Optimization by Bayesian Optimization

This tutorial describes how to estimate the minimization problem of Himmelblau function by using Bayesian optimization (BO). ODAT-SE uses PHYSBO for BO. PHYSBO package should be installed beforehand.

Sample files

Sample files are available from sample/analytical/bayes . This directory includes the following files:

  • input.toml

    The input file of odatse

  • do.sh

    Script files for running this tutorial

In addition, plot_himmel.py in sample directory is used to visualize the result.

Input files

This subsection describes the input file. For details, see the manual of bayes.

dimension = 2
output_dir = "output"

name = "analytical"
function_name = "himmelblau"

name = "bayes"
seed = 12345

min_list = [-6.0, -6.0]
max_list = [ 6.0,  6.0]
num_list = [61, 61]

random_max_num_probes = 20
bayes_max_num_probes = 40

The contents of [base], [solver], and [runner] sections are the same as those for the search by the Nelder-Mead method (minsearch).

[algorithm] section specifies the algorithm to use and its settings.

  • name is the name of the algorithm you want to use, and in this tutorial we will do a Bayesian optimization analysis, so specify bayes.

  • seed specifies the initial input of random number generator.

[algorithm.param] section specifies the range of parameters to search and their initial values.

  • min_list and max_list specify the minimum and maximum values of the search grid, respectively.

  • num_list specifies the number of grid points along each parameter.

[algorithm.bayes] section sets the parameters for Bayesian optimization.

  • random_max_num_probes specifies the number of random searches before Bayesian optimization.

  • bayes_max_num_probes specifies the number of Bayesian searches.

For details on other parameters that can be specified in the input file, see the chapter on input files of bayes.


First, move to the folder where the sample file is located. (Hereinafter, it is assumed that you are the root directory of ODAT-SE.)

$ cd sample/analytical/bayes

Then, run the main program. It will take a few secondes on a normal PC.

$ python3 ../../../src/odatse_main.py input.toml | tee log.txt

By executing the program, a directory with the name 0 is created under output directory, and the results are written in it. The following standard output will be shown:

# parameter
random_max_num_probes = 10
bayes_max_num_probes = 20
score = TS
interval = 5
num_rand_basis = 5000
value_01 =  5.10000
value_02 =  4.90000
R-factor = 0.037237314010261195
0001-th step: f(x) = -0.037237 (action=150)
   current best f(x) = -0.037237 (best action=150)

value_01 =  4.30000
value_02 =  3.50000

A list of hyperparameters, followed by candidate parameters at each step and the corresponding function values are shown first. It also outputs the grid index (action) and f(x) of the best value at that time. The final estimated parameters are output to output/BayesData.txt.

In this case, BayesData.txt can be seen as the following

 #step x1 x2 fx x1_action x2_action fx_action
 0 -2.4 -0.7999999999999998 113.2192 -2.4 -0.7999999999999998 113.2192
 1 -2.4 -0.7999999999999998 113.2192 1.6000000000000005 4.600000000000001 263.12320000000045
 2 2.8000000000000007 -0.39999999999999947 28.995199999999958 2.8000000000000007 -0.39999999999999947 28.995199999999958
 3 2.8000000000000007 -0.39999999999999947 28.995199999999958 4.800000000000001 5.800000000000001 1306.739200000001
 4 2.8000000000000007 -0.39999999999999947 28.995199999999958 -1.3999999999999995 2.5999999999999996 44.16320000000003
 5 2.8000000000000007 -0.39999999999999947 28.995199999999958 2.200000000000001 -5.2 623.6672

 6 2.8000000000000007 -0.39999999999999947 28.995199999999958 -1.1999999999999993 2.200000000000001 65.45919999999997
 7 4.200000000000001 -1.7999999999999998 23.619200000000067 4.200000000000001 -1.7999999999999998 23.619200000000067
 8 4.200000000000001 -1.7999999999999998 23.619200000000067 -2.5999999999999996 -0.1999999999999993 111.10720000000002
 9 4.200000000000001 -1.7999999999999998 23.619200000000067 0.6000000000000005 0.8000000000000007 130.00319999999994
 10 4.200000000000001 -1.7999999999999998 23.619200000000067 -0.5999999999999996 -0.5999999999999996 178.7552
 38 3.200000000000001 1.8000000000000007 1.3952000000000133 3.200000000000001 -1.3999999999999995 8.051199999999973
 39 3.200000000000001 1.8000000000000007 1.3952000000000133 -3.8 -3.0 3.433599999999999
 40 3.200000000000001 1.8000000000000007 1.3952000000000133 -3.0 -2.8 27.705600000000004
 41 3.6000000000000014 -1.7999999999999998 0.051200000000003215 3.6000000000000014 -1.7999999999999998 0.051200000000003215
 42 3.6000000000000014 -1.7999999999999998 0.051200000000003215 2.0 2.5999999999999996 22.457599999999996

The first column contains the number of steps, and the second, third, and fourth columns contain x2, x2, and f(x), which give the highest score at that time. This is followed by the candidate x1, x2 and f(x) for that step. In this case, you can see that the correct solution is obtained at the 41st step.


You can see at what step the parameter gave the minimum score by looking at BayesData.txt.

$ python3 ../plot_himmel.py --xcol=1 --ycol=2 --format="-o" --output=output/res.pdf output/BayesData.txt
$ python3 ../plot_himmel.py --xcol=4 --ycol=5 --format="o" --output=output/actions.pdf output/BayesData.txt

By executing the above commands, output/actions.pdf and output/res.pdf will be created that plots the grid points evaluated during the Bayes optimization process, and the sequence of the points that yield the least scores, respectively, on top of the contour of Himmelblau function.


Fig. 4 The grid points evaluated during the Bayesian optimization (left) and the history of points that yield the least scores (right).