Source code for

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# Copyright (C) 2020- The University of Tokyo
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import numpy as np
import copy
import pickle as pickle
import itertools
import time

from .results import history
from .. import utility
from .. import score as search_score
from import predictor as gp_predictor
from ...blm import predictor as blm_predictor
from ...misc import set_config

from physbo.variable import variable

[docs] class policy: def __init__(self, test_X, config=None, initial_data=None, comm=None): """ Parameters ---------- test_X: numpy.ndarray or physbo.variable The set of candidates. Each row vector represents the feature vector of each search candidate. config: set_config object (physbo.misc.set_config) initial_data: tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] The initial training datasets. The first elements is the array of actions and the second is the array of value of objective functions comm: MPI.Comm, optional MPI Communicator """ self.predictor = None = variable() self.new_data = None self.test = self._make_variable_X(test_X) self.actions = np.arange(0, self.test.X.shape[0]) self.history = history() if config is None: self.config = set_config() else: self.config = config if initial_data is not None: if len(initial_data) != 2: msg = "ERROR: initial_data should be 2-elements tuple or list (actions and objectives)" raise RuntimeError(msg) actions, fs = initial_data if len(actions) != len(fs): msg = "ERROR: len(initial_data[0]) != len(initial_data[1])" raise RuntimeError(msg) self.write(actions, fs) self.actions = np.array(sorted(list(set(self.actions) - set(actions)))) if comm is None: self.mpicomm = None self.mpisize = 1 self.mpirank = 0 else: self.mpicomm = comm self.mpisize = comm.size self.mpirank = comm.rank self.actions = np.array_split(self.actions, self.mpisize)[self.mpirank] self.config.learning.is_disp = ( self.config.learning.is_disp and self.mpirank == 0 )
[docs] def set_seed(self, seed): """ Setting a seed parameter for np.random. Parameters ---------- seed: int seed number ------- """ self.seed = seed np.random.seed(self.seed)
[docs] def write( self, action, t, X=None, time_total=None, time_update_predictor=None, time_get_action=None, time_run_simulator=None, ): """ Writing history (update history, not output to a file). Parameters ---------- action: numpy.ndarray Indexes of actions. t: numpy.ndarray N dimensional array. The negative energy of each search candidate (value of the objective function to be optimized). X: numpy.ndarray N x d dimensional matrix. Each row of X denotes the d-dimensional feature vector of each search candidate. time_total: numpy.ndarray N dimenstional array. The total elapsed time in each step. If None (default), filled by 0.0. time_update_predictor: numpy.ndarray N dimenstional array. The elapsed time for updating predictor (e.g., learning hyperparemters) in each step. If None (default), filled by 0.0. time_get_action: numpy.ndarray N dimenstional array. The elapsed time for getting next action in each step. If None (default), filled by 0.0. time_run_simulator: numpy.ndarray N dimenstional array. The elapsed time for running the simulator in each step. If None (default), filled by 0.0. Returns ------- """ if X is None: X = self.test.X[action, :] Z = self.test.Z[action, :] if self.test.Z is not None else None else: Z = self.predictor.get_basis(X) if self.predictor is not None else None self.history.write( t, action, time_total=time_total, time_update_predictor=time_update_predictor, time_get_action=time_get_action, time_run_simulator=time_run_simulator, ), t=t, Z=Z) # remove the selected actions from the list of candidates if exists if len(self.actions) > 0: local_index = np.searchsorted(self.actions, action) local_index = local_index[ np.take(self.actions, local_index, mode="clip") == action ] self.actions = self._delete_actions(local_index) if self.new_data is None: self.new_data = variable(X=X, t=t, Z=Z) else: self.new_data.add(X=X, t=t, Z=Z)
@staticmethod def _warn_no_predictor(method_name): print("Warning: Since policy.predictor is not yet set,") print(" a GP predictor (num_rand_basis=0) is used for predicting") print(" If you want to use a BLM predictor (num_rand_basis>0),") print(" call bayes_search(max_num_probes=0, num_rand_basis=nrb)") print(" before calling {}.".format(method_name))
[docs] def get_post_fmean(self, xs): """ Calculate mean value of predictor (post distribution) Parameters ---------- xs: physbo.variable or np.ndarray input parameters to calculate mean value shape is (num_points, num_parameters) Returns ------- fmean: numpy.ndarray Mean value of the post distribution. Returned shape is (num_points). """ X = self._make_variable_X(xs) if self.predictor is None: self._warn_no_predictor("get_post_fmean()") predictor = gp_predictor(self.config), 0) predictor.prepare( return predictor.get_post_fmean(, X) else: self._update_predictor() return self.predictor.get_post_fmean(, X)
[docs] def get_post_fcov(self, xs, diag=True): """ Calculate covariance of predictor (post distribution) Parameters ---------- xs: physbo.variable or np.ndarray input parameters to calculate covariance shape is (num_points, num_parameters) diag: bool If true, only variances (diagonal elements) are returned. Returns ------- fcov: numpy.ndarray Covariance matrix of the post distribution. Returned shape is (num_points) if diag=true, (num_points, num_points) if diag=false. """ X = self._make_variable_X(xs) if self.predictor is None: self._warn_no_predictor("get_post_fcov()") predictor = gp_predictor(self.config), 0) predictor.prepare( return predictor.get_post_fcov(, X, diag) else: self._update_predictor() return self.predictor.get_post_fcov(, X, diag)
