odatse.algorithm._algorithm module
- class odatse.algorithm._algorithm.AlgorithmBase(info: Info, runner: Runner | None = None, run_mode: str = 'initial')[source]
Base class for algorithms, providing common functionality and structure.
Initialize the algorithm with the given information and runner.
- Parameters:
info (Info) – Information object containing algorithm and base parameters.
runner (Runner (optional)) – Optional runner object to execute the algorithm.
run_mode (str) – Mode in which the algorithm should run.
- abstractmethod __init__(info: Info, runner: Runner | None = None, run_mode: str = 'initial') None [source]
Initialize the algorithm with the given information and runner.
- Parameters:
info (Info) – Information object containing algorithm and base parameters.
runner (Runner (optional)) – Optional runner object to execute the algorithm.
run_mode (str) – Mode in which the algorithm should run.
- __init_rng(info: Info) None
Initialize the random number generator.
- Parameters:
info (Info) – Information object containing algorithm parameters.
- _check_parameters(param=None)[source]
Check the parameters of the algorithm against previous parameters.
- Parameters:
(optional) (param) – Previous parameters to check against.
- _load_data(filename='state.pickle') Dict [source]
Load data from a file.
- Parameters:
filename – Name of the file to load the data from.
- Returns:
Dictionary containing the loaded data.
- Return type:
- abstractmethod _post() Dict [source]
Abstract method to be implemented by subclasses for post-processing steps.
- abstractmethod _prepare() None [source]
Abstract method to be implemented by subclasses for preparation steps.
- abstractmethod _run() None [source]
Abstract method to be implemented by subclasses for running steps.
- _save_data(data, filename='state.pickle', ngen=3) None [source]
Save data to a file with versioning.
- Parameters:
data – Data to be saved.
filename – Name of the file to save the data.
ngen (int, default: 3) – Number of generations for versioning.
- post() Dict [source]
Perform post-processing after the algorithm has run.
- Returns:
Dictionary containing post-processing results.
- Return type:
- class odatse.algorithm._algorithm.AlgorithmStatus(value)[source]
Enumeration for the status of the algorithm.
- odatse.algorithm._algorithm.flatten_dict(d, parent_key='', separator='.')[source]
Flatten a nested dictionary.
- Parameters:
d – Dictionary to flatten.
parent_key (str, default : "") – Key for the parent dictionary.
separator (str, default : ".") – Separator to use between keys.
- Returns:
Flattened dictionary.
- Return type: