J2'x, J2'y, J2'z, J2'xy, etc. or set in StdFace_InputSpin().

Definition at line 137 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Chain(), StdFace_FCOrtho(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_Kagome(), StdFace_Ladder(), StdFace_Ladder_Boost(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_Orthorhombic(), StdFace_Pyrochlore(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ J2pAll

double StdIntList::J2pAll

◆ J2pp

double StdIntList::J2pp[3][3]

Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (3rd Near.), input parameter J2''x, J2''y, J2''z, J2''xy, etc. or set in StdFace_InputSpin().

Definition at line 140 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_FCOrtho(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_Orthorhombic(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ J2ppAll

double StdIntList::J2ppAll

Anisotropic, diagonal spin coupling (3rd Near), input parameter J2''.

Definition at line 108 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_FCOrtho(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_Orthorhombic(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ JAll

double StdIntList::JAll

◆ Jp

double StdIntList::Jp[3][3]

Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (2nd Near.), input parameter J'x, J'y, J'z, J'xy, etc.

Definition at line 114 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Chain(), StdFace_Chain_Boost(), StdFace_FCOrtho(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_Honeycomb_Boost(), StdFace_Kagome(), StdFace_Kagome_Boost(), StdFace_Ladder(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_Orthorhombic(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ JpAll

double StdIntList::JpAll

◆ Jpp

double StdIntList::Jpp[3][3]

Isotropic, diagonal/off-diagonal spin coupling (3rd Near.), input parameter J''x, J''y, J''z, J''xy, etc.

Definition at line 143 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Chain(), StdFace_FCOrtho(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_Orthorhombic(), StdFace_Pyrochlore(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ JppAll

double StdIntList::JppAll

Isotropic, diagonal spin coupling (3rd Near), input parameter J''.

Definition at line 110 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Chain(), StdFace_FCOrtho(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_Orthorhombic(), StdFace_Pyrochlore(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ K

◆ L

int StdIntList::L

◆ Lanczos_max

int StdIntList::Lanczos_max

The maxixmum number of iterations, input from file.

Definition at line 265 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckModPara(), PrintModPara(), PrintPump(), StdFace_Hopping(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_MallocInteractions(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and VectorPotential().

◆ LanczosEps

int StdIntList::LanczosEps

Convergence threshold for the Lanczos method.

Definition at line 269 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckModPara(), PrintModPara(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ LanczosTarget

int StdIntList::LanczosTarget

Which eigenvector is used for the convergence check.

Definition at line 270 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckModPara(), PrintModPara(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ LargeValue

double StdIntList::LargeValue

The shift parameter for the TPQ calculation.

Definition at line 274 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckModPara(), PrintModPara(), StdFace_LargeValue(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ lattice

char StdIntList::lattice[256]

Name of lattice. Input parameter.

Definition at line 35 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ lBoost

int StdIntList::lBoost

Definition at line 229 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), PrintNamelist(), and StdFace_main().

◆ LCinter

int StdIntList::LCinter

Print coulombinter.def or not, set in PrintInteractions().

Definition at line 190 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), and PrintNamelist().

◆ LCintra

int StdIntList::LCintra

Print coulombintra.def or not, set in PrintInteractions().

Definition at line 181 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), and PrintNamelist().

◆ length

double StdIntList::length[3]

Anisotropic lattice constant, input parameter wlength, llength, hlength.

Definition at line 37 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Chain(), StdFace_FCOrtho(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_Kagome(), StdFace_Ladder(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_Orthorhombic(), StdFace_Pyrochlore(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ LEx

int StdIntList::LEx

Print exchange.def or not, set in PrintInteractions().

Definition at line 206 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), and PrintNamelist().

◆ lGC

int StdIntList::lGC

Switch for computing Grandcanonical ensemble(== 1). Setted in StdFace_main() after all keywords are read.

Definition at line 233 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckModPara(), PrintCalcMod(), PrintNamelist(), and StdFace_main().

◆ LHund

int StdIntList::LHund

Print hund.def or not, set in PrintInteractions().

Definition at line 198 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), and PrintNamelist().

◆ Lintr

int StdIntList::Lintr

Print interall.def or not, set in PrintInteractions().

Definition at line 172 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), and PrintNamelist().

◆ list_6spin_pair

int*** StdIntList::list_6spin_pair

◆ list_6spin_star

int** StdIntList::list_6spin_star

◆ locspinflag

◆ LPairHopp

int StdIntList::LPairHopp

Print pairhopp.def or not, set in PrintInteractions().

Definition at line 222 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), and PrintNamelist().

◆ LPairLift

int StdIntList::LPairLift

Print pairlift.def or not, set in PrintInteractions().

Definition at line 214 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), and PrintNamelist().

◆ method

char StdIntList::method[256]

The name of method, input from file.

