Ising file

This file determines the coefficients of the Ising interactions given by

(3.10)\[\mathcal{H}+=\sum_{i,j}J_{ij}^{z} (n_{i\uparrow}-n_{i\downarrow})(n_{j\uparrow}-n_{j\downarrow} )\]

An example of the file format is presented below.

NIsing 6
========Ising ======
   0     1  0.50000
   1     2  0.50000
   2     3  0.50000
   3     4  0.50000
   4     5  0.50000
   5     0  0.50000

File format

  • Line 1: Header

  • Lines 2: [nising] [count]

  • Lines 3-5: Header

  • Lines 6-: [i] [j] [val]


  • [nising]

    Type : String (blank is not allowed)

    Description : An arbitrary keyword for the total number of the Ising interactions.

  • [count]

    Type : Integer (blank is not allowed)

    Description : An integer giving the total number of the Ising interactions.

  • [i], [j]

    Type : Integer (blank is not allowed)

    Description : An integer giving a site index (\(0 \le i, j < {\rm Nsite}\)).

  • [val]

    Type : Float (blank is not allowed)

    Description : A value for \(J_{ij}^{\rm z}\).

Usage rules

  • Headers cannot be omitted.

  • The program is terminated with error if there are duplicated entries.

  • The program is terminated with error when the number of entries is different from [count].

  • The program is terminated with error if [i] or [j] are outside the range of the defined values.