
The calculation is done to utilize functions by the following procedures.

The restart calculation can be done by the following procedures.


Since \(K\omega\) is not thread safe, these routine must be called from the outside of the OpenMP-parallel region. If you want to call \(K\omega\) routine in the parallel region (i.e. plan to solve different equations among threads), please use --enable-threadsafe option of configure (Experimental).

For FORTRAN, the modules can be called by

USE komega_cg_r ! Conjugate-gradient method for real vectors
USE komega_cg_c ! Conjugate-gradient method for complex vectors
USE komega_cocg ! Conjugate-orthogonal conjugate-gradient mehod
USE komega_bicg ! Biconjugate-gradient method

When we call \(K\omega\) from C/C++ codes, we should include the header file as

#include komega.h

Scalar arguments should be passed as pointers. For MPI/Hybrid parallelized routine, the above line becomes Also, the communicator argument for the routine should be transformed from the C/C++’s one to the fortran’s one as follows.

comm_f = MPI_Comm_c2f(comm_c);

Details of each routines


Set and initialize internal variables in libraries. These routines should be called first before solving the shifted equation.



CALL komega_cg_r_init(ndim, nl, nz, x, z, itermax, threshold, comm)
CALL komega_cg_c_init(ndim, nl, nz, x, z, itermax, threshold, comm)
CALL komega_cocg_init(ndim, nl, nz, x, z, itermax, threshold, comm)
CALL komega_bicg_init(ndim, nl, nz, x, z, itermax, threshold, comm)


komega_cg_r_init(&ndim, &nl, &nz, x, z, &itermax, &threshold, &comm);
komega_cg_c_init(&ndim, &nl, &nz, x, z, &itermax, &threshold, &comm);
komega_cocg_init(&ndim, &nl, &nz, x, z, &itermax, &threshold, &comm);
komega_bicg_init(&ndim, &nl, &nz, x, z, &itermax, &threshold, &comm);


The dimension of solution vectors for the linearized equation. ndim for the dimension of variables in other routine is equal to this.
The dimension of projected solution vectors. nl for the dimension of variables in other routine is equal to this.
The number of shifted points. nz for the dimension of variables in other routine is equal to this.
REAL(8),INTENT(OUT) :: x(nl*nz) ! (for "CG_R_init", "CG_C_init")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(OUT) :: x(nl*nz) ! (for other cases)
The solution vector. In this procedure, 0 vector is returned.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: z(nz) ! (for "CG_R_init", "CG_C_init")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(IN) :: z(nz) ! (for other cases)
Shifted points.
The maximum iteration number for allocating arrays for the restart calculation. When itermax=0 , these arrays are not allocated, and the restart calculation described later becomes unavailable.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: threshold
The threshold value for the convergence determination. When the 2-norm of the residual vector for the seed equation becomes smaller than this value, the calculation is finished.
Optional argument. Communicators for MPI such as MPI_COMM_WORLD. Only for MPI / Hybrid parallelization. For C compiler, just pass NULL to omit this argment.


For the restart calculation, these routines are used instead of *_init. Set and initialize internal variables in libraries. These routines should be called first before solving the shifted equation.



CALL komega_cg_r_restart(ndim, nl, nz, x, z, itermax, threshold, status, &
&                 iter_old, v2, v12, alpha_save, beta_save, z_seed, r_l_save, comm)
CALL komega_cg_c_restart(ndim, nl, nz, x, z, itermax, threshold, status, &
&                 iter_old, v2, v12, alpha_save, beta_save, z_seed, r_l_save, comm)
CALL komega_cocg_restart(ndim, nl, nz, x, z, itermax, threshold, status, &
&                 iter_old, v2, v12, alpha_save, beta_save, z_seed, r_l_save, comm)
CALL komega_bicg_restart(ndim, nl, nz, x, z, itermax, threshold, status, &
&                 iter_old, v2, v12, v4, v14, alpha_save, beta_save, &
&                 z_seed, r_l_save, comm)


komega_cg_r_restart(&ndim, &nl, &nz, x, z, &itermax, &threshold, status, &
&                 &iter_old, v2, v12, alpha_save, beta_save, &z_seed, r_l_save, &comm);
komega_cg_c_restart(&ndim, &nl, &nz, x, z, &itermax, &threshold, status, &
&                 &iter_old, v2, v12, alpha_save, beta_save, &z_seed, r_l_save, &comm);
komega_cocg_restart(&ndim, &nl, &nz, x, z, &itermax, &threshold, status, &
&                 &iter_old, v2, v12, alpha_save, beta_save, &z_seed, r_l_save, &comm);
komega_bicg_restart(&ndim, &nl, &nz, x, z, &itermax, &threshold, status, &
&                 &iter_old, v2, v12, v4, v14, alpha_save, beta_save, &
&                 &z_seed, r_l_save, &comm);


REAL(8),INTENT(OUT) :: x(nl*nz)
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: z(nz) ! (for "CG_R_restart", "CG_C_restart")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(IN) :: z(nz) ! (Other)
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: threshold
The definition is same as *_init. See the parameters in *_init.
INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: status(3)

The error code is returned.

