
Algorithm is defined as a subclass of odatse.algorithm.AlgorithmBase:

import odatse

class Algorithm(odatse.algorithm.AlgorithmBase):


AlgorithmBase class offers the following methods.

  • __init__(self, info: odatse.Info, runner: odatse.Runner = None)

    • Reads the common parameters from info and sets the following instance variables:

      • self.mpicomm: Optional[MPI.Comm] : MPI.COMM_WORLD

      • self.mpisize: int : the number of MPI processes

      • self.mpirank: int : the rank of this process

        • When import mpi4py fails, self.mpicomm is set to None, self.mpisize is set to 1, and self.mpirank is set to 0.

      • self.rng: np.random.Generator : pseudo random number generator

      • self.dimension: int : the dimension of the parameter space

      • self.label_list: List[str] : the name of each axes of the parameter space

      • self.root_dir: pathlib.Path : root directory

        • It is taken from info.base["root_dir"].

      • self.output_dir: pathlib.Path : output directory

        • It is taken from info.base["output_dir"].

      • self.proc_dir: pathlib.Path : working directory of each process

        • It is set to self.output_dir / str(self.mpirank).

        • The directory will be made automatically.

        • Each process performs an optimization algorithm in this directory.

      • self.timer: dict[str, dict] : dictionary storing elapsed time

        • Three empty dictinaries, "prepare", "run", and "post", will be defined.

      • self.checkpoint: bool : enable/disable checkpointing

        • self.checkpoint_steps

        • self.checkpoint_interval

        • self.checkpoint_file

          The parameters concerning the checkpointing feature are stored.

  • prepare(self) -> None

    • Prepares the algorithm.

    • It should be called before is called.

  • run(self) -> None

    • Performs the algorithm

    • The following steps are executed:

      1. Enter into the directory self.proc_dir.

      2. Run self.runner.prepare().

      3. Run self._run().

      4. Run

      5. Move to the original directory.

    • It should be called after self.prepare() is called.

  • post(self) -> Dict

    • Runs a post process of the algorithm, for example, writing the results into files.

    • Enters into self.output_dir, calls self._post(), and returns to the original directory.

    • It should be called after is called.

  • main(self, run_mode) -> Dict

    • Calls prepare, run, and post.

    • Measures the elapsed times for calling functions, and writes them into a file

    • Takes an argument for the execution mode as a string. The default value is initialize.

      • "initialize": start from the initial state.

      • "resume": resume from the interrupted run.

      • "continue": continue from the finished run.

      The argument contains "-resetrand" when the random number generator should be initialized. The behavior of “continue” depends on the algorithm.

    • Returns the result of the optimization in the form of dictionary.


Algorithm provides a concrete description of the algorithm. It is defined as a subclass of AlgorithmBase and should have the following methods.

  • __init__(self, info: odatse.Info, runner: odatse.Runner = None, domain = None)

    • The arguments info and runner should be transferred to the constructor of the base class:

      • super().__init__(info=info, runner=runner)

    • Reads info and sets information.

    • If domain is given, the search region should be taken from the domain parameter. Otherwise, the search region should be created from info by odatse.domain.Region(info) (for continuous parameter space) or odatse.domain.MeshGrid(info) (for discrete parameter space).

  • _prepare(self) -> None

    • Describes pre-processes of the algorithm.

  • _run(self) -> None

    • Describes the algorithm body.

    • In order to obtain the value of the objective function f(x) for the search parameter x, the method of Runner class should be called in the following manner:

      args = (step, set)
      fx = self.runner.submit(x, args)
  • _post(self) -> Dict

    • Describes post-process of the algorithm.

    • Returns the result of the optimization in the form of dictionary.

Definition of Domain

Two classes are preprared to specify the search region.

Region class

Region is a helper class to define a continuous parameter space.

  • The constructor takes an Info object, or a dictionary in param= form.

    • When the Info object is given, the lower and upper bounds of the region, the units, and the initial values are obtained from Info.algorithm.param field.

    • When the dictionary is given, the corresponding data are taken from the dictionary data.

    • For details, see [algorithm.param] subsection for minsearch

  • Initialize(self, rnd, limitation, num_walkers) should be called to set the initial values. The arguments are the random number generator rng, the constraint object limitation, and the number of walkers num_walkers.

MeshGrid class

MeshGrid is a helper class to define a discrete parameter space.

  • The constructor takes an Info object, or a dictionary in param= form.

    • When the Info object is given, the lower and upper bounds of the region, the units, and the initial values are obtained from Info.algorithm.param field.

    • When the dictionary is given, the corresponding data are taken from the dictionary data.

    • For details, see [algorithm.param] subsection for mapper

  • do_split(self) should be called to divide the grid points and distribute them to MPI ranks.

  • For input and output, the following methods are provided.

    • A class method from_file(cls, path) is prepared that reads mesh data from path and creates an instance of MeshGrid class.

    • A method store_file(self, path) is prepared that writes the grid information to the file specified by path.