6. Output Files Format¶
means the rank of process (replica) (0, 1, ...
6.1. RANK/structure.XXX.vasp
The atomic coordinates for each step are saved in the POSCAR file format of VASP.
in the filename corresponds to the index of the step.
Mg8 Al16 O32
8.113600 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 8.113600 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 8.113600
Al Mg O
16 8 32
0.011208 0.995214 0.998158 Al
0.758187 0.240787 0.499981 Al
... skipped ...
0.746308 0.744706 0.233021 O
0.257199 0.255424 0.771040 O
6.2. RANK/minE.vasp
The lowest-energy structure among the samples in this replica.
6.3. RANK/obs.dat
The temperature and the total energy for each step in units of eV.
0 0.1034076 -41690.28269769395
1 0.1034076 -41692.06763035158
2 0.1034076 -41692.06763035158
3 0.1034076 -41691.98205990787
4 0.1034076 -41692.74143710456
6.4. RANK/obs_save.npy
The total energy for each step in units of eV in the Numpy binary format.
Users can load it as darray
by using numpy.load('obs_save.npy')
$ python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.load('obs_save.npy'))"
[-41692.7414371 ]]
6.5. RANK/kT_hist.npy
The temperature for each step in units of eV in the Numpy binary format.
Users can load it as darray
by using numpy.load('kT_hist.npy')
$ python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.load('kT_hist.npy'))"
[0.1034076 0.1034076 0.1034076 0.1034076 0.1034076]
6.6. RANK/Trank_hist.npy
The rank (index) of the temperature for each step in the Numpy binary format.
Users can load it as darray
by using numpy.load('Trank_hist.npy')
$ python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.load('Trank_hist.npy'))"
[1 1 1 1 1]
6.7. RANK/logweight_hist.npy
(ONLY for PAMC) The logarithm of the Neal-Jarzynski weight for each step in the Numpy binary format.
$ python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.load('logweight_hist.npy'))"
[0 0 0 0 0]
6.8. RANK/acceptance_ratio.dat
Acceptance ratio of Monte Carlo steps for each temperature. The first column is temperature and the second column is acceptance ratio (number of accepted / number of trials).
6.9. logZ.dat
The logarithm of the partition function, \(\log Z_i/Z_0\) where \(i\) is the index of temperature.
The 1st column is temperature \(T_i\).
The 2nd and 3rd columns are \(\log Z_i/Z_0\) and its error.
The 4th and 5th columms are \(\log Z_i/Z_{i-1}\) and its error.
6.10. <name>.dat
Canonical expectation value \(\langle O \rangle\) and statistical error \(\sigma[O]\) of an observable \(O\) for each temperature.
is the name of the observable which is specified by name
keyword in [[observer.solver]]
section of the input file.
The 1st column is temperature \(T_i\).
The 2nd and 3rd columns are \(\langle O \rangle\) and its error.
The 4th and 5th columns are \(\langle O^2 \rangle\) and its error.
The 6th and 7th columns are fluctuation, \(\langle O^2 \rangle - \langle O \rangle^2\) and its error.
Note that the heat capacity \(C\) is related to the fluctuation of energy as \(k_B T^2 C = \left[ \langle E^2 \rangle - \langle E \rangle^2 \right]\).