First component(status(1))

If the solution is converged or a breakdown occurs, the current total number of iteration with the minus sign is returned. In other cases, this routine returns the current total number of iteration. The calculation is continuable only when status(1) is the positive value; otherwise the result is meaningless even if the calculation is continued.

Second component(status(2))

1 is returned if itermax is set as a finite value and the convergence condition is not satisfied at the itermax-th iteration. 2 is returned if \(\alpha\) diverges. 3 is returned if \(\pi_{\rm seed}\) becomes 0. In the case of COCG_restart or BiCG_restart, 4 is returned if the residual vector and the shadow residual vector are orthogonal. In other cases, 0 is returned.

Third component(status(3))

The index of the seed point is returned.
INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: iter_old
The number of iteration for the previous calculation.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: v2(ndim) ! (for "CG_R_restart")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(IN) :: v2(ndim) ! (Other)
The residual vector at the last step for the previous calculation.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: v12(ndim) ! (for "CG_R_restart")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(IN) :: v12(ndim) ! (Other)
The residual vector at the second from the last step for the previous calculation.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: alpha_save(iter_old) ! (for "CG_R_restart", "CG_C_restart")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(IN) :: alpha_save(iter_old) ! (Other)
The parameters \(\alpha\) obtained by the previous calculation at each steps by (Bi)CG methods.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: beta_save(iter_old) ! (for "CG_R_restart", "CG_C_restart")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(IN) :: beta_save(iter_old) ! (Other)
The parameters \(\beta\) obtained by the previous calculation at each steps by (Bi)CG methods.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: z_seed ! (for "CG_R_restart", "CG_C_restart")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(IN) :: z_seed ! (Other)
The value of the seed shift for the previous calculation.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: r_l_save(nl,iter_old) ! (for "CG_R_restart")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(IN) :: r_l_save(nl,iter_old) ! (Other)
The projected residual vector at each iteration for the previous calculation.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: v4(ndim) ! (for "CG_R_restart")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(IN) :: v4(ndim) ! (Other)
The shadow residual vector at the last step for the previous calculation.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: v14(ndim) ! (for "CG_R_restart")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(IN) :: v14(ndim) ! (Other)
The shadow residual vector at the second last step for the previous calculation.


It is called alternately with the matrix-vector product in the loop and updates the solution.



CALL komega_cg_r_update(v12, v2, x, r_l, status)
CALL komega_cg_c_update(v12, v2, x, r_l, status)
CALL komega_cocg_update(v12, v2, x, r_l, status)
CALL komega_bicg_update(v12, v2, v14, v4, x, r_l, status)


komega_cg_r_update(v12, v2, x, r_l, status);
komega_cg_c_update(v12, v2, x, r_l, status);
komega_cocg_update(v12, v2, x, r_l, status);
komega_bicg_update(v12, v2, v14, v4, x, r_l, status);


REAL(8),INTENT(INOUT) :: v12(ndim) ! (for "CG_R_update")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(INOUT) :: v12(ndim) ! (Other)
The product of the residual vector (v2) and the matrix. This routine returns the 2-norm of the updated residual vector as a first element of this array. This returned value is used, for examples, for printing the convergence profile.
REAL(8),INTENT(INOUT) :: v2(ndim) ! (for "CG_R_update")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(INOUT) :: v2(ndim) ! (Other)
The residual vector is input and the updated residual vector is output.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: v14(ndim) ! (for "CG_R_update")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(IN) :: v14(ndim) ! (Other)
The product of the shadow residual vector (v4) and the matrix is input.
REAL(8),INTENT(INOUT) :: v4(ndim) ! (for "CG_R_update")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(INOUT) :: v4(ndim) ! (Other)
The shadow residual vector is input and the updated vector is output.
INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: status(3)

The error code is returned.

First component (status(1))

If the solution is converged or a breakdown occurs, the current total number of iteration with the minus sign is returned. In other cases, this routine returns the current total number of iteration. The calculation is continuable only when status(1) is the positive value; otherwise the result is meaningless even if the calculation is continued.

Second component (status(2))

1 is returned if itermax is set as a finite value in the *_init routine and the convergence condition is not satisfied at the itermax-th iteration. 2 is returned if \(\alpha\) diverges. 3 is returned if \(\pi_{\rm seed}\) becomes 0. In the case of COCG_update or BiCG_update, 4 is returned if the residual vector and the shadow residual vector are orthogonal. In other cases, 0 is returned.

Third component (status(3))

The index of the seed point is returned.


Get the coefficients used in the restart calculation. To call these routines, itermax in *_init routine must not be 0 .

The total number of iteration (iter_old) used in this routine is computed by using status which is an output of *_update as follows:

iter_old = ABS(status(1))



CALL komega_cg_r_getcoef(alpha_save, beta_save, z_seed, r_l_save)
CALL komega_cg_c_getcoef(alpha_save, beta_save, z_seed, r_l_save)
CALL komega_cocg_getcoef(alpha_save, beta_save, z_seed, r_l_save)
CALL komega_bicg_getcoef(alpha_save, beta_save, z_seed, r_l_save)


komega_cg_r_getcoef(alpha_save, beta_save, &z_seed, r_l_save);
komega_cg_c_getcoef(alpha_save, beta_save, &z_seed, r_l_save);
komega_cocg_getcoef(alpha_save, beta_save, &z_seed, r_l_save);
komega_bicg_getcoef(alpha_save, beta_save, &z_seed, r_l_save);


REAL(8),INTENT(OUT) :: alpha_save(iter_old) ! (for "CG_R_restart", "CG_C_restart")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(OUT) :: alpha_save(iter_old) ! (Other)
The parameters \(\alpha\) of the (Bi)CG method at each iteration.
REAL(8),INTENT(OUT) :: beta_save(iter_old) ! (for "CG_R_restart", "CG_C_restart")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(OUT) :: beta_save(iter_old) ! (Other)
The parameters \(\beta\) of the (Bi)CG method at each iteration.
REAL(8),INTENT(OUT) :: z_seed ! (for "CG_R_restart", "CG_C_restart")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(OUT) :: z_seed ! (Other)
Seed shift.
REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: r_l_save(nl,iter_old) ! ("CG_R_restart")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(IN) :: r_l_save(nl,iter_old) ! (Other)
The projected residual vectors at each iteration.


Get the residual vectors to use the restart calculation. To call these routines, itermax in the *_init routine must not be 0.



CALL komega_cg_r_getvec(r_old)
CALL komega_cg_c_getvec(r_old)
CALL komega_cocg_getvec(r_old)
CALL komega_bicg_getvec(r_old, r_tilde_old)


komega_bicg_getvec(r_old, r_tilde_old);


REAL(8),INTENT(OUT) :: r_old(ndim) ! (for "CG_R_getvec")
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(OUT) :: r_old(ndim) ! (Other)
The residual vector at the second last step in the previous calculation.
COMPLEX(8),INTENT(OUT) :: r_tilde_old(ndim)
The shadow residual vector at the second last step in the previous calculation.


Get the values of 2-norm of the residual vector at each shift points. These routines can be called from anywhere between *_init and *_finalize . These routines do not affect the calculation results.



CALL komega_cg_r_getresidual(res)
CALL komega_cg_c_getresidual(res)
CALL komega_cocg_getresidual(res)
CALL komega_bicg_getresidual(res)




COMPLEX(8),INTENT(OUT) :: res(nz)
The values of 2-norm of the residual vector at each shift points are returned.


Release memories of the arrays stored in the library.



CALL komega_cg_r_finalize()
CALL komega_cg_c_finalize()
CALL komega_cocg_finalize()
CALL komega_bicg_finalize()



Sample codes for using shifted BiCG library

As a typical example, the usage of shifted BiCG library is shown below.