Definition at line 259 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintCalcMod(), PrintModPara(), PrintNamelist(), StdFace_Hopping(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_MallocInteractions(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ model

◆ mu

◆ NaN_i

int StdIntList::NaN_i

It is used for initializing input parameter. This means that a parameter wich is not specified in input file. Set in StdFace_ResetVals().

Definition at line 28 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckModPara(), PrintModPara(), PrintNamelist(), PrintPump(), StdFace_InitSite(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_MallocInteractions(), StdFace_NotUsed_i(), StdFace_PrintVal_i(), StdFace_RequiredVal_i(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ NCell

◆ NCinter

int StdIntList::NCinter

Number of inter-site Coulomb interaction, counted in each lattice file.

Definition at line 188 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_Coulomb(), StdFace_GeneralJ(), StdFace_LargeValue(), and StdFace_MallocInteractions().

◆ NCintra

int StdIntList::NCintra

Number of intra-site Coulomb interaction, counted in each lattice file.

Definition at line 179 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_HubbardLocal(), StdFace_LargeValue(), StdFace_MallocInteractions(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ nelec

int StdIntList::nelec

Number of electrons, input from file.

Definition at line 235 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckModPara(), PrintModPara(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ NEx

int StdIntList::NEx

Number of exchange term, counted in each lattice file.

Definition at line 205 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_GeneralJ(), StdFace_LargeValue(), StdFace_MallocInteractions(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ NHund

int StdIntList::NHund

Number of Hund term, counted in each lattice file.

Definition at line 197 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_GeneralJ(), StdFace_LargeValue(), StdFace_MallocInteractions(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ nintr

int StdIntList::nintr

Number of InterAll, counted in each lattice file.

Definition at line 171 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_intr(), StdFace_LargeValue(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_MallocInteractions().

◆ Nomega

int StdIntList::Nomega

Number of frequencies, input from file.

Definition at line 287 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckModPara(), PrintModPara(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ NPairHopp

int StdIntList::NPairHopp

Number of pair-hopping term, counted in each lattice file.

Definition at line 221 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_MallocInteractions(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ NPairLift

int StdIntList::NPairLift

Number of pair-lift term, counted in each lattice file.

Definition at line 213 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_GeneralJ(), StdFace_LargeValue(), and StdFace_MallocInteractions().

◆ npump

int* StdIntList::npump

[StdIntList::nt] Number of transfer, counted in each lattice file.

Definition at line 307 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintPump(), StdFace_Hopping(), and StdFace_MallocInteractions().

◆ nsite

◆ NsiteUC

◆ ntrans

int StdIntList::ntrans

Number of transfer, counted in each lattice file.

Definition at line 164 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintTrans(), StdFace_LargeValue(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_MallocInteractions(), StdFace_trans(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ num_pivot

int StdIntList::num_pivot

◆ NumAve

int StdIntList::NumAve

Number of trials for TPQ calculation.

Definition at line 271 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckModPara(), PrintModPara(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ nvec

int StdIntList::nvec

Definition at line 267 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintModPara(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ OmegaIm

double StdIntList::OmegaIm

Imaginary part of frequency.

Definition at line 290 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckModPara(), PrintModPara(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ OmegaMax

double StdIntList::OmegaMax

Maximum of frequency for spectrum, input from file.

Definition at line 288 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckModPara(), PrintModPara(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ OmegaMin

double StdIntList::OmegaMin

Minimum of frequency for spectrum, input from file.

Definition at line 289 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckModPara(), PrintModPara(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ OutputExVec

char StdIntList::OutputExVec[256]

The name of output mode for the excited vector, input from file.

Definition at line 294 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintCalcMod(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ outputmode

char StdIntList::outputmode[256]

Select amount of correlation function, input from file.

Definition at line 237 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckOutputMode(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ PairHopp

double* StdIntList::PairHopp

[StdIntList::NPairLift] Coefficient of pair-hopping term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr().

Definition at line 226 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_MallocInteractions(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ PairLift

double* StdIntList::PairLift

[StdIntList::NPairLift] Coefficient of pair-lift term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr().

Definition at line 218 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_GeneralJ(), StdFace_LargeValue(), and StdFace_MallocInteractions().

◆ phase

◆ PHIndx

int** StdIntList::PHIndx

[StdIntList::NPairLift][2] Site indices of pair-hopping term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr().

Definition at line 223 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_MallocInteractions(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ pi

double StdIntList::pi


Definition at line 31 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintExcitation(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ pi180

double StdIntList::pi180

\(\pi/180\), set in StdFace_ResetVals().

Definition at line 153 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_InitSite(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ PLIndx

int** StdIntList::PLIndx

[StdIntList::NPairLift][2] Site indices of pair-lift term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_intr().

Definition at line 215 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintInteractions(), StdFace_GeneralJ(), and StdFace_MallocInteractions().

◆ pump

double complex** StdIntList::pump

[StdIntList::nt][StdIntList::npump] Coefficient of one-body term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_trans().

Definition at line 311 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintPump(), StdFace_Hopping(), and StdFace_MallocInteractions().

◆ PumpBody

int StdIntList::PumpBody

one- or two-body pumping, defined from StdIntList::PumpType

Definition at line 305 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintCalcMod(), PrintNamelist(), PrintPump(), StdFace_Hopping(), StdFace_MallocInteractions(), and VectorPotential().

◆ pumpindx

int*** StdIntList::pumpindx

[StdIntList::nt][StdIntList::npump][4] Site/spin indices of one-body term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_trans().

Definition at line 308 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintPump(), StdFace_Hopping(), and StdFace_MallocInteractions().

◆ PumpType

char StdIntList::PumpType[256]

The type of pump.

Definition at line 304 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and VectorPotential().

◆ rbox

int StdIntList::rbox[3][3]

The inversion of StdIntList::box. Set in StdFace_InitSite().

Definition at line 47 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_FoldSite(), and StdFace_InitSite().

◆ Restart

char StdIntList::Restart[256]

The name of restart mode, input from file.

Definition at line 260 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintCalcMod(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ S2

◆ SpectrumBody

int StdIntList::SpectrumBody

one- or two-body excitation, defined from StdIntList::SpectrumType

Definition at line 292 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintExcitation(), and PrintNamelist().

◆ SpectrumQ

double StdIntList::SpectrumQ[3]

wavenumver (q-vector) in fractional coordinate

Definition at line 291 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintExcitation(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ SpectrumType

char StdIntList::SpectrumType[256]

The type of mode for spectrum, input from file.

Definition at line 286 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintExcitation(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ Sz2

int StdIntList::Sz2

Total Sz, input from file.

Definition at line 241 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by CheckModPara(), PrintModPara(), PrintNamelist(), StdFace_main(), and StdFace_ResetVals().

◆ t

◆ t0

double complex StdIntList::t0

◆ t0p

double complex StdIntList::t0p

◆ t0pp

double complex StdIntList::t0pp

Anisotropic hopping (3rd), input parameter.

Definition at line 66 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Chain(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ t1

double complex StdIntList::t1

◆ t1p

double complex StdIntList::t1p

◆ t1pp

double complex StdIntList::t1pp

Anisotropic hopping (3rd), input parameter.

Definition at line 69 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ t2

double complex StdIntList::t2

◆ t2p

double complex StdIntList::t2p

◆ t2pp

double complex StdIntList::t2pp

Anisotropic hopping (3rd), input parameter.

Definition at line 72 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ tau

double** StdIntList::tau

◆ tdump

double StdIntList::tdump

Time scale of dumping.

Definition at line 300 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and VectorPotential().

◆ tp

◆ tpp

double complex StdIntList::tpp

◆ trans

double complex* StdIntList::trans

◆ transindx

int** StdIntList::transindx

[StdIntList::ntrans][4] Site/spin indices of one-body term, malloc in StdFace_MallocInteractions() and set in StdFace_trans().

Definition at line 165 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintTrans(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_MallocInteractions(), StdFace_trans(), and StdFace_Wannier90().

◆ tshift

double StdIntList::tshift

Shift of time-step of laser.

Definition at line 299 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and VectorPotential().

◆ U

◆ Uquench

double StdIntList::Uquench

Quenched on-site potential.

Definition at line 302 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by PrintPump(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and VectorPotential().

◆ V

◆ V0

double StdIntList::V0

◆ V0p

double StdIntList::V0p

◆ V0pp

double StdIntList::V0pp

Anisotropic Coulomb potential (3rd), input parameter.

Definition at line 79 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Chain(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ V1

double StdIntList::V1

◆ V1p

double StdIntList::V1p

◆ V1pp

double StdIntList::V1pp

Anisotropic Coulomb potential (3rd), input parameter.

Definition at line 82 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ V2

double StdIntList::V2

◆ V2p

double StdIntList::V2p

◆ V2pp

double StdIntList::V2pp

Anisotropic Coulomb potential (3rd), input parameter.

Definition at line 85 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ VecPot

double StdIntList::VecPot[3]

Vector potential.

Definition at line 303 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_main(), StdFace_ResetVals(), and VectorPotential().

◆ Vp

double StdIntList::Vp

◆ Vpp

double StdIntList::Vpp

Off-site Coulomb potential (3rd), input parameter.

Definition at line 86 of file StdFace_vals.h.

Referenced by StdFace_Chain(), StdFace_Honeycomb(), StdFace_main(), StdFace_Orthorhombic(), StdFace_ResetVals(), StdFace_Tetragonal(), and StdFace_Triangular().

◆ W

int StdIntList::W

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: