Optimization by replica exchange Monte Carlo

This tutorial subscribes how to estimate atomic positions from the experimental diffraction data by using the replica exchange Monte Carlo method (RXMC).

Sample files

Sample files are available from sample/sim-trhepd-rheed/single_beam/exchange . This directory includes the following files:

  • bulk.txt

    The input file of bulk.exe

  • experiment.txt , template.txt

    Reference files for the main program

  • ref.txt

    Solution file for checking whether the calucation successes or not

  • input.toml

    The input file of py2dmat

  • prepare.sh , do.sh

    Script files for running this tutorial

In the following, we will subscribe these files and then show the result.

Reference files

This tutorial uses reference files, template.txt and experiment.txt, which are the same as the previous tutorial (Optimization by Nelder-Mead method) uses.

Input files

This subsection describes the input file. For details, see the manual of bayes. input.toml in the sample directory is shown as the following

dimension = 2

name = "exchange"
label_list = ["z1", "z2"]
seed = 12345

min_list = [3.0, 3.0]
max_list = [6.0, 6.0]

numsteps = 1000
numsteps_exchange = 20
Tmin = 0.005
Tmax = 0.05
Tlogspace = true

name = "sim-trhepd-rheed"

calculated_first_line = 5
calculated_last_line = 74
row_number = 2

string_list = ["value_01", "value_02" ]
degree_max = 7.0

path = "experiment.txt"
first = 1
last = 70

In the following, we will briefly describe this input file. For details, see the manual of Replica exchange Monte Carlo exchange.

  • The [base] section describes the settings for a whole calculation.

    • dimension is the number of variables you want to optimize. In this case, specify 2 because it optimizes two variables.

  • The [solver] section specifies the solver to use inside the main program and its settings.

    • See the minsearch tutorial.

  • The [algorithm] section sets the algorithm to use and its settings.

    • name is the name of the algorithm you want to use, and in this tutorial we will use RXMC, so specify exchange.

    • label_list is a list of label names to be given when outputting the value of value_0x (x = 1,2).

    • seed is the seed that a pseudo-random number generator uses.

    • The [algorithm.param] section sets the parameter space to be explored.

      • min_list is a lower bound and max_list is an upper bound.

    • The [algorithm.exchange] section sets the parameters for RXMC.

      • numstep is the number of Monte Carlo steps.

      • numsteps_exchange is the number of interval steps between temperature exchanges.

      • Tmin, Tmax are the minimum and the maximum of temperature, respectively.

      • When Tlogspace is true, the temperature points are distributed uniformly in the logarithmic space.

  • The [solver] section specifies the solver to use inside the main program and its settings.


First, move to the folder where the sample file is located (hereinafter, it is assumed that you are the root directory of 2DMAT).

cd sample/sim-trhepd-rheed/single_beam/exchange

Copy bulk.exe and surf.exe as the tutorial for the direct problem.

cp ../../../../../sim-trhepd-rheed/src/TRHEPD/bulk.exe .
cp ../../../../../sim-trhepd-rheed/src/TRHEPD/surf.exe .

Execute bulk.exe to generate bulkP.b .


Then, run the main program (it takes a few secondes)

mpiexec -np 4 python3 ../../../../src/py2dmat_main.py input.toml | tee log.txt

Here, the calculation is performed using MPI parallel with 4 processes. (If you are using Open MPI and you request more processes than you can use, add the --oversubscribed option to the mpiexec command.)

When executed, a folder for each rank will be created, and a trial.txt file containing the parameters evaluated in each Monte Carlo step and the value of the objective function, and a result.txt file containing the parameters actually adopted will be created.

These files have the same format: the first two columns are time (step) and the index of walker in the process, the third is the temperature, the fourth column is the value of the objective function, and the fifth and subsequent columns are the parameters.

# step walker T fx x1 x2
0 0 0.004999999999999999 0.07830821484593968 3.682008067401509 3.9502750191292586
1 0 0.004999999999999999 0.07830821484593968 3.682008067401509 3.9502750191292586
2 0 0.004999999999999999 0.07830821484593968 3.682008067401509 3.9502750191292586
3 0 0.004999999999999999 0.06273922648753057 4.330900869594549 4.311333132184154

In the case of the sim-trhepd-rheed solver, a subfolder Log%%%%% (%%%%% is the number of MC steps) is created under each working folder, and locking curve information etc. are recorded.

Finally, best_result.txt is filled with information about the parameter with the optimal objective function (R-factor), the rank from which it was obtained, and the Monte Carlo step.

nprocs = 4
rank = 2
step = 65
fx = 0.008233957976993406
x[0] = 4.221129370933539
x[1] = 5.139591716517661

In addition, do.sh is prepared as a script for batch calculation. do.sh also checks the difference between best_result.txt and ref.txt. I will omit the explanation below, but I will post the contents.

sh prepare.sh


time mpiexec --oversubscribe -np 4 python3 ../../../../src/py2dmat_main.py input.toml

echo diff best_result.txt ref.txt
diff best_result.txt ref.txt || res=$?
if [ $res -eq 0 ]; then
  echo TEST PASS
  echo TEST FAILED: best_result.txt and ref.txt differ

Post process

The result.txt in each rank folder records the data sampled by each replica, but the same replica holds samples at different temperatures because of the temperature exchanges. 2DMat provides a script, script/separateT.py, that rearranges the results of all replicas into samples by temperature.

python3 ../../../../script/separateT.py

The data reorganized for each temperature point is written to result_T%.txt (% is the index of the temperature point). The first column is the step, the second column is the rank, the third column is the value of the objective function, and the fourth and subsequent columns are the parameters.


# T = 0.004999999999999999
# step rank fx x1 x2
0 0 0.07830821484593968 3.682008067401509 3.9502750191292586
1 0 0.07830821484593968 3.682008067401509 3.9502750191292586
2 0 0.07830821484593968 3.682008067401509 3.9502750191292586


By illustrating result_T.txt, you can estimate regions where the parameters with small R-factor are. In this case, the figure result.png of the 2D parameter space is created by using the following command.

python3 plot_result_2d.py

Looking at the resulting diagram, we can see that the samples are concentrated near (5.25, 4.25) and (4.25, 5.25), and that the R-factor value is small there.


Fig. 4 Sampled parameters and R-factor. The horizontal axes is value_01 and the vertical axes is value_02 .

Also, RockingCurve.txt is stored in each subfolder, LogXXX_YYY (XXX is an index of MC step and YYY is an index of a replica in the MPI process). By using this, it is possible to compare with the experimental value according to the procedure of the previous tutorial.