PROGRAM my_prog
  USE komega_bicg, ONLY : komega_bicg_init, komega_bicg_restart, &
  &                       komega_bicg_update, komega_bicg_getcoef, &
  &                       komega_bicg_getvec, komega_bicg_finalize
  USE solve_cc_routines, ONLY : input_size, input_restart, &
  &                             projection, &
  &                             hamiltonian_prod, generate_system, &
  &                             output_restart, output_result
  & ndim,    & ! Size of Hilvert space
  & nz,      & ! Number of frequencies
  & nl,      & ! Number of Left vector
  & itermax, & ! Max. number of iteraction
  & iter_old   ! Number of iteraction of previous run
  REAL(8),SAVE :: &
  & threshold ! Convergence Threshold
  COMPLEX(8),SAVE :: &
  & z_seed ! Seed frequency
  & z(:)         ! (nz): Frequency
  & ham(:,:), &
  & rhs(:), &
  & v12(:), v2(:), & ! (ndim): Working vector
  & v14(:), v4(:), & ! (ndim): Working vector
  & r_l(:), & ! (nl) : Projeccted residual vector
  & x(:,:) ! (nl,nz) : Projected result
  ! Variables for Restart
  & alpha(:), beta(:) ! (iter_old)
  & r_l_save(:,:) ! (nl,iter_old) Projected residual vectors
  ! Variables for Restart
  INTEGER :: &
  & iter,    & ! Counter for Iteration
  & status(3)
  LOGICAL :: &
  & restart_in, & ! If .TRUE., sestart from the previous result
  & restart_out   ! If .TRUE., save datas for the next run
  ! Input Size of vectors, numerical conditions
  CALL input_size(ndim,nl,nz)
  CALL input_condition(itermax,threshold,restart_in,restart_out)
  ALLOCATE(v12(ndim), v2(ndim), v14(ndim), v4(ndim), r_l(nl), &
  &        x(nl,nz), z(nz), ham(ndim,ndim), rhs(ndim))
  CALL generate_system(ndim, ham, rhs, z)
  WRITE(*,*) "#####  CG Initialization  #####"
  IF(restart_in) THEN
    CALL input_restart(iter_old, zseed, alpha, beta, r_l_save)
    IF(restart_out) THEN
       CALL komega_bicg_restart( &
       &    ndim, nl, nz, x, z, itermax, threshold, &
       &    status, iter_old, v2, v12, v4, v14, alpha, &
       &    beta, z_seed, r_l_save)
       CALL komega_bicg_restart( &
       &    ndim, nl, nz, x, z, 0, threshold, &
       &    status, iter_old, v2, v12, v4, v14, alpha, &
       &    beta, z_seed, r_l_save)
    END IF
    ! These vectors were saved in BiCG routine
    DEALLOCATE(alpha, beta, r_l_save)
    IF(status(1) /= 0) GOTO 10
     ! Generate Right Hand Side Vector
     v2(1:ndim) = rhs(1:ndim)
     v4(1:ndim) = CONJG(v2(1:ndim))
     !v4(1:ndim) = v2(1:ndim)
     IF(restart_out) THEN
        CALL komega_bicg_init(ndim, nl, nz, x, z, termax, threshold)
        CALL komega_bicg_init(ndim, nl, nz, x, z, 0, threshold)
     END IF
  ! BiCG Loop
  WRITE(*,*) "#####  CG Iteration  #####"
  DO iter = 1, itermax
     ! Projection of Residual vector into the space
     ! spaned by left vectors
     r_l(1:nl) = projection(v2(1:nl))
     ! Matrix-vector product
     CALL hamiltonian_prod(Ham, v2, v12)
     CALL hamiltonian_prod(Ham, v4, v14)
     ! Update result x with BiCG
     CALL komega_bicg_update(v12, v2, v14, v4, x, r_l, status)
     WRITE(*,'(a,i,a,3i,a,e15.5)') "lopp : ", iter, &
     &                             ", status : ", status(1:3), &
     &                             ", Res. : ", DBLE(v12(1))
     IF(status(1) < 0) EXIT
  IF(status(2) == 0) THEN
     WRITE(*,*) "  Converged in iteration ", ABS(status(1))
  ELSE IF(status(2) == 1) THEN
     WRITE(*,*) "  Not Converged in iteration ", ABS(status(1))
  ELSE IF(status(2) == 2) THEN
     WRITE(*,*) "  Alpha becomes infinity", ABS(status(1))
  ELSE IF(status(2) == 3) THEN
     WRITE(*,*) "  Pi_seed becomes zero", ABS(status(1))
  ELSE IF(status(2) == 4) THEN
  WRITE(*,*) "  Residual & Shadow residual are orthogonal", &
  &          ABS(status(1))
  ! Total number of iteration
  iter_old = ABS(status(1))
  ! Get these vectors for restart in the Next run
  IF(restart_out) THEN
     ALLOCATE(alpha(iter_old), beta(iter_old), r_l_save(nl,iter_old))
     CALL komega_bicg_getcoef(alpha, beta, z_seed, r_l_save)
     CALL komega_bicg_getvec(v12,v14)
     CALL output_restart(iter_old, z_seed, alpha, beta, &
     &                   r_l_save, v12, v14)
     DEALLOCATE(alpha, beta, r_l_save)
  ! Deallocate all intrinsic vectors
  CALL komega_bicg_finalize()
  ! Output to a file
  CALL output_result(nl, nz, z, x, r_l)
  DEALLOCATE(v12, v2, v14, v4, r_l, x, z)
  WRITE(*,*) "#####  Done  #####"

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