[docs] def get_score( self, mode, *, actions=None, xs=None, predictor=None, training=None, parallel=True, alpha=1 ): """ Calcualte score (acquisition function) Parameters ---------- mode: str The type of aquisition funciton. TS, EI and PI are available. These functions are defined in actions: array of int actions to calculate score xs: physbo.variable or np.ndarray input parameters to calculate score predictor: predictor object predictor used to calculate score. If not given, self.predictor will be used. training:physbo.variable Training dataset. If not given, will be used. parallel: bool Calculate scores in parallel by MPI (default: True) alpha: float Tuning parameter which is used if mode = TS. In TS, multi variation is tuned as np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov*alpha**2, size). Returns ------- f: float or list of float Score defined in each mode. Raises ------ RuntimeError If both *actions* and *xs* are given Notes ----- When neither *actions* nor *xs* are given, scores for actions not yet searched will be calculated. When *parallel* is True, it is assumed that the function receives the same input (*actions* or *xs*) for all the ranks. If you want to split the input array itself, set *parallel* be False and merge results by yourself. """ if training is None: training = if training.X is None or training.X.shape[0] == 0: msg = "ERROR: No training data is registered." raise RuntimeError(msg) if predictor is None: if self.predictor is None: self._warn_no_predictor("get_score()") predictor = gp_predictor(self.config), 0) predictor.prepare(training) else: self._update_predictor() predictor = self.predictor if xs is not None: if actions is not None: raise RuntimeError("ERROR: both actions and xs are given") test = self._make_variable_X(xs) if parallel and self.mpisize > 1: actions = np.array_split(np.arange(test.X.shape[0]), self.mpisize) test = test.get_subset(actions[self.mpirank]) else: if actions is None: actions = self.actions else: if isinstance(actions, int): actions = [actions] if parallel and self.mpisize > 1: actions = np.array_split(actions, self.mpisize)[self.mpirank] test = self.test.get_subset(actions) f = search_score.score( mode, predictor=predictor, training=training, test=test, alpha=alpha ) if parallel and self.mpisize > 1: fs = self.mpicomm.allgather(f) f = np.hstack(fs) return f
def _get_marginal_score(self, mode, chosen_actions, K, alpha): """ Getting marginal scores. Parameters ---------- mode: str The type of aquision funciton. TS (Thompson Sampling), EI (Expected Improvement) and PI (Probability of Improvement) are available. These functions are defined in chosen_actions: numpy.ndarray Array of selected actions. K: int The number of samples for evaluating score. alpha: float not used. Returns ------- f: list N dimensional scores (score is defined in each mode) """ f = np.zeros((K, len(self.actions)), dtype=float) # draw K samples of the values of objective function of chosen actions new_test_local = self.test.get_subset(chosen_actions) virtual_t_local = self.predictor.get_predict_samples(, new_test_local, K ) if self.mpisize == 1: new_test = new_test_local virtual_t = virtual_t_local else: new_test = variable() for nt in self.mpicomm.allgather(new_test_local): new_test.add(X=nt.X, t=nt.t, Z=nt.Z) virtual_t = np.concatenate(self.mpicomm.allgather(virtual_t_local), axis=1) # virtual_t = self.predictor.get_predict_samples(, new_test, K) for k in range(K): predictor = copy.deepcopy(self.predictor) train = copy.deepcopy( virtual_train = new_test virtual_train.t = virtual_t[k, :] if virtual_train.Z is None: train.add(virtual_train.X, virtual_train.t) else: train.add(virtual_train.X, virtual_train.t, virtual_train.Z) predictor.update(train, virtual_train) f[k, :] = self.get_score( mode, predictor=predictor, training=train, parallel=False ) return np.mean(f, axis=0) def _get_actions(self, mode, N, K, alpha): """ Getting next candidates Parameters ---------- mode: str The type of aquisition funciton. TS (Thompson Sampling), EI (Expected Improvement) and PI (Probability of Improvement) are available. These functions are defined in N: int The total number of actions to return. K: int The total number of samples to evaluate marginal score alpha: float Tuning parameter which is used if mode = TS. In TS, multi variation is tuned as np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov*alpha**2, size). Returns ------- chosen_actions: numpy.ndarray An N-dimensional array of actions selected in each search process. """ f = self.get_score( mode, predictor=self.predictor,, alpha=alpha, parallel=False, ) champion, local_champion, local_index = self._find_champion(f) if champion == -1: return np.zeros(0, dtype=int) if champion == local_champion: self.actions = self._delete_actions(local_index) chosen_actions = [champion] for n in range(1, N): f = self._get_marginal_score(mode, chosen_actions[0:n], K, alpha) champion, local_champion, local_index = self._find_champion(f) if champion == -1: break if champion == local_champion: self.actions = self._delete_actions(local_index) chosen_actions.append(champion) return np.array(chosen_actions) def _find_champion(self, f): if len(f) == 0: local_fmax = -float("inf") local_index = -1 local_champion = -1 else: local_fmax = np.max(f) local_index = np.argmax(f) local_champion = self.actions[local_index] if self.mpisize == 1: champion = local_champion else: local_champions = self.mpicomm.allgather(local_champion) local_fs = self.mpicomm.allgather(local_fmax) champion_rank = np.argmax(local_fs) champion = local_champions[champion_rank] return champion, local_champion, local_index def _get_random_action(self, N): """ Getting indexes of actions randomly. Parameters ---------- N: int Total number of search candidates. Returns ------- action: numpy.ndarray Indexes of actions selected randomly from search candidates. """ if self.mpisize == 1: n = len(self.actions) if n <= N: index = np.arange(0, n) else: index = np.random.choice(len(self.actions), N, replace=False) action = self.actions[index] self.actions = self._delete_actions(index) else: nactions = self.mpicomm.gather(len(self.actions), root=0) local_indices = [[] for _ in range(self.mpisize)] if self.mpirank == 0: hi = np.add.accumulate(nactions) lo = np.roll(hi, 1) lo[0] = 0 if hi[-1] <= N: index = np.arange(0, hi[-1]) else: index = np.random.choice(hi[-1], N, replace=False) ranks = np.searchsorted(hi, index, side="right") for r, i in zip(ranks, index): local_indices[r].append(i - lo[r]) local_indices = self.mpicomm.scatter(local_indices, root=0) local_actions = self.actions[local_indices] self.actions = self._delete_actions(local_indices) action = self.mpicomm.allgather(local_actions) action = itertools.chain.from_iterable(action) action = np.array(list(action)) return action
[docs] def save(self, file_history, file_training=None, file_predictor=None): """ Saving history, training and predictor into the corresponding files. Parameters ---------- file_history: str The name of the file that stores the information of the history. file_training: str The name of the file that stores the training dataset. file_predictor: str The name of the file that stores the predictor dataset. Returns ------- """ if self.mpirank == 0: if file_training is not None: if file_predictor is not None: with open(file_predictor, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.predictor, f)
[docs] def load(self, file_history, file_training=None, file_predictor=None): """ Loading files about history, training and predictor. Parameters ---------- file_history: str The name of the file that stores the information of the history. file_training: str The name of the file that stores the training dataset. file_predictor: str The name of the file that stores the predictor dataset. Returns ------- """ self.history.load(file_history) if file_training is None: N = self.history.total_num_search X = self.test.X[self.history.chosen_actions[0:N], :] t = self.history.fx[0:N] = variable(X=X, t=t) else: = variable() if file_predictor is not None: with open(file_predictor, "rb") as f: self.predictor = pickle.load(f) N = self.history.total_num_search visited = self.history.chosen_actions[:N] local_index = np.searchsorted(self.actions, visited) local_index = local_index[ np.take(self.actions, local_index, mode="clip") == visited ] self.actions = self._delete_actions(local_index)
[docs] def export_predictor(self): """ Returning the predictor dataset Returns ------- """ return self.predictor
[docs] def export_training(self): """ Returning the training dataset Returns ------- """ return
[docs] def export_history(self): """ Returning the information of the history. Returns ------- """ return self.history
def _init_predictor(self, is_rand_expans): """ Initialize predictor. Parameters ---------- is_rand_expans: bool If true, physbo.blm.predictor is selected. If false, is selected. """ if is_rand_expans: self.predictor = blm_predictor(self.config) else: self.predictor = gp_predictor(self.config) def _learn_hyperparameter(self, num_rand_basis):, num_rand_basis) self.test.Z = self.predictor.get_basis(self.test.X) = self.predictor.get_basis( self.predictor.prepare( self.new_data = None def _update_predictor(self): if self.new_data is not None: self.predictor.update(, self.new_data) self.new_data = None def _make_variable_X(self, test_X): """ Make a new *variable* with X=test_X Parameters ---------- test_X: numpy.ndarray or physbo.variable The set of candidates. Each row vector represents the feature vector of each search candidate. Returns ------- test_X: numpy.ndarray or physbo.variable The set of candidates. Each row vector represents the feature vector of each search candidate. """ if isinstance(test_X, np.ndarray): test = variable(X=test_X) elif isinstance(test_X, variable): test = test_X else: raise TypeError("The type of test_X must be ndarray or physbo.variable") return test def _delete_actions(self, index, actions=None): """ Returns remaining actions Notes ----- This method itself does not modify *self* Parameters ---------- index: int Index of an action to be deleted. actions: numpy.ndarray Array of actions. Returns ------- actions: numpy.ndarray Array of actions which does not include action specified by index. """ if actions is None: actions = self.actions return np.delete(actions, index)
def _run_simulator(simulator, action, comm=None): if comm is None: return simulator(action) if comm.rank == 0: t = simulator(action) else: t = 0.0 return comm.bcast(t, root=0)