4.3. Sampling using other machine learning models¶
In abICS, in addition to the aenet, it is possible to perform sampling using other machine learning models such as NequIP, Allegro, and MLIP-3. This section explains how to train and sample using each model.
4.3.1. Sampling with NequIP¶
Installation of NequIP¶
To use nequip
, you need to install NequIP.
Install it with the following command.
$ python3 -m pip install wandb
$ python3 -m pip install nequip
Also, when installing abICS, you can install NequIP by specifying the [nequip] option.
$ cd /path/to/abics
$ python3 -m pip install '.[nequip]'
Preparation of input files¶
First, prepare input_nequip.toml and set the parameters required to run NequIP. Below, we extract [sampling.solver] and [train] with changes from the aenet input.
type = 'nequip'
base_input_dir = './baseinput_nequip'
perturb = 0.0
ignore_species = ["O"]
type = 'nequip'
base_input_dir = './nequip_train_input'
exe_command = { train = 'nequip-train' }
ignore_species = ["O"]
vac_map = []
restart = false
Also, create the NequIP input file input.yaml
in the nequip_train_input/train
root: results/spinel
run_name: run
seed: 123
dataset_seed: 456
# network
num_basis: 8
BesselBasis_trainable: true
PolynomialCutoff_p: 6
l_max: 1
r_max: 8.0
parity: true
num_layers: 3
num_features: 16
nonlinearity_type: gate
e: silu
o: tanh
e: silu
o: tanh
- SimpleIrrepsConfig
- EnergyModel
- PerSpeciesRescale
- RescaleEnergyEtc
dataset: ase
dataset_file_name: structure.xyz
- Mg
- Al
# logging
wandb: false
# verbose: debug
# training
n_train: 80%
n_val: 20%
batch_size: 5
train_val_split: random
#shuffle: true
metrics_key: validation_loss
use_ema: true
ema_decay: 0.99
ema_use_num_updates: true
max_epochs: 100
learning_rate: 0.01
# loss function
loss_coeffs: total_energy
The procedure of model learning and sampling is the same as aenet.
4.3.2. Sampling with Allegro¶
Models implemented as extensions of NequIP can be used as is by installing the extension package and setting the input file of NequIP appropriately. Allegro is one of the extension packages.
Installation of Allegro¶
Install Allegro with the following command.
$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/mir-group/allegro.git
$ cd allegro
$ python3 -m pip install .
Preparation of input files¶
First, prepare input_allegro.toml and set the parameters required to run Allegro.
Below, we extract [sampling.solver]
and [train]
with changes from the aenet input.
type = 'allegro'
base_input_dir = './baseinput_allegro'
perturb = 0.0
ignore_species = ["O"]
type = 'allegro'
base_input_dir = './allegro_train_input'
exe_command = {train = 'nequip-train'}
ignore_species = ["O"]
vac_map = []
restart = false
Also, create the Allegro input file input.yaml
in the allegro_train_input/train
root: results/spinel
run_name: run
seed: 123
dataset_seed: 456
# network
num_basis: 8
BesselBasis_trainable: true
PolynomialCutoff_p: 6
l_max: 1
r_max: 8.0
parity: o3_full
num_layers: 2
env_embed_multiplicity: 16
embed_initial_edge: true
two_body_latent_mlp_latent_dimensions: [32, 64]
two_body_latent_mlp_nonlinearity: silu
latent_mlp_latent_dimensions: [64, 64]
latent_mlp_nonlinearity: silu
latent_mlp_initialization: uniform
latent_resnet: true
env_embed_mlp_latent_dimensions: []
env_embed_mlp_nonlinearity: null
env_embed_mlp_initialization: uniform
edge_eng_mlp_latent_dimensions: [16]
edge_eng_mlp_nonlinearity: null
edge_eng_mlp_initialization: uniform
- allegro.model.Allegro
- PerSpeciesRescale
- RescaleEnergyEtc
dataset: ase
dataset_file_name: structure.xyz
- Mg
- Al
# logging
wandb: false
# verbose: debug
# training
n_train: 80%
n_val: 20%
batch_size: 5
train_val_split: random
#shuffle: true
metrics_key: validation_loss
use_ema: true
ema_decay: 0.99
ema_use_num_updates: true
max_epochs: 100
learning_rate: 0.01
# loss function
loss_coeffs: total_energy
The procedure of model learning and sampling is the same as aenet.
4.3.3. Sampling with MLIP-3¶
Installation of MLIP-3¶
To use mlip-3
, you need to install MLIP-3.
Install it with the following command.
$ git clone https://gitlab.com/ashapeev/mlip-3.git
$ cd mlip-3
$ ./configure --no-mpi
$ make mlp
Preparation of input files¶
First, prepare input_mlip3.toml
and set the parameters required to run MLIP-3.
Below, we extract [sampling.solver]
and [train]
with changes from the aenet input.
type = 'mlip_3'
path= '~/github/mlip-3/bin/mlp'
base_input_dir = './baseinput'
perturb = 0.0
run_scheme = 'subprocess'
ignore_species = ["O"]
type = 'mlip_3'
base_input_dir = './mlip_3_train_input'
exe_command = { train = '~/github/mlip-3/bin/mlp'}
ignore_species = ["O"]
vac_map = []
restart = false
In the above, the path
in [sampling.solver]
and the exe_command
in [train]
specify the path to the MLIP-3 executable file mlp
Please change them according to your environment.
Also, create the MLIP-3 input file input.almtp
in the mlip_3_train_input/train
version = 1.1.0
potential_name = MTP1m
species_count = 3
potential_tag =
radial_basis_type = RBChebyshev
min_dist = 2.3
max_dist = 5
radial_basis_size = 8
radial_funcs_count = 2
alpha_moments_count = 8
alpha_index_basic_count = 5
alpha_index_basic = {{0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 0, 0}}
alpha_index_times_count = 5
alpha_index_times = {{0, 0, 1, 5}, {1, 1, 1, 6}, {2, 2, 1, 6}, {3, 3, 1, 6}, {0, 5, 1, 7}}
alpha_scalar_moments = 5
alpha_moment_mapping = {0, 4, 5, 6, 7}
The procedure of model learning and sampling is the same as aenet.