7.1. Input files for DSQSS/PMWA

In the input file of DSQSS/DLA and DSQSS/PMWA, there are many common parameters. In this section, the parameters which are not included in DSQSS/DLA or where the usage is different from DSQSS/DLA are explained.

  • Parameters for calculation conditions
Parameter type default description
RUNTYPE int   Calculation mode (0: from scratch, 1: restart)
CB int 0 Initial pattern (0: Vacuum, 1: Checker-Board, 2: Random)
NWORMAX int 1000 The maximum number of worms. When the value is equal to be -1, the upper limit becomes infinity.
Step_x int 1 The spatial width in calculating the correlation functions.
Step_k int 1 The width of the wave-number space in calculating correlation functions of wave-number representation.
  • Parameters related to the model
Parameter type description
t double
\(t\) in boson system. \(J_{xy}\) in spin system.
U double
\(U\) in boson system. This parameter is not used in spin system.
V double
\(V\) in boson system. \(J_{z}\) in spin system.
MU double
\(\mu\) in boson system. \(H\) in spin system.
G double
\(\Gamma\) in boson system. \(\Gamma/2\) in spin system.
NMAX - This value is not used (always fixed to be 1).

An example of the input file is shown as follows:

NSET  = 10
NMCS  = 1000
NPRE = 1000
NTHERM = 1000
NDECOR = 1000
SEED  = 31415
NC    = 0
NVERMAX = 10000000
NWORMAX = 1000
algfile   = algorithm.xml
latfile   = lattice.xml
outfile   = sample.log
CB      = 2
G       = 0.3
U       = 0
V       = 3
t       = 1
MU      = 2
NMAX    = 1